Since people have started to build worlds, I have started to implement the gate network coherence system!
There are two major aspects of the system to this that have been implemented. First off, backtracking gates are now a thing. You know the "allow backtrack" and "allow exit" checkboxes that never really did anything? Now, if you exit through a Gate that has "allow backtrack" ticked, and travel to a Gate that has "allow exit" checked, when you pass back through the Gate you will return to the place you had left. Backtracking data is reset whenever you exit a world using the "Q" button, more options for this will be created later.
Second, gate tags now work. If you specify a tag describing your location and a tag describing the location of your destination, and you don't specify a specific Gate to travel to, the game will attempt to find an appropriate target.
For example, if I make the outside of an ancient temple in my world, and create a Gate in it that has "ancient" and "temple" as its destination tag list, the game will try to find an existing public Gate with the "ancient" and "temple" tags and place it there. And if backtracking is active in both worlds, it will remain there until the backtracking list is reset. Gate types will be used to specify appropriate gates better later (i.e. a "walking north" Gate will try to link with a "walking south" Gate) but that's not implemented yet.
If an appropriate Gate cannot be found, or if "allow exit" is checked but no tags are specified, a random target Gate will be selected instead.
Note that backtracking overrides a Gate's regular destination (i.e. the destination of a Gate is its default target). If you want to make sure a public Gate will always lead to a particular location, uncheck the "allow exit" box. (A bit of a misnomer, since you can exit through any gate that has a destination specified).