10th Slate, 113. Hail the MeadLord, King of the Underhalls of Iton Rivol. A final, tearsoaked and half ripped page has been found and pieced together, reading as the last journal entry of Mekhelb Khetyeyalhewaha, Former Overlord of RegalDoom, and tells of the end of the shortlived threat to our Kingdom. All personal effects and sorcerous Artefacts and Artifices have been collected and turned to the furnaces as ordered Sire. The Brewery has been given orders for free rounds for the 3rd legion as compensation to the poor dwarves who had to face that mess. The captain reports that the Undead boiled out of the Tower, after several months of seige and taking potshots at the walls, and it was only disciplined crossbow fire, room to room fighting and their trusty rose gold armour that saw them through. All Warlocks and walking corpses named in the logs have been accounted for amongst the dead and burnt. Praise Armok, May he never Tire of our Trials.
26th Obsidian. The Final Year of RegalDoom, and its broken Master. 112.
I have seen death. The genocidal campaigns of my old master, torture of flesh being peeled from bones, tendons ripped and ligaments torn, magic that wastes flesh away while keeping the subject concious, and have employed most of these methods for power, pleasure, personal adornment and general amusement.
I, the formerly pretentious Mekhelb have never lost any sleep, nor given a thought to the fate of any of these pathetic wretches, beyond fond imaginings of more pain and death to fill my days. However, I have not slept in almost three weeks. My nails go unkept, and my face has sprouted hair like a weed, watered by my tears, and the rich fertilizer of my underlings words to me. I now cut a figure in my now unwashed and grey robes of some hedge wizard, who could cavort with myriad dirty dwarves, or gnomes, and never seem out of place.
His fingernails will grow long and splinter without regular attention, and if no skeleton to shave him every morning, he will lose all respectability, growing such a silly beard... like a dwarf, or that wannabe Gandalf charakter.
The ghost of the Ghoul who attacked me, did no lasting physical or mental harm, beyond delivering knowledge. I go soon, to fix what must be fixed, and to set aright the great wrong done to me. The Ghost, in it's cruelty left an awareness inside me, of doings within my own Tower between my unfaithful Steward, and the darkness that guides my dreaming hours, Jreb, the Beautiful Lie. They are together, sworn as Man and Wife, not Warlock to Witch, denying me even the respect due my station, by withholding this apparently trivial piece of heartrending information.
I shall raise all the mindless undead within range, Ordering them to kill every living thing that walks, crawls or flies. I shall be expending even my own powerful soul if need be, to destroy the trivial dwarfish threat, and my ever faithfully bacKStaBBING HORRIBLE BILE WORHTY TRAITOUROUS LYING CUCKOO BIRDS IN MY MIDST! May The Dark Enter Your Soul, you snivelling traitorous worms. So Sayeth I in the Name of RegalDoom, in the Way of the Warlock Covenant.
And if anyone is Interested, this was Mekhelb of RegalDoom: