Joke is, the king of Lumumba is probably a black guy, so the inside of his ear is an extra dark environment. As a citizen of Isanda, you have never given Lumumba much thought. It's an Islander kingdom somewhere easterly, a protectorate of Gish or Afaria or some other Continent state. If you strain, you can probably remember what they export, but you doubt it's really important.
Isanda, your homeland, is a powerful Continent nation with an ancient history. It is a member of the Assembly of the States and a colonial empire of no small scale, second only to Irevia. The year is 3751 since the Battle of the Plain in international reckoning, or the 11th year of the reign of Legate Kristor by the Isandan calendar. You are not sure about the date, but it's mid-Autumn.
You set off feeling around the house in the dark. Miraculously, you don't even bump into anything. The house seems to consist of two rooms: a smaller one, which contains the door, and a large one after it. There is some sort of huge brick oven in the center of the large room, and two beds on different sides of it. The beds are uncovered. In the corner of the room, you find a small stack of firewood covered with sackcloth. There is also a table with a heap of musty papers on it, which go cascading down onto the floor as your hands slide over them. There is a candlestick on the table, but no candles. Strange. There is also a switch near the doorjamb, for light, you suppose, but it doesn't work.
Wet work clothing (worn)
Lighter (almost full)
Isandan passport
Isandan military registry ticket (lieutenant of reserve)