"Very well. Now I bid you good day; I have weapons of mass ejaculation to devise."
Devise weapons of mass ejaculation.
Make Tetriseus know that I have no quarrel with him.
[5]You invent a pheremone gas that when inhaled makes one want to have sex, really bad. Or at least, it's supposed to. So far the potency is weak and has only succeeded in making one pair of test subjects make out. It's a good proof of concept though.
[AUTO]No need, he's already gone to space to sulk about losing.
((Is Superbaby grown up yet? Also, does this mean I can sacrifice all 5 bars for a +10 bonus? It'll be like a Spirit Bomb of competence.))
Superman: Grow to adulthood already.
Me: Develop Ultimate Kamehameha Wave.
[1]If I remember correctly 1 day outside the chamber is equal to one year inside. Ergo, it will take about twenty days for him to grow to adult hood. ( For lack of a better way to pace this, I'm counting real life days. Of which there has been... 2 since you entered. 18 more until he's 21 and old enough to be Superman. )
[4]KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!!!! You blast a tiny, pathetic Kamehameha. Keep trying though.
Lyeos: Look for books about possession.
"You said you wanted a book about poetry!"
Lyeos: If unsuccessful, use the computers to search for one.
[3]Librarian: "Umm... I'm afraid we don't carry those sort of books sir."
[6]After browsing through a dozen or so BS occultism sites you find one that seems rather legit in its methods and stuff. It's not all in black and red, it doesn't read like it was written by an angsty teenager, the degrees of the author are in actual fields, there's no mention of blood sacrifice, and it gives a pretty straight-forward list of the dangers of these techniques. Upon googling the author, you discover he died in 1991, which seems to suggest he's an actual ghost. However, there's one problem, his book is 89.99$ So what do you do?
Tune: Recover from things
Tune: Go back inside and do more FF7 things
[5]You crawl out from underneath the meteor...
[8]In a fit of irony, Kevak has released JENOVA, whose cells you have absorbed. HOORAY! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! AGAIN! You grow two more black wings and random extra eyeballs. ( Meaning you now have six wings, counting Senketsu's, plus like a dozen eyes. ) On the upshot, this helps you recover your wounds even more.
[7]"Welcome to Cheesistan!" * your passport is stamped and in you go! *
[6]You start spreading seeds out doubt in government officials and conquering small-scale buildings of import with sheer numbers.
[5]You brute-force attack with your Scythers, heavily wounding several dozen soldiers with heavy loses on your side as well.
Cynderbark fully recovers from exhaustion.
Cynderbark lives in hospital for rest of stay, mooching off the hospital food,beds,etc.
[2]Nope. You are mostly unconscious and being treated intravenously for dehydration.
[4]SUre. You don't really have a choice but to stay in the hospital anyway, so you might as well mooch off of the IV saline and nutrient packs while you're sleeping in the provided bed.
Build moar spaceships.
Then build even moar of them!
[8]Due to a fatal flaw in the designs that wasn't seen, they all explode. No lives are lost, but much material is wasted.
[8]Your engineers attempt to fix the flaw, but they fixed the wrong thing, resulting in a repeat result.
More stars! Start carving through galaxies!
Use matter to remake myself as an even more powerful god.
[1]Whoa there Eater of Worlds! You are moving at a rate of about 22ft/sec. which in space is abysmally slow! You just happened to be lucky on that dead star you ate. By the time that you would reach another star all life on Planet Earth would be dead.
[7]You invert the event horizon in on yourself and explode. The explosion takes the form of the COSMIC POTATO. Now not only are you like 40000x as powerful, your stomach has the same exact properties as Kirby's. (( GM's note:
Have my corporation expand into the Cheesistan television department!
[2]No! Cheesistani television stations are fiercely independent and generally hate big businesses. They may all be in competition, but they can agree on one thing: You must not be allowed to corporatize their beloved television. In their mind it's 95% of what went wrong with America and they're not gonna let it happen here. FREEDOM! FREE MEDIA! FREE EXPRESION! OTHER CATCH PHRASES WITH THE SAME GENERAL MEANING.
CaptainMcClellan: Take down Poketwo's rebellion and arrest him.
Giegue: Whisk Maria away to safety
[2]Your ineptitude in this sort of combat is more of a liability than an asset;
[1]Maria smacks you on the face with her parasol when you try to lift her.
Maria: Giegue, I am fine. I believe him and I'm not dead yet and you're being very rude to someone who is just trying to help. Apologize now.
Giegue: What? I'm not going to apologize!
Maria: * firmly * Set me down and apologize.
Giegue: Yes mom. * sets her down, uses PK Healing to allieviate Prophet's migraine and PK Lifeup to heal his wounds * I'm sorry.