Fair enough. I’ll work on that. Mushghasts using a more lob style would fit well (hmm... that gives me an idea), and Pyreskull could get a better tell. They currently are on a normal cooldown, but fire 2-5 projectiles per set. They aren’t too bad to dodge when you get used to it, but I suppose it isn’t obvious how they work if you didn’t make them. The spiders also need some tells. Painfully badly. Shadow Mage might get redone to be less annoying. Thanks for the advice.
The golems didn’t seem to tricky to me, but I made them, so I suppose I know the tricks to beating them.
Ugh, I thought I had fixed everything after I changed my tileset IDs so I could keep stuff straight. Bleh.
Edit: Mushghasts are being kind of redesigned, since I don't think anyone is using them right now anyways. They will shoot a mushroom to the target's position that does no damage, but explodes into a cloud of spores that DOES deal damage after a second. The cloud of spores does .6 damage on contact, and since that hits 40ish times a second, that will BURN if you stand in it. But, because of how it is forecasted, it is quite easy to dodge. They are more dangerous if you pair them in groups with other enemies.
But, I am having an issue. I can't figure out how to set the target for the projectile to the target of the original attack (I think I have done it before even, but I just can't remember how. Ugh) so that it works with the formula. I think this would probably even be pretty easy if I could REMEMBER it, but I am having no luck, so I could use assistance.
Thank you. I hope these Mushghasts, as a kind of bulkier support offensive (I'll probably give them a basic tackle/rush style attack with low damage, because otherwise, they are near harmless on their own) work out better, since you are no longer guaranteed to take damage fighting them, no matter how careful you are (what was I thinking, even? I am totally mystified).