PARTY! Oh, and I guess Lomin can go plant a flag or something.
We couldn't agree on what to put on the plaque, so we told Lomin to just write some joke about the doctor on it.
There was plenty of science to do on the surface. It was at this moment that it hit me that we had forgotten to take the temperature on the launchpad; that was why we had brought two thermometers with us, after all! Surely, this was all somebody else's fault. I shall make sure the perpetrator of this injustice shall be brought to justice! Since, you know, it can't be me who did it.
He had a lot of fun on the Mün. Apparently you can jump really high because of the low gravity there.
Still, he can't stay there forever.
Goodbye Mün.
Because the Mün has no atmosphere and very little gravity, you can start your gravity turn almost immediately.
We don't really need a münar orbit to reach Kerbin, but why not?
The trick is to be going in the opposite direction as the Mün...
And burn prograde.
While it appears on the map that you're going away from Kerbin...
You are, in fact, increasing your speed relative to the Mün, but slowing it relative to Kerbin.
Then we just set up an aerobrake, or rather an aerocapture...
And say goodbye to the transfer stage.