There's actually a good reason for Tiruin to be panicky. Why? If we mislynch, there's a chance that we LyLo tomorrow.
Possibilities (total - scum #/town #) - state of the game
13 - 4/9 (count today)
12 - 5/7 (mislynch and convert, no nightkill) - MyLo, barring a large amount of people getting a kill.
11 - 5/6 (mislynch and convert, missed nightkill) - LyLo, barring a large amount of people buying a kill.
11 - 4/7 (mislynch and convert, scum nightkilled, or scum lynch and missed kill) - One day before MyLo or LyLo, barring the above
11 - 3/8 (non-converter scum lynch and any scum nightkill) - A good thing, but probably not what will happen.
11 - 2/9 (converter scum lynch and nightkill) - the best possible outcome, but also unlikely.
As you can see, if we mess up, we'll get to MyLo or LyLo.
Also, I'd like to point out that Jim Groovester (Why not vote you? Because you're not the converter.) is acting scummy. I'm guessing that he was the convert last night (which makes sense, considering his reputation). Interestingly, the only people who are arguing that anyone else is scum are the people accused of being scum themselves. Also, Deathsword's (I'm just making sure that I voted for him) replacement request is very fishy; as town, he wouldn't have a reason to do so.
Jim, Leafsnail, and Persus: Could you detail your case on Tiruin beyond "I don't like the role he chose!" (despite other things not actually working out, as 4maskwolf points out) and "He thinks I'm scum!"? Jim seems to be covering for LS and Deathsword Persus13. He suggests blocking in case of a mislynch, but scum can buy Unstoppable tonight, making this useless and bringing us to LyLo. Leafsnail is arguing with Tiruin because Tiruin found him scummy, and Deathsword/Persus13 was getting desperate (and he still hasn't refuted 4maskwolf's claims from what I've seen).
Everyone who is not suspected scum: What do you have to say about the events of today?
Tiruin: I like your fully explained style better. Minimalistic is understandable, but I feel like I'm putting more effort into reading the post than understanding what it's saying and what effect it has. Also, didn't Jack A T target either me earlier today to verify my claims?
PPE #2: I don't think Jack A T is scum at all anymore (at least for today). Also, I'd guess that the syringe represented both Sap and protect, but that's irrelevant right now.
Jack A T: 4maskwolf's reasoning is based on the possible roles. Based on the claims and the people who might be lying, there are only a few possible setups. Lynching Deathsword (who seems likely to be the converter) is a way for us to decide which setup happened.