Oh, thanks. But i am somewhat itchy towards anything google so i will have to thik about that. It is good to know i was in no danger of ruining everything.
Edit: Eff it, i will just use chrom as single purpose software.
What came to mind while plaing with the editor:
Someway or other, while editing, i get in a state where almost all buttons become unresposive and i have to reload the page and loose all unsaved progres to get out of it.
Ok, figured that one out. Appearantly when i want to "set gate" and then "clear" something gets messed up and when you reselect the gate all the options after the text "Go to specific location" disapear. You can continue editing but the world can't be saved anymore and once you leave the room dialog (so that you can see your world ID) everything is locked up and you can only reload. But as long as you are in that room dialog you can deleate the broken gate and then all works fine again.
Draging the rooms aroun by left mous heavily interfers with fast tille placement. I would suggest moving the drag function to middle mouse couse i am used to it from other editors.
I like the way you can make tillemaps invisible or opaque to see in which layer warios stuff is.
There was once talk about rotatings and flipping tilles as to remove redundancy from tillesets. Will that be a thing?
The water is more of a shallow pit unles we get (have?) a way to submerge the feet.
Mouseover text for various buttons chekmarks and options would be mighty helpfull. All these options for tilles have me confused. Is there one which acts as a pit in the original? I know it is in this thread somewhere, but lazy people won't want to look it up.
I probably gonna have to turn some tiles into objects because with the free movement thier 32x32 hitboxes just do not make sense.
Just noticed that there is a small offset between tillemaps in the same layer. Is that also intentional?
A biger "X" close button or key function which moves us one level up in the menu hirearchy to allow for faster layer switching?
Open the function editor out of the way or make it movable so i can check for coordinates on screan.
Ok, so this time i made na object and added an event to it, but when i try to test it the editor menu disapears, the screen stays focused where it was and the player does not apear. I tryed deleting the object and reseting the gate but nothig helps and to top it of i can't acces the world from the main screeen the same way i can't acces the spider cave.
All in all i am probably gonna mostly stick to making tille maps and static worlds for now.
fast edit: WTHeck. How do my posts keep getting this long? This is ridiculous.