ive been lurking on this forum for years and ive always come here when i was in search for a new game to play. recently i fell in love for the concept of full loot pvp. the idea is that whatever player you kill - you get to take his stuff.
while i understand this concept isnt very popular, ive ran out of games that utilize it. once you start to like it, other games that dont use this concept seem dry and blank. i made this thread as a call to help: please list any ONLINE game, of ANY genre, that enables players to kill other players and loot all of their items, OR boasts in severe penalty for people who get killed.
ive searched EVERYWHERE, tried EVERYTHING, but i know theres still more out there. i dont care about graphics, genre or age. i prefer the game to be of an rpg style, non consensual pvp and open world. heres a list of all the full loot games i tried, but stopped for one reason or another:
project ascension - a free WoW shard that has a full loot realm and a classless char design. it makes me wonder why blizzard doesnt make a realm like this, because it is surprisingly good and fits into the game.
wurm online - the games pace is too slow, overall gameplay isnt appealing.
ultima online - played it for a while but stopped, looking for something new that works exactly like this one.
mortal online - it was fun at the beginning, but the appeal didnt last. pretty unpolished.
darkfall unholy wars/rise of agon/new dawn - its promising but it has some population problems.
shadowbane - dead
asherons call - got bored of it now. game got too old as it is.
diablo 2 (hardcore) - not too many players played hardcore.
path of exile (hardcore) - while its possible, not many players choose to follow this path.
dayz - another great utilization of the concept. very fun. looking for games similar to this one. buggy and not quite fun after a while.
the warz - i guess its more or less the same as dayz?
planetside - not quite full loot as you dont actually "lose" anything, but i guess it counts.
fallout2238/fonline2/fonline:reloaded - perfect full loot game. still playing it. looking for games similar to this one, just with balanced combat that makes sense. the pvp in this game is quite atrocious.
earthrise - still in alpha after like 7 years, no thanks.
face of mankind - dying game with almost no players.
salem/haven and hearth - game just seems to be too plain and boring.
the repopulation - not open yet.
minecraft - would call this a good game, but the metric tonne of hackers ruin it completely.
total influence - too small and is suited for russian players instead of international ones.
rust - joke of a game.
age of conan - the game isnt sandboxy enough, everything is instanced.
albion online - havent played it, but heard mixed reviews.
eve online - not the kind of full loot im looking for, although a fun game.
shores of hazeron - while this game isnt really full loot, the fact that you can destroy and plunder ships and cities that belong to other players make this similar to what im looking for. currently waiting for the game to have more updates.
spacestation 13 - there are VERY FEW servers who have decent rulesets/admins. most servers ban you for saying poopey.
the chipped dagger - dead
nether - i dont meet the 64 bit system requirement to launch the game.
elderlands - still in closed alpha.
xyson - game is pretty empty and theres not a lot to do.
life is feudal - it hits the nail on the head. unfortunately a lot of the game mechanics, mainly combat, look sub par.
gloria victis - same problems as in LiF.
hellmoo/armageddon mud/infernoMOO - these could work, but i really dont like muds.
dark age of camelot - more or less the same as asherons call. bland and old actually, i gave this a try and found it to be pretty okay, there is no full loot in this game but you can get players' gold and stuff i guess.
hailan rising - buggy beta and no open pvp.
dawntide - im pretty sure this is dead.
tibia - i personally dont find it appealing.
neocron 2 - some looting, game is dying though.
7 days to die - minecraft + dayz.
please dont start arguments featuring fullloot vs normal loot, i understand not a lot of people like this genre of pvp, but for people like me we cant play without it. thanks to anyone who comes up with something.