So far we have 31 Yes, 10 Maybe and 3 No. (for multiple RL civs)
The major points for No are:
- Not procedually generated (unfortunately modders cant do that, only Toady can)
- Too many civs at a time (can be toggled in the GUI, only one active by default)
- Feature Creep (True. They would share the same basic features among all human civs)
- Too much work (I estimate one extra day to give civ-specific features, so 5-7 days of modding)
I think it would be a good idea to open a new thread in the general modding area and invite people to post ideas for different civs. I would update the first post with a list and the features that could be added for each. The thread here would continue about the "default mdf humans" the western knights, muskets and trader/guild idea, which has been discussed so far.
This would be the race thats active by default and gets the biggest attention in terms of features and balancing.