So, I'd been testing some modding involving making goblins and kobolds playable in Adventurer Mode, and noticed some...oddities. After having ensured kobolds could talk properly instead of using utterances (even gave them a proper language file), my kobold adventurer seemed to have an...odd time.
Things went fine initially, people were willing to give me a quest to murder a local vampire, head of some temple. Then things went downhill, the entire entity turning hostile once I neared the temple to hunt down Pope Dracula. I initially assumed this to be a buggy result of my attacking a quest target that was a member of the local entity (plus killing a dozen other guys that attacked me too), but when I decided to bugger off for friendlier pastures, I could never find a town that WASN'T hostile.
Unfortunately, this was before I found out how to check how many civilizations/governments/gangs/etc you've encountered, so I never verified if I'd really found more than 1 human civ or not.
But I got more definitive results with my goblin adventurer. First person I see is after me already, though at first I assumed the nearby ruined buildings meant I was encountering the alleged "survivors in generated ruins are hostile on sight" issue. But after a long flight, I encountered a faraway town, and keep...all were, predictably, hostile on sight.
But then I checked my civ list and found a second human civilization was now on the list, as hostile. Derp.
However, a friend that's been testing my modding efforts mentioned repeatedly playing kobold adventurers and being able to deal with the locals without issue, so I likely just didn't encounter any other civs in my earlier kobold game.
Anyone know what's going on? I'm guessing if one plays an adventurer from an entity with BABY_SNATCHER or ITEM_THIEF (with result in hostility regardless of ethics) then it affects hostility towards adventurers too. Or it might be factoring in ethics only, which would explain why kobolds may or may not draw the anger of humans.