It isn't torn? Thats funny. I discussed this topic with my fellow ukrainian friends. And I clearly see they ARE thorn and divided. What are you smoking? It's undeniable that there are ukrainians not sharing maidan values. Oh wait, my friends not in ukraine. They are traitors by your standards then?
Ukrainian society is somewhat torn right from 1991. What I am saying - it is less torn than it was before Russian actions.
As for traitors... I am not a Russian to call people traitors for their political views or place of residency . They may live anywhere and believe in anything including that Maydan was a bad thing or that Putin is the greatest ruler ever or that Ukrainian nation doesn't exist at all.
Unconstitutional actions against territorial integrity is a treason. It is a crime. And those who act like that should go to the jail. Not expect that anyone will treat them like political opposition
You tell me it's not torn, then it's somewhat torn... I am lost here. Infact I had not very pleasant conversations with 3 of my co-or-past-coworkers. And they was divided exactly 3-way. One said "I don't care", another was pro-Ukraine and he voicing it in vkontakte. And last one was, surprisingly, pro-Russian and voicing it as well. How should I react on any of your words, if you such a dead serious you are right?
People have opinions. I am liberal democrat, I am pro choice and anti Putin in general(I am not that sure anymore about 'anti'), but I know for sure that our sysadmin on my current job is a communist. I saw his vkontakte page. It's crazy, I mean he is abit overboard with that shit. Do we have any problems? Nah, nobody talks politics at work. Literally. My most closest friend is what I call 'христанутый на всю голову', devote orthodox christian. I am devout atheist. We are still closest friends.
You, hating Russia, voicing every ukrainian opinion as a set in stone YOUR opinion is just abnormal, crazy anomaly in my eyes. But thats okay. It's a plurality after all.