Open Chatroom "Game Plan?" (Knoton, ca1n [2] online. 0 friends. Time: ERR)
User "vivian" has connected at ERR:ERR.
vivian: you're the newbie? cool, now they outnumber us slightly less.
ca1n: st1ll t00 much th0ugh. mas0u can w1p3 us al0n3 & th3yv3 g0t m0r3 ppl than us
vivian: fair enough. anyways, newbie, how much do you know?
ca1n: pr0bably n0t much m0r3 than us
ca1n: als0 whatr3 w3 g0nna d0 ab0ut mas0u?
ca1n: w3'v3 n0t 3v3n f0und l1ght y3t 1f h3s st1ll al1ve
ca1n: 1f h3 1snt w3r3 d0ubly scr3w3d
Knoton: So, do random fire monsters often melt holes in your buildings?
vivian: yep. masou's a lord of fire. it's one of his class skills, and he uses it judiciously. btw, any idea what class you are? it'd be helpful for making plans to meet up.
Knoton: I'm an angry GM. Seriously, who do I need to toss into a spinning blade trap to get a working internet connection around here?
ca1n: hahah y3ah. n0 1nt3rn3t h3r3, b3sid3s chat, 0fc0urs3. s3ri0usly th0ugh whats y0ur class??
Knoton: Masou's letter said something about me being a Disciple of Wind.
ca1n: w00! d1sc1pl3! th3y can us3 th31r 3l3m3nt f0r d3f3ns3 and trav3l. n1c3 t0 hav3 ar0und
ca1n: 1m a s0rcer0r 0f wat3r mys3lf. 1 can us3 mag1c t0 pwn th1ngs 1nt0 n3xt w33k.
ca1n: w3 hav3nt f1gur3d 0ut what v1v 1s y3t.
vivian: it's something based around physical combat, i've found.
ca1n: l3ts try and g3t y0u 0ff th3 1sl3s. n0t much t0 d0 th3r3 f0r n0w. can y0u s33 a t0w3r 0n an 1sland anywh3r3?
Knoton: Yeah, but it's pretty far away.
ca1n: alr1ght, g0 th3r3 w1th what3v3r fl1ght sp3lls y0uv3 g0tt3n s0 far.
Knoton: Um...How would I perform a flight spell?
ca1n: wa1t s3r10usly? y0ur3 THAT n3w?? w0w
ca1n: 0kay th1s 1s g01ng t0 s0und 1nsan3, but th3 qu1ck3st way t0 figur3 0n3 0ut w0uld b3 t0 jump 0ff th3 1sland. y0ur 1nst1ncts w1ll tak3 0v3r & u sh0uld g3t a w3ak fl1ght sp3ll.
ca1n: g0 t0 th3 castl3 and c0ntact us wh3n u g3t th3r3.