All emmisions are lifecycle greenhouse-gas emissions
Solar PVCarbon greenhouse-gas emissions : 46 g/ CoČ kWh
Environmental damage : Significant. Rare earths used in construction have ravaged entire areas of China.
Death/Twh ratio: 0.44
Pollutant emission: Non existant during operation. Significant during production
Capital cost: 3000-5500$ per KW
Capacity factor: 15-20%
Levelized costs: 280$ / Mwh (590-150) ((Always the median))
Windpower (onshore)Carbon greenhouse-gas emissions : 12 g/ CoČ kWh
Environmental damage : Can disturb biotopes. Some rare Earth required.
Death/Twh ratio: 0.15
Pollutant emission: Non existant during operation.
Capital cost: 1750-2750$ per KW
Capacity factor: 20-40%
Levelized costs: 60$ / Mwh (120-20)
Nuclear (Second generation)Carbon greenhouse-gas emissions : 16 g/ CoČ kWh
Environmental damage : High power density lessens impact. Chance of accident neglible. Results of accidents can have long lasting damage, but are often overstated.
Death/Twh ratio: 0.04
Pollutant emission: Non existant during normal operation. Some nuclear waste
Capital cost: 5800-7800$ per KW (Note: This is for Third Generation High tech European reactors. Second generation Russian is about 1200 per KW. )
Capacity factor: 60-100% (Average for US and most other nations: 95%)
Levelized costs: 60$ / Mwh (120-40)
Hydro(reservoir)*Carbon greenhouse-gas emissions : 4 g/ CoČ kWh
Environmental damage : Entire biospheres flooded
Death/Twh ratio:- 0.1 (European average)
- 1.4 (Including
Banqiao Dam)
Pollutant emission: Non existant.
Capital cost: 1000-4000$ per KW
Capacity factor: 25-60%
Levelized costs: 20$ / Mwh (120-20)
*Assumes a decently constructed dam with a 100 year + lifetime, and not one that becomes useless after 15 years, as unfortunately is happening a lot in many ill engineered projects in Africa.