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Author Topic: Fate / Lunar Sun  (Read 25949 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • I am Sprin Dragon, Master of Madness!
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #120 on: July 14, 2014, 10:01:00 am »

Then maybe... its a poptart...
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #121 on: July 31, 2014, 05:08:54 pm »

The next update, which will be along in a couple hours, is in two parts, as it took up 10 pages in word.

I'm debating wether I want to post both at once, or space them out and let the drama linger. The second update contains at least two spoilers, and if I wrote it right, at least one "oh crap" moment.  I'm leaving it up to you guys. Highest consensus in the next hour wins.
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The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #122 on: July 31, 2014, 05:58:56 pm »

Well ok then.


------------------------------------------------------What is that by the dojo?

There's a glint of something by the archery dojo.
That's odd.
We don't use metallic bows, though some carbon fiber and plastic is becoming more common as time goes on, and the protective leather vests are....
Well, leather.
Leather not glinting so well, I'm feeling safe to guess it's not one of those.

A slight twinge in my stomach and a long day staring at mathematical figures has the thought of food briefly crossing my mind, but nobody would bring a bento to the dojo this late.

Curious, I cross the schoolyard, looking for something that might have glinted.
I'd be slightly disappointed to find out it's 100 yen or something, but I'll take whatever I can get on top of the meager allowance I have now.


My heart beats hard, and my insides turn to ice.
What is this reaction?
I've been inside this dojo a hundred times before.
But my instincts are screaming at me not to go in.

I gasp sharply as it clicks.
There's a huge magical vortex inside this building.
Not just a lump of magical energy.
A vortex.
A mammoth whirlpool of uncountable magic.

I press up against a weak wooden wall that wouldn't protect me from regular gunfire.
At least it's something.
The door is open, as I sidle up to it.
The chill running up and down my spine is sub-arctic.

Every animal instinct I have is screaming at me to run, to run and never ever look back at this place.

I peek around the corner of the door frame.
And inside, I see something I hadn't expected.

Alexandra McRemitz stands next to a massive hulk of a man.
His skin is black as charcoal, covered in ring mail of pure gold, adorned further with solid plates of yellow and blue where appropriate.
Each ring interwoven with sky-blue fabric in a way no human could ever have done.
He gleams like the sun in the dim light of the dojo, staring at the wall.
I don't know why, but somehow, the way he looks at the wall...
It reminds me not of a king, but even higher.
A emperor, or a god, gazing down upon the worms of his creation and deeming them, if not savory, a job well done.
A confident power radiates off of him just from his stance, adding to the vortex of magical energy that swirls around him like a hurricane.

Alexandra, by comparison, seems so weak and fragile a small gust of wind could blow her over.
But she's looking at the wall too, with this mad grin on her face.
“...Amazing. Could have killed the whole school in half an hour.”

The man in gold speaks, his voice like the deep rumble of a desert sinkhole.
“Hmph. Looks Greek to me. They sure have come a long way as far as magic goes.”
His eyes snap over to meet mine.
“There is a witness, Master.”

Alex's hair whips around her face as she spins to face me.
I have to run.
I can't even call for Saber.
There's not enough time.
But no matter how hard I push, I can't stop moving backward.
I'm being dragged into the dojo.
Alex has her hands extended as if holding a rope, struggling to hold me back.

I finally get the cry out.
I need Saber.

“And now he's gone and revealed himself as a Master. What terrible strategy. I suppose that's only to be expected from a peasant though. At least he tried.”

“Can you hold him, Rider?”

“I can, Master. Though I wonder what use sparing the peasant will be.”
Rider shrugs, smiling like Narcissus at the mirror.
The onyx tower is beside me in a second and wraps me in a massive bear hug.

Riders grip makes the steel wire that hold up bridges seem like flimsy strands of thread.
No matter how hard I press, there's less give there than I would find being held by a stone monolith.
I'm trapped.

Alex is looking at me really close now, a strange look in her eye.
A strand of magenta hair falls over one eye and she moves a hand to put it back behind her ear.
“What are you doing here?”

“You look tired.”
It's all I can say.
She really does. Bags and line under her eyes, the blood vessels popping out, mouth slightly open like a dog that hasn't drunk water in a day.

“I asked a question, Emiya. What are you doing here? You can't be here. You shouldn't be here. You can't be involved in this, that's not according to plan that's not what I wanted you need to survive in the New World not be killed by Rider. That's bad. I can't let you die. But now you have to. Dammit.”
Alex is rambling.

“What do you mean? Are you a Master?!”

Rider huffs directly behind my ear. His breath smells like the dried spices people use as incense.
“If it took you that long to figure out, then we will be doing you a favor by removing you painlessly. Bask in my mercy.”
One arm shifts higher, over my face.
He's going to snap my neck!

“Rider, stop!”
Alex snaps.
Her breathing is heavy, and though my view is obscured, I can imagine her slightly crazed look.

Rider returns his arm to my side.
Just one was enough to trap me in a position where I couldn't even struggle properly.
If he wanted, Rider could break me in half.
He's almost as strong as Berserker.

“Emiya, I can't... Just let you die. Not yet. Not like this. You were one of the good ones. You're nice, I'm sure you'd make it....”
She trails off into muttering before running her hand through her hair.

“We need to prepare for his Servant. Let him go Rider. He won't hurt me.”

I drop.
No, I crumple.
It wasn't until Rider let me go that I realized how much he had been crushing me.
Now that the pressure's gone I feel like I've been run over by a box truck.
I gasp and try to get air into my smashed lungs.

“As you wish Master. I shall go prepare one more offering to this Holy Grail.”
Rider steps outside, never dropping his cocky grin, and leaps atop the dojo with a crunch of shattered wood.

“....I wonder how the church will explain that to the school...”
Alex muses on nothing.

“A-Alex... What?”
I croak out some form of question.
I don't have enough air for any of the other words.

“My being a Master was guaranteed by the grace of God. I am the vessel He shall use to usher in a new world of unerring faith. All men shall pray to His glory, and his Glory alone. The Sinners must be cleansed.”
Her eyes snap down to meet mine on the floor.
“You're no Sinner. I don't want to have to kill you. But I have a mission. I have something that needs done. Murder is allowed if it is the will of God. Death is only an extension of His hand.”

I don't understand.
What are you saying?!

“I say that I will clean the world of every unbeliever, every false prophet's progeny. Every man who has Sinned must be cleansed and brought to justice, no matter how small. Those who remain will build a new world, where His glories are sung at dawn and noon and dusk of every day. Let Satan have his army, I shall be at the forefront of giving God His.”

“Don't be afraid. It is a grand world that is coming.”
She smiles.
And the ice-water that has been pouring down my back since the beginning intensifies.

“Yo-Your wish is...”

“I wish for the destruction of the glories of Man, so that the glories of God may once again roam freely.”

Civilization.... Cities of people... Kill all unbelievers...
Thousands of millions of people, billions even, killed in one swoop.
And all “sinners” on top of that.... Which could mean anything.

“You can't do that!”

“I have to. I was told by the unborn God. He said, 'Alex, I am the Lord thy God, it is my decree that by thy faith be brought about a change. That all the suffering of the world stopped by the death of those unworthy.'”
Alex grins madly.
“I can do it now! The Holy Grail is my chance! In one fell swoop I can usher in a new era of prosperity, Cleanse the world of suffering, and give rise to God in his second coming!”
She laughs.

I knew this girl!
From school!
But now, looking up at her laughing like a madwoman....
It's just.... Unexpected.

Rider chimes in, cool and collected.

“Rider? What is it?”

“There is more than one Servant headed this way. I don't wish you to be harmed as I destroy them.”



Time was a valuable resource.

But as it turns out, a telephone made such matters inconsequential.
If her Master's brother was in danger....
If Shirou's son was in Danger.
She would fight for him, like she fought for Shirou himself.
In her heart, Shirou would always be her real Master, even if she didn't begrudge serving his daughter instead.

There were more important matters now.

A flutter of brown beside her drew her eye for a second, but not out of suprise.
Archer kept easy pace with the King of Knights.
Flying along rooftops.

Arturia was headed on foot, along with her whole family.
Saber hadn't heard Kiritsugu's call.
She had been to far away, at Shirou's home, gladly eating the food she thought she had lost two decades ago.
But then Andrea had called.
She happened to have been near the school, for reasons she declined to admit.

Shingles shake and fly off as a typhoon and a dust storm fly over the roofs of houses.
Excalibur is already drawn.
There is no mercy for someone willing to hurt someone Shirou loves.
Saber would give no quarter to anyone who made Shirou worried.

Then she senses it.
It roars as it senses her.
The Black Beast, the fur coated Berserker had smelled prey, and was rushing for it.

Saber grins blackly at the thought of the fight to come.
Then another appears, this one right beside her.

She leaps to the left, over the head of Archer, who turns with her to look at the new assailant.
A black shadow, grinning as she twirls a silver dagger in one hand.

“Noticed a ruckus coming. Thought I might drop in to watch. Maybe toss a few blades at the winner.”

Saber growls, but there are more important things than Assassin's subversive designs.
She will deal with the girl when the time comes.

“Feel that?”
Archer says something.
He doesn't even seem to pay attention to Assassin, though the skull mask does little to hide the way she's eying him like a bounty hunter.

“It seems we converge.”


“A'yup. Probably means Rider and Lancer are going to show too. Must be coming from the other direction. You ready, blondie?”

“Excuse me if I use the phrase wrongly, but.”
Saber grins, as the servants converge upon an apex.
“I was born ready.”

« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 06:01:15 pm by Karnewarrior »
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #123 on: July 31, 2014, 06:00:25 pm »

Alex tries to usher me out of the dojo.

“We have to get out. This isn't a place for normal humans.”
She sounds frightened.
How many Servants are coming? Why?

“We'll be safer inside the dojo. They can't get through if Rider's there. Until Saber beats him, we'll be safe.”

Alex looks at me as if I had suggested Rider would be defeated by a paper bag.
She actually seems to be holding back laughter.
“You're pretty confident in Saber. I'm going to be sad watching you cry after she dies.”
I blink.

Is that Berserker?
How quickly does he recover?!

The side of the dojo is turned into fine powder within seconds.
Not even splinters, just sawdust.

A black bear on a black horse.
Berserker glares at us.

The other wall shatters into a pale yellow....
Rider smashes through, both feet planted firmly into the side of Berserker's face.

A scepter, or a cane, something of the sort, comes lancing down on Berserker like a beam of light.
Somehow, he raises a sword to stop it, and getting his legs over him, kicks back on Rider, sending the golden King to smash into the sand.

“We are leaving!”
Alex screams, dragging me through the door of the dojo, as if the wall were still there.

Saber is already there, grinning fiercely, Archer over her shoulder with Regulator pointed at where Rider and Berserker smash at each other with enough force to shatter solid stone.
Is that Assassin in the shadows as well?

She grins at me.

Saber points Excalibur at Alex.
“Give him to me.”
She demands.


Berserker flies in like a missile, hitting both Saber and Archer.
Rider lances out from under the dojo, which is now more of a wrecked pavilion than a building.

Berserker, to his credit, is already there, and manages to even loose a few arrows before he has to draw his strange saber out again.
They all miss by a wide margin.

The strange cane and saber meet again, as Saber rolls backward back onto her feet, transferring the momentum of the attack into a standing position.
Archer does some kind of acrobatic flip back onto his feet, before holstering Regulator and pulling out a rifle.


Suddenly a crimson burst of light arcs into his back, but at the last second spins violently, as if deflected by something.

Archer is blown off his feet again, as the Lance shimmers and vanishes.

I don't have an opportunity to get a good look at Lancer.
He's moving too fast for my eyes to do much more than track him as a blur, and dodging deadly accurate shots from Archers rifle.

Saber doesn't have time to worry about Lancer.
Berserker falters under Rider's relentless assault.
The cane lashes down from above like the fury of the sun.

Not about to lose a – at the very least nominal – ally, Excalibur dips in to deflect the blunt weapon.
But before Saber can follow up, a bolt of lightning blows everyone off their feet.

Caster clings to a tree, fingers outstretched.
“Good to be working with you again, Servant Saber!”
The eyes under his hood sparkle with excitement.
“Haven't had a battle like this in a long time! Ha ha!”

“Oh no, not you!”
Saber looks like someone meeting their old high school bully at a reunion, to find neither of them had changed at all.

“Hit the brown one!”
Assassin sounds as though she's enjoying the spectacle immensely.

“Now that's just offensive! Some of my best lovers were brown!”
Archer dips and weaves through a dizzying array of stabs by Lancer before smashing him in the forehead with the butt of his pistol.
He has just enough time to dodge the fireball flung at him by Caster.

My eyes turn to Saber, who is engaging Rider and Berserker at once.
It’s almost like watching an exceptionally complex dance by three people at once, as Saber, Berserker, and Rider all try to kill each other with varying strikes, parries, and simply trying to get one between the other.
Excalibur drives towards Rider's navel, only to be intercepted by Berserker's attack, which arcs towards her neck, is caught by Rider, who.....
Each wants the other two to fight each other, in a dizzying sort of alliance between three enemies.

Rider's smile is wide as he ducks low and sweeps wide, catching Berserker by surprise.
Berserker hits the ground hard, but even jarred manages to lash out a kick.
Saber takes the opportunity and cuts at Rider's exposed neck, only to find her sword intercepted by Rider's crook and driven instead toward Berserker.
Berserker rolls, and Excalibur slices nothing but stone, leaving Saber off balance and vulnerable to attack, but Berserker interrupts, hurling a long spear out of nowhere towards Rider's back.
The stalemate continues.

I'm grabbed roughly by my shirt.
“Stop staring and run!”
Alex pushes me towards the exit of the courtyard.

Suddenly she's forced to dodge a bolt of lightning.
“I'm afraid this is where you end, McRemitz.”

Then the ground explodes all around me.
A pair of stockings race past me with the flash of a gem.

“Shut the hell up and run! Explodieren ihre Unterwasche!”
Several explosions issue from both Alex and Haruhi.

I feel someone strong picking me up.
“Kiritsugu, how did you start this mess?”
Father asks, hurtling towards the gate to the school.


The sounds behind us grow thunderous as everyone uses their noble phantasm, the silence broken by Archer.
And then.

Everything gets very, very quiet.


There's a sound like the drain being pulled from the bottom of a lake-sized bathtub.

And that's when the Servants, the Masters, even Mother, all begin to scream.
I hear Andrea cry out from behind the dojo.
Maybe she was trying to sneak around.

Even Father stumbles, and it's not hard to see why.
I feel it myself.
It's like all the magic is getting drained out of the world through a black hole.
It's like a singularity in the schoolyard, ripping reality apart.

My eyes are drawn to Rider.
His grin has finally faded, replaced by a deathly glare.
A small drop of blood rolls down his cheek.
In one hand he's raising a orb of sand.
The sand pours through his fingers, but the orb doesn't grow smaller.

Lancer is crying openly as he claws the ground, dragged along by some unseen force.
Saber is curled in a ball, rolling on the ground.
Archer is not much better off.
Both of them are sobbing.

My head throbs.
I feel like my very soul is being ripped out of my body with this thing.
Lancer is leaving furrows in the dirt as he tries not to fall towards Rider.
But no matter how much he struggles, he still slides towards the King in Gold.

“Peasants. Well fought peasants, I'll give you that. But you need to learn how to lose. I suppose few of you know who I am, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt today.”
Lancer is begging to no one as he comes within a few meters of Rider.
“You need to be quiet. Ruin.”

Lancer's scream is distorted as his whole body stretches horrifically, until the top of his head and the bottom of his feet meet each other on the surface of the orb, two meters from the rest of his body.
Stretched like a preztel, I can't even begin to imagine the pain Lancer is experiencing.
It seems to be cut mercifully short when the rest of his form is drawn in, and the sobs and cries for forgiveness are cut short.

Caster drops out of the tree, clutching at himself.
Assassin is already on the ground.
They aren't crying, but I guess that's because they're farther away.

Berserker struggles to stand, but each time falls over, growing closer to the orb with each attempt.
His arm is half buried in the ground just to keep him in the same spot.

Saber's armor seems to be saving her, digging into the ground with each plate. But it's fading, leaving behind nothing but a simple blue dress.
The silver plates seems to flicker and twist, drawn into the orb of sand. Drawn into Ruin.

“This is but one of my Noble Phantasms. Ruin, the Despair of the Mighty. For I am the King of Kings, the Pharoah before Pharoahs. I am Ramssess II, Ozymandias, King of Kings.”
He raises the orb higher, and the pounding in my head grows stronger.
“Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.”

Ozymandias crushes Ruin with one charcoal hand.
And all the magic it had absorbed is forced back out with feeling.
A wave of warped reality smashes through Berserker, through Saber, through Archer and Assassin, smashing into Father and I like a roiling cloud.
We hit the wall surrounding the courtyard as if thrown by a giant.
Father takes the brunt of the impact, and even though he's tougher than most men, I'm concerned when the stone cracks under the force.

I find myself in a heap near the gate, with Father, Mother, and Haruhi.

Rider, confident that none of the other Servants would stop thrashing in time to stop him, merely walks over to Alex, and holds her over his shoulder like a bag of rice.

And then something bright yellow flashes, and he's gone.

There's a moment of silence.

The most frightening thing being Saber's soft crying.

It's that night.

After that battle, everyone was content to go their separate ways.
Even Berserker had lost too much energy, and decided to run instead of continuing the fight.
Archer and Andrea were able to walk back, but Saber wasn't so lucky.
Arturia had been tasked with keeping the noise inside the schoolyard, so she was furthest away.
She was also the only one able to cast any kind of magic.

We're sitting around the table now, everyone shaken by tonight’s events.
Archer looks so weak I begin to think I could beat him in a fight.
Andrea, for her part, seems almost dead, staring blankly ahead unless addressed directly.
Mother looks a little better, but not much, and Father keeps flexing his hands and wincing.
Aunt Ilya is resting. Even though she was furthest off when Ruin activated, her status as a homunculus – and an old homunculus at that – made her particularly vulnerable.
She's actually on IV while everyone else is eating.

Myself, I feel as though something awful tried to rip my arms off, but I'm not entirely drained.
I manage to make a some plain rice and bland tea for everyone without making a horrible mistake.
Everyone is silent, waiting for someone to say the first thing.

1) Ask how Saber is doing
2) Talk about Alex
3) Talk about Ruin
4) Don't say anything
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 06:15:33 pm by Karnewarrior »
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I am Sprin Dragon, Master of Madness!
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #124 on: July 31, 2014, 06:43:06 pm »

Talk about Ruin specifically how that orb worked maybe theres a weakness to it or something...
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #125 on: July 31, 2014, 09:22:59 pm »

5) Attempt to start an online poetry meaning awareness campaign discussing how the moral of that poem was that even Ozymandius was destroyed by time.
Time to turn that whole "given power by their reputation" thing to good use >.>

More seriously, 2. Given Alex's stated goals, this is probably another FZCaster level threat.
15:35   HugoLuman reads Harb his secret spaghetti recipe


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #126 on: July 31, 2014, 09:29:11 pm »

I don't think we have time for that, Kyuubey
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #127 on: July 31, 2014, 09:47:35 pm »

Are you implying I'm trying to keep us distracted with useless things while a deluded girl tries to fulfil the objectives of her mother's murderer?
Because I'm sure I have no idea what you could be talking about, and I certainly don't have a history of exploiting trusting naive fools and leading them to their horrible stabby doom.
15:35   HugoLuman reads Harb his secret spaghetti recipe


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #128 on: August 01, 2014, 01:49:53 pm »

Eh, 2, is more we could talk about I guess but 2.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I am Sprin Dragon, Master of Madness!
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #129 on: August 02, 2014, 07:50:53 am »

o yah alex is the hot chick... Talk with her.
ALSO we gata keep online poetry campaign in mind. You never know when it would come in handy.
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I am Sprin Dragon, Master of Madness!
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #130 on: August 02, 2014, 07:53:46 am »

Are you implying I'm trying to keep us distracted with useless things while a deluded girl tries to fulfil the objectives of her mother's murderer?
Because I'm sure I have no idea what you could be talking about, and I certainly don't have a history of exploiting trusting naive fools and leading them to their horrible stabby doom.

No one acused you of that... have something to share?
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Das sind mir unbekannte Blumen.
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #131 on: August 02, 2014, 08:57:37 am »

Well, that was great. So much at once, I'm mildly disoriented. Caster is Merlin and Lancer is Longinus, right?

Having difficulty choosing, lol. Ruin seems interesting, but we can sort of guess how it works. Saber's feelings are important, but are they worth discussing now? Alex seems the best choice, since she seems pretty dangerous right now. I'm still curious about the greek thing in the dojo.

So, 2.
Something I find interesting and thought I should share: DF from scratch:


  • Bay Watcher
  • I am Sprin Dragon, Master of Madness!
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #132 on: August 04, 2014, 01:37:31 pm »

Engage mission sleep with Alex GO!

Also poetry campagin if we have time >_>
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 01:41:39 pm by Sprin »
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #133 on: August 14, 2014, 06:06:07 pm »

--------------------------------------------------------Talk about Alex

Rider's Master.....
I'm surprised that it was the same person I had known in school.
How long had she been planning this?
How long had she known that Monster of a Servant?

“She tried to kidnap me.”
I break the silence without thinking.
It's true though, and everyone looks up.

“I guess she did.”
Father nods, a tired look on his face.

Andrea looks angered, though still exhausted.

Archer sighs.
“From what I saw getting there, you two were talking for a while. What about?”

That's right.
She said she had a plan.

“A plan? What sort of plan?”
Mother has her glasses off, her blue eyes like piercing crystals.

“Something about how God had told her to fight for the grail so she could purge the non-belivers. She wanted to make a new world.”

“Light Yagami-wannabe.”
Arturia mutters.

“What a lame plan. She has all the power in the world and uses it to kill people? What a waste!”
Mother, I think you're missing the point.
“I mean, a good enough amount of magic and some uranium and I could purge all the non-believers too!”
Yes, definitely missing the point.
And most of your tact.
You're tired, Mother, go to bed.

Andrea sniffs a little and takes a sip of her tea.

Half the people in the house turn to look at her, until Mother waves a hand.
“No, no, it's Rin. Just call me Rin, it'll stop a lot of the confusion.”

“Right. Rin, what would you wish for, if you had the grail?”
She sounds legitimately curious.
I kind of am too, though considering the kind of magus Mother is, it's probably the predicable route.

Strangely, Mother leans a little to look at the couch.
Following her eyes shows nothing but a mat of blonde hair caked to Saber's forehead.
Her eyes are a bit open, and she's watching intently.

Mother blushes and adjusts her seat.
Staring into her tea, she answers quietly.
“I'd wish for Shirou-”

“She's a magus. She wants to get to the Root.”
Father interrupts, smiling at Mother, who just looks exasperated.

“You're behind.”

“A Tohsaka magus not looking for the Root? Unthinkable.”
Father's grin stays a constant, while Mother's exasperation wears into a small grin herself.

She mumbles something about being an Emiya before sipping her tea.

On the couch, Saber silently rolls over.

“If I get it, I'm wishing for true immortality.”
Andrea nods, as if affirming her own wish.

“Guess there's been worse. Like 'purge everyone who doesn't agree with me' or 'I want the Holy Grail.'”
Mother sighs and drains her tea.
“Some more, Kiri, if you don't mind.”

I nod and take her cup.
The conversation continues behind me while I pour out some more tea.

“Who would wish the Holy Grail for the Holy Grail?”
Andrea says.

“The Einzberns. They've completely lost track of reality. As a family too.”
Mother's reply is cutting.

“Ilya's different, but then, she's also my adopted sister, so I guess that means she's more Emiya than Einzbern.”

“Is that so?”
Andrea is nodding softly to herself as I return.
“I was wondering what her relation to you-”

“We have a problem.”
Arturia's voice is cracked.

Looking over, I see her drawing something long and grey towards her off the floor.
Saber's simply vanished into the couch, a miserable cocoon of cotton-shelled pain.

“Is Saber alright?”
Father responds almost immediately, making to stand.

“Saber's fine. It's this.”
Arturia's gotten a hold on the object now, a long grey.....

“Is that Excalibur?!”
Mother's expression is a mixture of horror and shock.

Arturia nods, jaw set, before tossing it onto the table.
It clatters down among the china, a regular, if thick, iron Bastard Sword.

The blade, previously a shining gold, is a dull, almost matte grey.
There are pocks and divots all throughout the metal surface, as if it had been tossed into an acid.

“That's bad.”
Archer doesn't look much healthier, but he's more awake than before.

“M-Maybe it's because she's unconsious.....”
I grasp at straws.

“I am awake.”
There's no emotion in Saber's response.
Only a hollow shell of a woman.

Arturia stares at the ground, tears forming in her eyes.

“Hey, hey, Saber, it'll be fin-”

“Shirou, please. Stay away from me right now.”
This time she's less hollow, but......
I have some difficulty placing the emotion in Saber's voice there.
Is she angry at Father?

There's a renewed silence, before......

“Shirou. For my sake, if not for yours.”

Father pauses, his hand half outstretched, before it falls back to his side, and he makes his return to the table.
After a few seconds, he doesn't even bother holding his head up, instead just burying his face in the crook of his arm.
I'm again struck, wondering what sort of relationship the two had during the last Grail War.

Andrea takes a deep breath.
“I'm.... Not sure if Saber can fight without her Noble Phantasm. It might be safer just to head to the church now.”

There's a rustle on the couch, and then an almost impossibly soft sigh.

“That's..... Probably smart, Kiri. I think you should go. You and Arturia, until this all blows over.”
Mother says.
It's extremely depressing that she won't look me in the eye.

I can't leave yet, can I?
But without a Servant.....
There's no other option.

1) Go to the church alone with Arturia and Saber

2) Go to the church with Andrea and Archer

3) Go to Haruhi's home instead.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 09:43:08 pm by Karnewarrior »
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #134 on: August 14, 2014, 06:31:19 pm »

None of the above!
Gather your forces and zergrush rider with whatever we can scrape together!!

or yah know... option 2 and we could get sex...
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.
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