I'm currently a Human Swordsmaster vampire necromancer. I became a vampire on accident near the beginning of my adventure. I'm superhumanly strong and I once ripped a goblin in half with my teeth. My vampireness doesn't seem to be complete, as I still got stronger after becoming one and I still feel pain and exhaustion. I'm also a Legendary maceman, shield user, dodger, armor user, observer, wrestler, and Legendary +50 Fighter. I am no friend of the night, and have killed many vampires, including a law-giver and two true flames. (fire imp civ leaders) I have 1138 kills. I also have most of the fat melted off my body from fighting fire imps multiple times.
I recently killed an entire cave of kobolds. Legends mode says they are all dead. I also became a necromancer, and slaughtered the necromancers in the tower. Several of them were former rulers. I killed another vampire law-giver as well. This means there are no more law-givers or true flames in the world anymore.
In my adventurer's backpack, I have:
The teeth from two titans
The eyelid of a cyclops
A bogeyman's horn
A rhino horn
A Minotaur's horn
Some dwarven sugar
My pet mosquito (how appropriate)
A bone figurine of a fluffy wambler that I used to kill a glass titan (close enough)
A figurine of a named giant bat made of giant bat bone (irony)
A masterwork silver great axe
A masterwork iron war hammer
A wooden training sword with 67 kills, mostly sewer bandits
Bone jewelry from a human, a goblin, an elf, a dwarf, and a fire imp (my own modded race)
A superior silver bolt stuck in my left lower arm
An exceptional iron crown on my head (I wear all iron armor. I am the iron king!)
And as for my weapons:
A superior silver mace with 180 kills, mostly my victims (I'm still a friend of every civ, my meals are bandits and wild animals)
A masterwork iron shield with 19 kills
And finally, a fine iron long sword with 741 kills. I wouldn't trade it for any other weapon. I'm always a swordsman, and I always end up with one of these by the end of my adventures.
So what does your adventurer have?