Balanced is a Bad Idea. Trust me. I've done a shitton of character building (mainly tabletop stuff, admittedly, although I have made personal builds in KOTOR, DDO, Dragon Age Origins and Path of Exile, so there is that). Even (especially?) for a purely solo character, you're going to want to specialize. Jack of all trades, in video games, means pathetic at all of them.
For example: a character with decent ranged and melee options will lose, full stop, to a dedicated melee enemy or a dedicated range enemy, unless they can either kite the melee enemy or rapidly close with the range enemy. A range-focused character tends to be able to kill melee enemies before they can reach him, and can match range enemies at range. A melee focused character can beat melee enemies easily, and tends to be able to close rapidly with ranged enemies.
The main question is gonna be: how effective are ranged attacks? If they're Dwarf Fortress-style, making a primarily ranged character isn't gonna work, since it takes far too much investment to get decent accuracy. I have no experience with Dark Souls, unfortunately, but I assume ranged attacks are more effective there. In that case, a range character might be more effective.
This having been said, I feel that focusing primarily on vitality, endurance, strength and power is the best option. For skills, it all depends on which melee weapon we want to use (miner seems to be the one people are looking at, I guess?), dodge if it's as OP as it is in Adventure Mode, shield user, observer, and craftsman might not be a bad idea. The idea would be to start out with a fairly tanky melee build, with the option of going into magical forms of attack once we get some interactions for them. Skills-wise, we would start out with some decent defensive equipment, with the ability to upgrade it or make our own later on.
So, here is my proposed chargen breakdown:
Vitality: 14
Attunement: 10
Endurance: 10
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 5
Power: 14
Resistance: 5
Skilled Miner (5)
Skilled Dodge (5)
Skilled Shield User (5)
Skilled Observer (5)
Skilled Craftsman (5)