Is socialism a good thing or a bad thing?
Too vague a question.
Do you care more about average living standards or raw economic growth?
Living standards. Economic growth isn't always even a beneficial condition. Obvious example: overproduction. If there are a million people and you go from producing one million $$1000 televisions every year to producing two million $2000 televisions every years, that would constitute economic growth. But what's the benefit?
Or consider employment. Imagine you have a half a million happily married couples with 2.2 children each. And imagine that your workforce is 500,000. One per household. And imagine you increase that to one million workers. You've doubled the employment, and presumably also doubled your production potential. But do you really want two worker households? Who's taking care of the kids? Or are the kids the ones working?
Economics is a field that, while useful, is sometimes liable to become counterproductive when viewed in isolation. It may be helpful to remember that "growth" is supposed to serve purpose. Growth for the sake of growth is not always beneficial. If a small child grows bigger, that's beneficial growth. If he starts sprouting tumors on the side of his head, not so much. Money economy is similar.