Quick question:
Where can I find the weights of domesticated egglaying children, stones, bars, blocks, and logs?
Long version:
I find it hard to produce enough leather for my fortress. To solve the problem, I've designed what I call the "Raw Hide Automat". It works like this: I put some nest boxes and some hens into a room, then I block all entry so my dwarves can't get in to collect eggs. Inside the room is a trap door. As the birds lay eggs, the room fills up, and eventually wandering birds trigger a pressure plate which opens a hatch causing other wandering birds to fall to the level below. The fallen birds are accessible to my dwarves and are autobutchered for an easy, endless, no maintenance supply of raw hides.
Before I can complete the prototype, I need to figure out how to calibrate the pressure plates. I'd like the plates to trigger when a single instance of the lightest bird steps on them. So, what is the lightest bird and how much does it weigh? I can't find that documented anywhere.
I suspect that pressure plates cannot normally be calibrated to trigger when a single small bird steps on them. However, I'm hopeful that some combination of stones, bars, blocks, and/or logs dumped on top of the plate would bring it to the verge of triggering, such that a single small bird would tip the balance. Finding that combination requires knowledge of stone, bar, block, and log weights, however, and I can't find those documented anywhere. Does that information exist?