Explain Rtds!
((Or is it too mean to hijack a thread where a person earnestly needs help understanding what's happening?))
[4] You explain that an RTD is a simplified version of a PBP (Play by post) version of traditional pen and paper campaigns. Traditionally, RTD's require less effort of both players and GM (varies wildly). Most often, player's won't need to make complicated character sheets, or buy expensive source books and such. They are more universally known for their adherence to a single die, the d6 (also varies wildly). In a standard RTD, 1 is critical fail, 2 is a fail, 3 is partial success, 4 is success, 5 is outstanding success, and 6 is overshoot. However, this greatly varies depending on the GM. RTD's are mainly found on the Bay12 forums, where it's believed they originated, though the idea and name have turned up on other forums as well.
Know subtypes of the RTD are the rare mini-RTD, which are often shorter and more concise than standard RTD's, and the more prominent minimalist RTD. The latter is slightly controversial on the forum, as the complete absence of rules (barring the fact that everything is determined by the d6) often results in chaos, and thread locking as a result. Some traditional RTD authors and players have refused to accept minimalist RTD's.
Citation neededInteresting links [2] (Srry, no links for you)
Roller's block: A place to share and discuss RTD ideas.
RTD hall of fame: A list with the better and more prominent RTD's this forum has known.
Explain Rtds!
((Or is it too mean to hijack a thread where a person earnestly needs help understanding what's happening?))
...What? If you need a more thorough explanation of RTDs I'm sure it's fine to ask here.
[Sense Motive:1]
[Explain motive: 5] Samarkand is trying to turn this thread into an RTD.
Edit: Dodge Ninja: 1.