Hello guys, I am along time lurker, with some serious yak bull problems.
And here is the small story of my journey.
First embark was a normal one, with 6 miners and 1 broker and 2 dogs.
It was a purple embark, maybe half purple the upper part of the map was sinister the lower part was green forgot what it was.
Lost my embark to a wolverine zombie, not really to him, but it was the first thrown stone of many.
The wolverine zombie killed my yak bull or something forgot its complete name.
And yak bull was zombified(is there a word like that?), it started her killing spree.
Killed my dogs, killed all 7 dwarfs, my dwarfies diddn´t even manage to mine a big hole for storage purpose.
So I started my second embark, with sworddwarfs and all with armor.
Yak Bull was ruthless killed them all, they didn't even manage to equip the armor.
So the third embark was similar, I tried to bring a 2 sworddwarfs, 2 Axedwarfs, 2 Speardwarfs and a Crossbowdwarf.
It didn't even take 5 minutes to get them all killed, they were running away like chicken after the first died.
The fourth embark was a half military one, 3 miners and 4 axedwarfs, the miners drilled a small room for safety.
My military was defending, the yak bull was far away, didn't even look in my direction.
I then tried to combine the 2 mining shafts, the first one from the first embark and the now mined one.
After the 2 got combined the yak bull with the name Zolulu got angry and attacked my dwarfs.
It was a gruesome death with no way to escape, every dwarf lost its life and I lost my motivation after 4 embarks.
I don't know what to do to deal with Zolulu, she already got 40 kills on her name.
I didn't know that a yak bull could kill armed military.
I hope that you liked Zolulu.