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Author Topic: Let's Play Pokemon Adventures Red! Nuzlocke?  (Read 25804 times)


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Let's Play Pokemon Adventures Red! Nuzlocke?
« on: April 10, 2014, 04:38:58 pm »

Oh this screen

Well here we go again, another Pokemon LP for the board

I mean who doesn't know this intro on sight?

Wait what?!


Welcome to Let's Play Pokemon Adventures Red!

Pokemon Adventures Red (Also known as Pokemon Adventures Red:Red Story and Pokemon Adventure - Red Chapter. Both of those titles show up on the official forum page for the hack and I find it very odd) is a ROMHack for Pokemon Firered that I stumbled upon a couple days ago.
The main gimmick of it is that the hack has restructured the game to semi-follow the Pokemon Adventures/Special manga, thrown in with a bizarre inexplicable crossover with the anime, some weird Easter Eggs and mechanic modifications, and as far as I can tell a large bundle of memes and bad jokes.

Yes, this manga. The awesome one that people who frequent the General Discussion boards may have seen me raving about before. It is great and anyone who hasn't read it probably should if they have time.

Now in actuality the hack apparently isn't finished (its in version 7.9 at the moment), but according to the patch notes its already partway through the postgame and bonus content at this point, so that should provide enough material for an LP. The patch for the ROM can be found here. I'll remove it if there's something on it that violates the forum Tos.

This LP will be kinda mostly partially blind. I've played through only the contents of what would be the first two chapters of the manga when testing out the ROM, but other than my knowledge of the manga and the normal pokemon games and a couple things I've researched on the ROM I have no idea what to expect. It's for this reason that this is not going to be a Nuzlocke, along with the fact that my previous nuzlocke attempts have ended horribly, and the members of Red's team from the manga will show up in this and I don't want to risk it if the creator has made them necessary for anything.

And awaaaay we go~

Text with a * at the end denotes dialogue straight out of the ROM

"Welcome to the world of Pokemon!"*

"Where humans and Pokemon live together happily!!"*

"This world..."*

"For some people, Pokemon are pets. Others treat them as family."*

"As for myself..."*

...did I mention that the patch's creator is from- Wait he's from Australia? Well that bodes ill.

I can't decide if this is even more hilarious than Oak forgetting his grandson's name, or just sad.

Yeah, sorry guys, I would let you name him, but I need to do this for consistency since I checked and you never get a chance to name Green once you meet her. Did I mention that the ROM uses the english names of the characters?

"Right... my name is Red."*

He does not actually use this sprite.

"He's been my rival since we both met in Pallet Forest!!"*

"Er, was it Blue?"*

"That's right! I remember now! His name is Blue!"*

"I made friends and enemies in my journey. This is the 1st chapter of my story."*

"Welcome to the Pallet Town Playground! Home to absolutely no playground equipment and children interacting with wild Pokemon without any adult supervision at all!"

"You'd think they'd do something about that after that incident with the bird that the adults whisper about sometimes."

This being a Pokemon game of course walking into the tall grass is gonna be the first thing we do.

"Red, I think you should help her out with that Nidoran."*

And of course we get pushed out immediately. You may notice that the customary tall grass warning isn't there.


"Someday I'm gonna join the circus!"

"Uh... good luck with that I guess"

You can't leave from the other side either by the way. Is there anything else around here to interact with?

"I look way to generic to ever be a star."*

...let's move on then.

"You have to weaken the POKEMON be you attempt to catch it, ya know."*

"Can you help me catch it please?"*

"Sure, no problem!"*

(Oh yeah does Poliwhirl, have a nickname?)*

Like in the manga, Red is gonna be starting off with a Poliwhirl as his first Pokemon. It evolved in a flashback to save him from drowning when he was a little kid.

Canonically the fella's named Poli, but I figured I have to let you guys have SOME fun after all.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 12:08:09 pm by Furtuka »
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Re: Let's Play Pokemon Adventures Red!
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2014, 04:57:37 pm »

Hrmm... How about...

Polibo? O.o

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: Let's Play Pokemon Adventures Red!
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2014, 03:00:50 pm »

I went through some soul searching last night and realized I was structuring this LP all wrong. I came to the conclusion that it would work better that if I use the narrative style, since this is blind and I'm not that could at witty dialogue anyways.

And we're gonna keep the canon nicknames since it feels way to weird. Sorry. But you guys can nickname the normally caught pokemon though. We're gonna be catching a lot of them anyways. Update in a bit.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 03:59:44 pm by Furtuka »
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Re: Let's Play Pokemon Adventures Red!
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2014, 03:36:24 pm »

Why don't we call him....Polyester. :P


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Re: Let's Play Pokemon Adventures Red!
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2014, 07:28:54 pm »


Sorry guys, I changed my mind in my previous post.

This is a very easy battle. Poli starts off knowing Bubble, Watergun, and Hypnosis, so we put it to sleep right away.

From there we just keep spamming watergun until it goes down. In my test of the ROM I discovered that you get the same results from running away from the fight. I wouldn't be surprised if the other scripted battles in the game turn out to have that quirk too.

Being an evolved pokemon, it also gives out a crapton of EXP, immediately giving Poli his first level up.

"Thank you Red. Let me heal your Pokemon."

Dooo do doo da doo~!

After that, we're back in control of Red. However...

Is this like some sort of reverse curfew or something? An exiling of all the children to the forest to avoid having to deal with them?

Well let's go see what the chubby guy has to say now.

Oh. Well uh I'm sorry for that. Actually this doesn't ring any bells for me. Might be related to something Aethe (the guy who made the ROM) added in.

We head deeper into the forest and it immediately starts raining. Good thing Red has his hat! Then only one screens worth of steps in...

"S... Sorry.
"I'm looking for the Phantom Pokemon. Get lost!"

"That guy was holding a pokeball. He must be a trainer!
"What is a Phantom Pokemon?

"Don't think I can't see you! Step back! SLOWLY!"

We go a bit deeper into the forest and immediately come to a crossroads blocked by this guy. Heading to the other- wait.

What's that in the corner?

"Is that the Phantom Pokemon?!

Mew The Phantom Pokemon, cheerfully hops away.

Off to the side we find a Miracle Seed at the back of a puddle.

"Hey! You're not part of us!"

I don't care enough to stop you though. Have fun you crazy kid!

From here we're able to jump down the ledge and get behind the grunt that was blocking us earlier, letting us go to the north east pathway.

In the tall grass we run into a couple Pokemon, but they're no match for Poli. He manages to level up again from the small trifles of exp they drop.

Gee I wonder who that could be...

"That was the cry of the Phantom Pokemon!"

Charmander and Mew charge at eachother, and their sprites slam together a few times.


"Whatever, my turn!"

Level 1 huh? This should be easy. Go Poli!

Wait we don't have any pokeballs what does Red think he's doing.

Woohoo! So much for being legen-


Thankfully Mew seems pretty content to just randomly teleport around in front of us and make smiley faces before running off. The smug jerk.

"I knew it was way more superior than me. That is why I called back Charmander."
"I... Lost..."
"Always know what your limitations are. If you don't, you're only beating yourself. See ya."

*Insert Screenshot of Red at the Pokemon Center here*

Well we basically cutscene whited out. No money lost thankfully. The Pokecenter looks pretty much the same other than a telephone has been added next to the counter, and the upstairs section has been removed for obvious reasons.

Darnit Aethe.

Well we're finally allowed in Pallet Town. The first thing to be pointed out is that this Pallet Town is bigger.

Much bigger.

Oh hey it's Professor Oak! I wonder what's going on.

"You WILL regret this!"

Oh. Uh... we should probably give them some alone time.


"Don't worry."

Well then. Hey old lady down there to the south east! Do you have anything interesting to say?

"Years ago, this area use to be a house belonging to a happy family. One day, their daughter went missing. I saw it! She was kidnapped by a stranger Bird Pokemon. The police did not take me seriously. The family left Pallet Town in hope to find her."

Such a sad story. I'm sure that this will never become important.

Last thing to do before going into people's houses. Check all the mails!


"Poor thing... People like her shouldn't have gone through the lost of his husband and son."



Nothing else in the house can shed any info on this, other than a picture of a boy and a pikachu over on her desk.

Going into Oak's lab, it turns out to be empty save for this little lineup. Red goes up and take a look at each of the Pokemon.

They kill the father. Next!

"Oh cool! This Jigglypuff knows how to draw!"

Oh crap.

"I've heard that they attacked a boy from Pallet Town and his Pikachu."

Of course you should! Just don't inhale anything floaty looking

By the way, it's hard to show in screenshots since its tricky hitting the screenshot button on time, but in cutscenes a lot of NPC's get these little floaty emotions over their head. Quite nice.

"What are you doing! You're a theif aren't you!?"


They can't have gotten too far right?

Red finds Jigglypuff hanging out in someone's garden over by the pond.

We jump into a battle with it. I lead with hypnosis for irony's sake.

It goes down in a flash and we... such... pretty... music...

"Ahhh!! It's gone!!"

noooo bulbasaur come back

We find Spearow over in the north east corner of town.

And then we stuff it into our... backpack? Pocket? Oak didn't give us any balls!

Scouring around the town leaves nothing, so the next logical step is to check out the forest.

"Bingo! So it did come through here."

the only source of water in the forest is that puddle found the miracle seed at, and indeed the Cubone's right there.

"Found it! I can always just carry it, but I want to knock it out first!"

Ground type meets water type. Ground type cries for its mommy BUT SHES DEAD. Water type levels up.


Red runs into Bulbasaur again on his way out!

"It ran away..."

Next step is to head on the road to Viridian City.

The locals are no match for Poli however. Standard Route 1 fare. When will he finally meet a worthy opponent?!

I wonder if Aethe has added anything interesting here.

Me and my big mouth. He didn't even give us the potion!

"How did you get here so fast?"
"Hmph...! I got Running Shoes."
"... Well... I've already found 2 of the Pokemon, Spearow and Cubone. Here ya go."

"... You're not off the hook yet! You still...!"
"Yes, yes... I'll find Jigglypuff and bulbasaur...  I saw Jigglypuff headed to Viridian City so I came here to search for it.

"That way you can chase after them. Find the rest of the Pokemon, and find me."
" You're not scared I'll run away?"
"...Just find me when you're done."

Professor! Professor! Over here! It was right behind you! Professor? Where'd you go?!

Jigglypuff wants none of this nonsense, and hops off again, dreams of stardom in its eyes.

"It flew away again..."

Well... let's just head into the city. Hey small children!



One quick trip to the pokemon center and- wait what? Aethe what did you do?!

And we still can't get any darn balls!

What a silly child. What do you think this is? Digimon?!


We can actually go to route 22, but if my memory from the manga is correct Bulbasaur is actually...


"I'll take it from here. Come here, little Bulbasaur.    Oof!"

"You're nervous... You should be. After all, it's your first time in the outside world."

"Good boy!"

"We have to defeat it! Here it comes!"

That's kinda weird. Now let's see here, is it in the Pokemon screen...   ahah!

Let's see what you can do!

Evidently not much. Poli come back!

You know. I'm starting to wonder if it knows anything other than growl . It's used it 5 turns in a row already.

Bulbasaur got something good out of that at least.

Uh oh.

 :o did it pop out from between its pecs or something?

"Erggh... Huh?"

Here it comes!"

I don't think Bulbasaurs work that way Red.


"That was incredible! Bulbasaur has taken a liking to you. You can keep it."
"Really? Thanks Prof Oak."


Sorry again guys.

"Boy, do you know what it takes to be a great Pokemon Trainer in the first place?"
"You don't need power or speed. All you need is the connection between you and your Pokemon."

And hours and hours of breeding for IVs and the perfect moveset. Or you could just cheat. But I digress.

"What's your name, boy?"
"Here Red, take this Pokedex.

"Whenever you see a pokemon, its data is recorded in here. By the time you completed this POKEDEX, you might become the Champion of the Kanto Region. Anyway, good luck."

"No... No! Don't be sad... I will find a nice trainer to take care of you, okay?"

"Okay, I'll go look for a trainer."

"Must be one of my assistants."

Exactly what kind of hobbies do your assistants have Professor?!

Huh. So that's how she did it.

Anyways we're now back in control of Red.

First things first! We also grab 4 potions. Now lets go to Route 22, I think our team could use a Mankey.

Is that what I think it is?!

It iiiissss :D

Now lets head to the tall grass and-

O_o wut.

Uh hello. What are you-


So what exactly happened here? Well Aethe placed a bunch of secret shiny mons that can be found on the map. They're set to appear only at specific times of day and points in the story. On my test of the ROM I found a family of shiny Rattata hanging out on Route 1 that only appear from 4pm to 5am.

Now Poli! Use Hypnosis!

Oh crap.

Second times the charm thankfully, but it's not as helpful as I had hoped...

As it turns out we can barely put  a dent into the guys HP before he wakes up.

We send Saur out...

But he doesn't manage to do much damage either. In a stroke of desperation he uses leech seed but...

Oh crap I forgot about that.


I'll be baaaaaaaaack...

Ugh. Let's just go get that Mankey.

Someday you...




Much better. We have a Monkey Pig :D

Here you go guys, this time be free to name them as you will~
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 07:32:51 pm by Furtuka »
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Re: Let's Play Pokemon Adventures Red!
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2014, 08:47:02 pm »

Well... I suppose to hold true to the scheme of things... How about... Kiki?

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: Let's Play Pokemon Adventures Red!
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2014, 04:22:56 pm »

Playing the next update now. We're gonna be catching mons faster than it would be practical to end an update every time one is caught, so you might be wanting to claim/suggest names in advanced, or I'll have to fill in the surplus on my own.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 04:27:29 pm by Furtuka »
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Re: Let's Play Pokemon Adventures Red! Nuzlocke?
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2014, 12:18:02 pm »

Hi! I felt like starting this up again with the release of new versions of the ROM at the end of the month. but would like to ask if there would be in me continuing this as a Nuzlocke? After deliberation I realized my apprehensions could be dealt with by adding the following rule

Plot relevant Pokemon are exempt from death, but only up to three of them may be present in the party at any one time.

Any thoughts?
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 12:39:13 pm by Furtuka »
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