Could we get a timeframe to expect the updates, Tiruin?
Timeframe? ~12 hours from now.
Funny thing. When I was about to finish up the Save to pass on ahead of time (because mainly of writing woes), a brownout struck JUST as I was saving!
Stoopid storm :I
So hello corrupt files, and me going off to replicate all the last winter's stuffs. ;_;
Sneak Peek? 4maskwolf, the maker of an artifact...has no Legendary Skills.
At all. He's just Dabbling in everything.
I broke down the wooden road because...hey, wood. With lacking bituminous coal, I had to improvise on charcoal.
Also, bins and rock pots, guys. The former for more items to a stockpile (and I made a centralized warehouse) and the latter for barrel woes.
NEXT: I've fixed up our bed problems - centralized beddings with centralized workshops. I put them all in one place due to a mass hysteria feature. Down at the river bottom, are the fisherdwarves' workshops and as such, at the top are the related workshops (with their own nifty stockpiles of resources nearby next to them)
Next, I specialized the z-levels and work areas. We have a centralized farming zone with seeds and such.
Drink-stockpiles are specialized in that they only accept drinks. Given how drinking is...not dependent on rather anything, I put them
everywhere (and in the main dining room). I've been pondering if I should make every dwarf a militia-carrying-wineskin but then we lack...leather. And no way am I going to use our precious metal for that deed.
Also, specialization. Some are haulers. Some are miners. We've WAY too many masons so I cut them down a notch. We have a working hammerdwarf military, backed by some pikemen and swordsmen. Marksdwarves are working out fairly peachy after I made bone bolts, and we've a fancy overland fort!
And I had to move all the coffins downstairs because the 0's were annoying my eyes. Sorry venerated dead!
Last thing? Wubbawubs is tired of being sole governorchiefmayorbookkeeper so I introduced him to a less stressful art: BROKERING!
He got tired of books so I gave it to the best person to fulfill that job.
I'm not spoiling who, but she's got the job
perfectly, at 100% efficiency (fun fact: Didja know you can adjust a bookkeeper's setting on records so there won't be anymore of that craaaazy
102301? number silliness?)