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Author Topic: A New Genesis - First Creations  (Read 8232 times)


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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #60 on: April 26, 2014, 01:56:38 pm »

I myself happen to find this game entirely wonderful so far, but that might just be because I have a concept in mind and the basics of it have been put into place. The randomness is good, but then again, it's also been kind to me so far. I remember there was another god game where I literally rolled nothing but ones 3-5 turns in a row. Boy, did that suck terribly.

Anyhow, I find myself anticipating new turns, since they invariably mean I can supply more actions, which I love to do for DINGIR. The writing itself could probably be more enthusiastic, though.
((Thank you for the feedback. I'm glad that you're enjoying it so far. As for the writing, I'll try to get some better quality stuff written by writing each person's turn at separate times in my day. I think the problem is that when one turn becomes really important to write for, like BFEL's was this last turn, other people get neglected a bit. Over the next two or three turns I'll try to change that as best I can, and you should let me know if you see an improvement.))
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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2014, 04:07:47 pm »

With Vita's help, attempt to create metallic life again, x2.


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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2014, 08:51:58 pm »

((For the feedbacks, pretty much everything Harry said. I've been treated real nice by the RNG in this, so it feels like liquid awesome running through my veins.
Also I like how when you noticed that the others were getting a bit screwed over you introduced the 2x mechanic to help them along, so I think you're doing good so far))

Password looked upon his new creations and smiled, they were coming along so nicely. He found the energy balls to be particularly notable, considering they had inherited his love of games. The lizards where similarly loved, for their pursuit of knowledge would serve them well against the riddles, and the pigeons had proven their worth with the domestication of the boars, showing their own perhaps misguided cunning. The others would show their true worth in time surely, but for now Password had other concerns.

Password attempts to subtly guide the attentions of the races toward the "reward chests" and encourage them to solve the riddles to obtain their secrets.
7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

Indeed, I do this.


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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2014, 10:31:36 pm »

Well, one problem probably is that there's another game just like this one (just more complex) going on. You're doing a good job, it just feels like the RDG wants to screw me over as much as possible...

When things go against what you're trying to do multiple times in a row, it's hard to keep trying to work with it. Maybe make failures more exciting? Right now when I fail, it's like I just fail. I want to fail spectacularly, where a negative consequence occurs, rather than nothing at all.
((By the more complex one are you referring to TamerVirus' or another one?

Also, I will try to make failures do more. My writing for your turns has been rather disappointing, leading to very little change in your universe. I'll try to prevent this from happening in the future.))
((Well, I'm referring to Zanzetkuken the Great's Gods and Mortals II game in the RP board. It's really slow right now, so it's not really affecting anything.

It's not so much your fault my turns are disappointing, I guess, as the lack of good rolls. You can't really fix that, but my rolls feel bland unless they're a 1 or 4, 5, and 6. 2's and 3's seem to have the same effect, which is nothing. A 1 results in minor disruption, but not really irreversible.))
Quote from: The Froggy Ninja
Young Masches: Fetch yonder blade!
Masches grabs his "sword." Navi gasps. Her aura flushes a pinkish hue and she flies out the window.


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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #64 on: April 27, 2014, 05:11:46 am »

((As an observer, your game is much more coherent and structured than the random game I'm running. Writing-wise it's also much more elegantly written in the sense of creating a coherent world, well, individual worlds))
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*Shakes fist at TamerVirus*


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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #65 on: April 27, 2014, 05:36:28 am »

((I feel there's a lack of... hum... conflict? Guess that was expected from the fact that we are all-powerful beings, but still.))
"hey, look, my left hand! It's only bones now, gosh, has it been that long since that cave dragon bit it off?"



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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #66 on: April 27, 2014, 03:29:18 pm »

Password (BFEL)

Spoiler: Actions and Rolls (click to show/hide)
Password was delighted with his success with the races. He looked upon them and saw participants in the greatest puzzle ever created. Now he just needed them to participate in the puzzle, and seek out those chests which were locked away so intricately. He cast down upon them thoughts of the importance of those chests, urging them to seek them out. The images he cast down were not received by the pigeons or their pig servants, who were too caught up in the designing of their own society. Nor were they heeded by the hair creatures, who had little interest in the chests, or seemingly anything for that matter. The zombie lizards were also unaffected by Passwords attentions, due only to the fact that they already explored very actively every aspect of the maze. They needed no coaxing.

Passwords images were fervently received by the highly religious slime beasts. They quickly incorporated this revelation into their spiritual practices. But not at all in the way Password had anticipated. They took the divine importance of these chests to mean that they must be protected from those that might try to defile them by opening them. The power contained in those sacred boxes was more than any mortal should hold, and they would keep them safe until the coming of their god, who would use the contents of the chests to kill all other beings and grant their forms permanently to the slimes.

The dreams of course caught the attention of the strange dream beings. They thought the idea was grand, but most importantly they saw a chance to cause mischief. They decided to roam the twisting and ever-changing corridors near the chests, pranking those that sought the riches within. This made a fearsome trap if a slime wandered by, catching the sleeping would be thief and consuming them as they struggled to escape the strange dream brought on by the playful spirits.

Meanwhile, the pigeon and boar civilization restructured itself to some degree. In response to the fact that the boars seemed to be unreliable when left alone the pigeons decided to bind a boar to a pigeon for life, such that the pigeon can always oversee the boar and also never be without their servant.

Suddenly there was a strange tearing sound. All of the mortals assumed this was just some new alteration in the maze, but Password could feel Alkroth’s angry presence looking down upon his creations.
Spoiler: Universe (click to show/hide)

Perun (Fluoman)

Spoiler: Actions and Rolls (click to show/hide)
Perun worked to sustain the vents at the bottom of the sea, and watched for other ways to help Its newest creation. There was nothing immediately threatening them, and so It worked to keep the environment healthy, and not change much else. The heated climate at the surface, combined with the new compounds created by the electrical storms, led to colonial algae developing as a filmy layer in many points. As the heat from the electrical storm dissipated, however, the temperature on the surface cooled below the optimum temperature for these new algal films.

The line writhing through space perceived this new problem and stretched its form, one point at the edge of the star of the solar system and the other connected to Merre. This line adjusted its length, pulling the orbit of Merre ever so slightly inwards. This decreased radius heated the surface and provided slightly more solar energy for the algae to harvest. However, this additional heat was more than the length had calculated, not understanding the concept of length contributing to an equation to the second order. The algal films were forced to migrate beneath the surface to survive. This decreased the light reaching them, leading to smaller colonies. However, it also helped contribute to the possibility of deep ocean life.
Spoiler: Universe (click to show/hide)

DINGIR (Harry Baldman)

Spoiler: Actions and Rolls (click to show/hide)
DINGIR cast the heart of EN into the Manifold in the hopes that it would generate life-giving light to the tube-world. But EN’s heart was as stubborn as EN himself, confirming the strange suspicion that the heart held an individual’s convictions. It refused to emit light, and instead simply sat there, waiting patiently to be eventually reclaimed.

Furious, DINGIR reached out his strange green arms and reached into EN’s flesh, tearing out the bones in his arms and legs, and shattered them within the Manifold. The marrow poured out and expanded, extending the Manifold but also at times reaching into the Manifold, filling portions of its radius with a spongy yet indestructible structure, small tunnels leading through the Instances consumed by the marrow greedy for more space.

Time moved forward in a normal way, but spacetime suddenly developed an anomaly. A point in it suddenly began to fray, before letting go with a terrible crack. DINGIR felt Alkroth regard his world with a kind of glee at EN’s suffering.
Spoiler: Universe (click to show/hide)

FIDeM (Powder Minder)

Spoiler: Actions and Rolls (click to show/hide)
FIDeM was struck with inspiration and began organizing the metals. He began shaping gently heated metals into rough forms, which would represent the earliest creatures. Titanium formed the surfaces of the first cells, protecting them from their environments. In some cells this surface is dotted with Vanadium oxides which catalyze the production of sulfuric acid, allowing them to ward off other cells. These cells also have chromium alloyed with their titanium to help resist this acid. In all the cells manganese found use as a charge carrier and oxidation/reduction component of the cells cycles. Iron, Copper, and Nickel all also play important roles inside of cells, in the transport of other metals or the small amounts of oxygen necessary to produce metal oxides. In some cells these metals also make up the surface, but these cells are much less resistant to the environment. They have the advantage of being able to incorporate a larger variety of metals in their structure, making their growth easier. Cobalt and Scandium are present in the environment, but FIDeM did not employ them in the creation of the first cells. All of these cells require voltage differences in their environment to harvest power, none of them having the means of generating power from solar or nuclear power, or any other form, yet.

Looking at this variety of metal organisms, Vita was confused. She tried giving water, only to watch them overoxidize, killing their cell cycles. She tried more oxygen than the environment previously held to much the same effect. She was unsure of how to treat these strange metal animals, and would need further direction from FIDeM if she was to help them thrive.

Before any further progress could be made there was a tearing sound which shrieked through the universe, bringing the gods to alert. They could feel a gash in the very fabric of their universe, and could feel the universe of Alkroth sitting on the other side.
Spoiler: Universe (click to show/hide)

Alkroth (WhitiusOpus)

Spoiler: Actions and Rolls (click to show/hide)

Infuriated, Alkroth threw himself repeatedly at the very fabric of space time. If he could not create beings to suffer under him here, he would make beings in other dimensions suffer. His muscled form tore and clawed at the universe around him. To an outsider he would have appeared to be a strange hulking bear, lashing wildly at an opponent unseen. But to Alkroth he could feel space and time itself beginning to give. A crack appeared, strange energies seeping through from unknown worlds. Then another, and then a third.

Alkroth sunk his claws into these metaphysical gashes one by one and strained against them. His muscles bulged and for an eternal second it was unclear if he would succed, when suddenly the fabric tore and frayed, and he was looking on a giant and shifting cube, with strange races, where hulking boars did the bidding of delicate pigeons. Such a backwards place, the powerful serving the weak, Alkroth felt his anger rise and was on the verge of going down and sowing suffering and destruction, when he remembered the other two cracks.

He took these too and tore at them, leaving jagged openings into other universes. In one he saw a pantheon of four demigods under a supreme god, some kind of golem, bickering behind the supreme god’s back. Alkroth knew he could create dissent here. In the final portal he caught a glimpse of some kind of tube with a god stuck in it. The god was missing its heart, and for whatever reason its pinky. Alkroth was unfamiliar with this form of torture, but knew he would enjoy this new world.

Testing these new portals out, Alkroth found he could project himself through the portals, but could not move his essence from his own universe. There was no action he could imagine that he could not execute, short of actually moving himself to these new universes. This also prevented gods from travelling through the portals to gain access to new universes. However, all gods had access to Alkroth’s many Kranoses
Spoiler: Universe (click to show/hide)
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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #67 on: April 27, 2014, 03:31:47 pm »

((I feel there's a lack of... hum... conflict? Guess that was expected from the fact that we are all-powerful beings, but still.))
((Damn, I should have included you in the multidimensional thing. Somehow I failed to see this post until I had the entire turn written. Conflict is now possible, for some, and you could certainly seek it out if you like. Also, DINGIR and EN have had some internal conflict.))
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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #68 on: April 28, 2014, 04:13:39 am »

((With the last two turns, it's not actually conflict that was a problem. It's more that I felt alone. But with the dumb SI gods, it feels much better. Also, ALGAE!))
"hey, look, my left hand! It's only bones now, gosh, has it been that long since that cave dragon bit it off?"


Harry Baldman

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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #69 on: April 28, 2014, 11:32:01 am »

((Just to check, you did get that the idea of spilling the marrow was that the Instances, possessing some matter, would duplicate it toward the future by placing versions of it from Ey the future after the instance edges? I think we need to clarify our notes on the Manifold to one another.))

Creation: through the infinite speed of DINGIR, check if life has naturally evolved somewhere along the infinitely replicating future. Endow the EN-marrow with the EN-curse of cyclical self-transfiguration if it has not, wherein parts of the EN-marrow are to slowly and randomly transmute into other particles, only to eventually become EN-marrow again.

Destruction: through the unimaginable power of DINGIR, engulf EN's heart in divine flame and set it to roast to a crisp in the space of twenty million thousands (or twenty billion) of years! This should serve as adequate punishment until DINGIR, in his limitless vindictiveness, can think of some other slight to avenge. And it should also provide light and heat! And maybe reverse the uncontrolled growth of EN-marrow!

Though the appearance of a window in the void was interesting to DINGIR, he thought, in his ultimate wisdom, that perhaps the Gleeful One would best be welcomed when the business of importance was done. A house in disorder was no place to receive such illustrious guests!
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 12:40:30 pm by Harry Baldman »


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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #70 on: April 28, 2014, 01:19:14 pm »

((Just to check, you did get that the idea of spilling the marrow was that the Instances, possessing some matter, would duplicate it toward the future by placing versions of it from Ey the future after the instance edges? I think we need to clarify our notes on the Manifold to one another.))
((I think my understanding may be the same as yours, but I'm uncertain.))
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Harry Baldman

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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #71 on: April 28, 2014, 01:32:45 pm »

((I think my understanding may be the same as yours, but I'm uncertain.))

((My idea is basically that the Manifold is the same world (the 1000 km long Instance) repeated infinitely forward, connected by temporal causality in a single chain. So, by this logic, anything that appears in an Instance would appear in the rest of the future Instances up to the point it is removed or destroyed in the future or disintegrates on its own. That presumably includes EN's heart and marrow, yes? That's just my interpretation, though. I did roll a 6 on putting that into practice.))


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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #72 on: April 28, 2014, 02:29:18 pm »

((I think my understanding may be the same as yours, but I'm uncertain.))

((My idea is basically that the Manifold is the same world (the 1000 km long Instance) repeated infinitely forward, connected by temporal causality in a single chain. So, by this logic, anything that appears in an Instance would appear in the rest of the future Instances up to the point it is removed or destroyed in the future or disintegrates on its own. That presumably includes EN's heart and marrow, yes? That's just my interpretation, though. I did roll a 6 on putting that into practice.))

((Yeah, then we have roughly the same understanding, except for the fact that I thought that you and EN (including his marrow, heart, and pinky) acted essentially outside of that scheme. So the marrow grows in at various instances, but it's effects are not replicated at the next. I thought you meant the marrow to be the actor in the creation of future instances. Communicating about metaphysics is certainly challenging. :) ))
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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #73 on: May 02, 2014, 08:34:40 am »

((Nearly a week with only one action???))
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Re: A New Genesis - First Creations
« Reply #74 on: May 06, 2014, 11:44:52 am »

((Waiting on Powder Miner, Fluoman, WhitiusOpus, and BFEL...))
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