Ohhh. Oops. Thanks, I didn't know the tile coordinates thing. I feel kind of silly for missing that. I'm want the Shadow Mage to teleport a longer distance from the player, like 15 tiles, so I'll do that (although teleporting out of the room is an issue... Maybe I can just insert some if loops inside the if loop so that the random values are within the room. That should be doable). Shadow Mage probably isn't for use within this room, but a 8ish distance one might show up in here. I think I'll use the finished version of the 15 tile version of the Shadow Mage in a miniboss room. I think I'll do the dungeon as start, long room, miniboss room, long room, boss, and then add more as needed to make it a little longer. I think that after the miniboss, you'll get a checkpoint, so you don't have to do it perfectly in one run.
I would like to give the player 5 bonus tokens (a pretty large sum of sparks) for not using the checkpoint, but I don't think that's currently possible, so I guess that has to wait? Wait, no, I should be able to make it warp you to a continue room. That should work. Side note: Could there be variables that were set when a player died in a room? This could help the on death gate system. Might be interesting for puzzles or some other events too. Not anything really important, and it might be possible already, I don't know, it would just be useful for me and likely others.
Edit: The miniboss Shadow Mage teleport seems to work usually. It warped into blocks the first two times, but then it worked the next 6ish, so... It seems to work now hopefully? Edit: After I accidentally crashed it (loops) and had to redo some stuff, it seems to work better now. Okay then? My If statement to block it from warping off the map works, although it will have to be changed for each room it is in... Because of that, Shadow Mages will not be going into the Kamani Monsters package, since it is a pain to edit things in packages. Unless there is a way to check room size, at least.