Too soon to bump this amazing game?
Considering my "normal" update-speed, no, not really to soon or anything. Thing is, I had a stroke of creativity last weekend. Normally a good idea leaves me with "Yeah.. that would be nice to do..", but this one pretty much left me with "I have to do this!". So~ now I'm 30+ creatures, 5 or so tilesets and a good amount of decoration objects into this idea. It actually is in the finishing phase - which means I need to word mechanics and options clearly, re-evaluate some of these options, smaller drawing jobs and what-not. If it were not for a party night with my friends, it might even get ready today.
So basically - no update till the start of next week. But then again, you will probably see something very neat from my side in the next few days. ;3
On a more related note, my Pixel-Fu has certainly increased with all these tiles and creatures, so sooner or later Ghoulish should get some changes to its art. I really need to implement tile-sets of some sort, because the landscape is currently quite borish, with the angle ever-changing too. Which basically means that not only do I need overall more time for the pictures, they are also of lower quality than they easily could be. So I guess an art update is also in planning, and should arrive in this thread before next month.