(did that shit in 45 minutes, YES).
Holy shit. Prolific writer, much?
Writing quickly is easy for me. Figuring out what to actually write... That's the difficult part! (Sometimes it takes me 4-5 hours to write that much... But yesterday was a great writing day!)
And I thought I had an accomplishment by writing up to 13 pages in MS word in an hour ._.
Could I ask for tips, Sappho? That's be amazing
On fantasy world building as the first and final outline...
Yeah I edit while I type >_<
Ha, well it doesn't sound like you need any tips. 1000 words is only about a page and a half A4, so if you wrote 13 pages in an hour, that was something like 8250 words!!!
EDIT: Today's List!
>Got last-minute notification that my Czech-speaking aide for my first and second grade beginners English classes wouldn't be there today and I was completely on my own. Totally managed to run the classes well without any Czech translation whatsoever and had a good time doing it, acting like a lunatic to teach the kids important words and explain things, everyone laughing and joining in like the best game of charades ever.
>The moment when kid K in first grade finally understood what I was trying to say (that the other teacher was out because her son was sick), the look on her face, awesome victory face, so great.
>Had a paper hat dance party with first grade in the last ten minutes of class.
>Actually got an English-speaking tech support rep on the phone after nearly a year of trying.
>Had enough energy left after work to go buy some new warm-weather socks and a brand new USB keyboard.
>My new keyboard has a number pad. A NUMBER PAD!!! And now I can even write on my new computer with its shitty keyboard, which means I can use game making software that won't run on my old machine.
>Even after this exhausting day, managed to write nearly 700 words for the novel.
Holy shit. I was just feeling kind of blah, but this is one of those days where writing down everything awesome that happened makes me realize what a great day it really was...