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Author Topic: Demongate: Wrapping up the Loose Ends.  (Read 693209 times)


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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2085 on: September 24, 2014, 04:51:58 pm »

Corley sat in the depths of Castle Helgarde, holding one hand over a the pool of water.  In the reflection was not, as would be expected, an image of the Castle, but instead an image of the barracks of Demongate.  He frowned as he gazed at the image: where was the blasted knight?  His spy had reported that Sir Brenzen had seemingly disappeared from the fortress, but surely he had to come out to the barracks every once in a while.  So where could he possibly be?

Perhaps it was his extended use of magic, perhaps it was intuition, but suddenly Corley whirled around and thrust his hand towards a robed figure who had appeared in a dark corner of the room.  A burst of dark fire rippled out from his outstretched hand, only to die out before it reached the figure.  As he moved to defend himself from the attack that must surely be coming, the hooded figure spoke.

"If I were here to kill you, Corley, you would be dead already."

With that, the figure pulled back it's hood, and Corley resisted the urge to jump in shock.  A dwarf stood before him, with an expressionless golden mask concealing its features. Silence hung in the air like an oppressive heat, when finally Corley said, "You're supposed to be dead."

The Masked Dwarf chuckled softly, "I suppose you could say that.  Emdief's attack left me weak, nearly powerless, for more than a century.  It was only the adamantine I had absorbed that kept me alive, in incredible pain.  I have been forced to observe the events of the world, powerless to change them.  Powerless to aid the worshippers of the true ones who thought me gone forever.  But then, much the same could be said for you, couldn't it?  You managed to escape from Steelhold's destruction, I see."

Corley remained silent.  The less he told this madman, the better.  Or madwoman, as the case may be.

The Masked Dwarf gazed silently at Corley for another minute, then gestured at the scrying pool, "You've been working on your magic, I see.  Looking for someone?"

Corley clenched his jaw, internally fuming.  The Masked Dwarf must take me for a fool, he thought, if he thinks I will tell him anything he can use.

The Masked Dwarf sighed, "I know you don't trust me, Corley.  My path and yours have long been different.  But if I had wanted to kill you, I would have consumed your essence in darkness the moment I entered the room.  Instead, I let you get in the first shot, if only to show you how futile attacking me is."

"I came here to offer some adivce, and a warning.  Would you like the advice first."

Corley nodded slowly, uncertain as to whether this was a trick or not.

"Very well.  If you truly seek the knight, you will not be able to find him by scrying.  The interference put off by Tarmid's thaumateurgical arrays and his own innate magic will hide him.  Have your agents listen for tunneling happening within the fortress."

"Now, my warning.  If you choose to proceed with your current path, you will find me your enemy.  And not only me, but likely the FractalEntity as well."

At the mention of the FractalEntity, a slight chuckle escaped from Corley, "You mean the old fool?"

The Masked Dwarf nodded, "Yes, the old fool.  The most powerful mortal thaumateurge."

Corley raised an eyebrow, and the Masked Dwarf sighed again, "I have little time to devote to this matter, so I will explain in brief.  I'm sure you've heard that every living creature, or almost every living creature, generates a very small amount of magic by themselves?  The knights have a measure for this, the dwarum.  Every feat of magic we perform generates a certain number of dwarums.  Even I don't know exactly how the strength of ones aura relates to the amount of magic they can channel, but generally a stronger aura means that the creature can channel more magic safely.  To put it in perspective, I can channel almost 5000 dwarums with the aid of my lords, and the ritual you used to create your, ah, children, was almost that much, made easier by the ritualistic nature of it."

The Masked Dwarf paused for a moment, then said, "I have personally seen the FractalEntity channel 20000 dwarums of power during a single spell.  With ease."

The shock Corley was feeling must have shown on his face, because the Masked Dwarf chuckled slightly, "Don't say I didn't warn you."

The shadows wrapped around the Masked Dwarf, and suddenly Corley was alone again, staring into empty space.

Alright, I'm going to slip out of character and provide some information to put what I just said in perspective.  The strength of one's magical aura is far, far lower than the amount the creature can actually channel, particularly if they have a pact with a greater entity that can provide power.  The Masked Dwarf, by thaumometer reading, gives off about 49 dwarums of power on a constant basis, which jumps up significantly while using magic.  Corley is less magically powerful than the Masked Dwarf, with his spell that created the bloodkin made far easier with the sacrifice of such powerful creatures as demons and the nature of the spell as a ritual.  Most mortal magic users, without a pact, can manage between 100-500 dwarums, while pact-bound can sometimes manage 500-2000.  I'll probably provide at least some of this information in a later post, but I just wanted to clear something up fairly quickly.

Also, while the Masked Dwarf is technically telling the truth about Fractal's power, he/she is, as usual, leaving something out.  The nature of the power source Fractal uses is such that while the power is easy to draw on, it is also incredibly inefficient at accomplishing its task.  The sheer power required the generate even a small spacetime rift means that Fractal is using almost three times the amount of energy as a normal mage during most spells.  Again, I'll probably reveal this later in character, but I just wanted to get this said so that people don't misinterpret what I'm doing.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 06:12:19 pm by 4maskwolf »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: Legs are for Cowards.
« Reply #2086 on: September 24, 2014, 06:12:14 pm »

Thane's journal.

I've been working on ignoring whatever this new sense is lately. I realise that this probably isn't what the voice wanted, but I'm not crazy enough to do things just because a voice or a dream told me to. I can feel a presence in Demongate, watching, searching for something. I remember Tarmid mentioning once that bats don't use their eyes to navigate, instead using the echoes of their surroundings to find their way with their ears. Imagine, then, that there are three giants screaming at this one bat who has only recently learned to hear instead of trying to move through the darkness with only her eyes, and you will understand why I'm trying to control my senses. I have frankly no idea who two of the presences are, but I walked into our broker a few days ago and nearly passed out. There are others, of course. The three lunatics, for a start. I thought I saw something in Brenzen the other day, but I guess he was just standing in the wrong place and a flow just happened to pass through him. Despite all this, I'm getting some measure of control now. I'm still caught in a flood, but it feels like I'm in a boat rather than trying to swim. Today, I managed to drop the reading on Tarmid's thaumometer by two thaums while I was giving him a stockpile update and he was distracted. He seemed on edge while he was talking to me, though, as if he expected me to start shooting lightning bolts from my finger tips. I don't see why that would be a problem. It would look amazing.

From the engravings of FallenAngel IV, Legendary+2 Bodysurfer

I had the strangest dream. I built a portal out of bizarre materials in hope of making a donkey maker and accidentally made a ghost portal somehow. Through the materials I used, it's more than impossible to make something similar, but when I have a dream like that, there's got to be a reason. I'll build a handheld ghost portal just in case.

This improves nothing.
Really I would think that it would improve our ties with thaumancery. Also still no queen, does it say anything in legends?
Legends has diddly squat to say about our queen's current situation. She seems to have vanished into the aether.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2087 on: September 24, 2014, 08:13:06 pm »

What's my levels at, also who is now living in the queen's tower?
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 07:14:49 am by danmanthedog »


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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2088 on: September 24, 2014, 08:32:47 pm »

Interesting post. So the Maskdwarf is back, and she knows what Corley is up to? I guess Corley will need to work on his fighting skill.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2089 on: September 24, 2014, 09:16:12 pm »

she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

One True Polycule with flame99 <3

Avatar by makowka

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2090 on: September 25, 2014, 05:14:12 am »

Dan, could you possibly stop quoting exposition dumps when you only want to ask single sentence questions?
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2091 on: September 25, 2014, 07:12:35 am »

Okay my bad I keep forgetting about that I will change it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2092 on: September 25, 2014, 08:23:46 am »

Remember, the wiki is your friend.  Update the wiki.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2093 on: September 25, 2014, 05:20:56 pm »

From the shadows, the stranger watched.  Nobody noticed her, even when they walked straight past her.  Life in the fortress proceeded as usual, as if the stranger did not exist.

With a twist of her will, Oku dissapeared further into the shadows.  She felt them surrounding her, and pushed with her mind.  She felt the shadows part, and she stepped out into pitch blackness.

It had been a simple matter to comandeer the spare room that the silly knight had dug out in his "secret" headquarters.  It was large, completely unused, and even the knight never entered.  It had been a simple spell to seal the door permanently, so that she could have a base from which to operate.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through her head, and she frowned, staring around the room.  Something seemed familiar here... something...

The Masked Dwarf watched from the shadows, enjoying the scene unfolding before him.  Modi relentlessly forced the poor mad dwarf backwards, inflicting serious injuries upon Lenehan.  He smiled behind the mask: things were going exactly according to plan.

He stepped from the shadows, the obsidian knife held before him.  As much as he hated the elf-lover, Lenehan's death would not further his goals...

Oku clutched her head, shaking it back and forth.  "Where are these memories coming from," she wondered, slowly standing back to her feet.  The last thing she remembered was the calling to go to Steelhold, to retrieve the sacred mask from the infidels.  While the true ones were not overly concerned with the fate of the mask, they had called her to wear it, and so she had been sent to retrieve it.  But she had failed in her mission, but...

How had they known her.  The Emdief dwarf had recognized her, despite her never seeing him before.  The four dwarves, the ones who wouldn't die, they had known her to. But how...

She shook herself out of her comtemplation.  It mattered not what she remembered: all that mattered was the mission.  She tapped the ground, and a circle of glowing runes lit up beneath her.  There was a mission to complete, and complete it she would.  She began to chant, the words of the ritual emanating off of the walls.

Sir Brenzen gestured at the wall, his hesitance obvious in his awkward movements.  As usual, nothing happened: no gouts of flame or darkness, no change in the room around him, nothing.
"Magic is a dangerous force," Tarmid had said, "it corrupts even the most pure of heart, turns them into monsters."
Sir Brenzen gritted his teeth, blocking out the memory.  The knights had lied to him.  He could no longer trust anything they said.
"If anything, I withheld information."
"Shut up Tarmid," Sir Brenzen growled, even though he was alone.  He focused on his core, tried to feel the power of the world and within himself like the tome said, but nothing was there.  He couldn't sense anything.

There was an oppressive quality to the air, he noticed suddenly.  Something that hadn't been there before.  Something was going to happen.

He had no idea how he drew that conclusion, or how he reacted so quickly, but he threw out his hands as if to shield himself from an attacker.  A wall of roaring, blood-red flames appeared, devouring the darkness that raced out towards him.  He felt a surge of enegry through his entire body, and then it was gone.  The wall of flames died out.

Something told him that the wall of darkness had not been the primary effect of whatever had happened, nor had been visible to most dwarves.  He had no idea how he knew this, but he did, with impossible certainty.  He burst out of his door, wearing full battle armor, and ran towards the source of the burst.

So, yeah, Sir Brenzen is not happy with the knights.  He isn't renouncing his knightship, not yet, but let's see how this plays out.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2094 on: September 25, 2014, 05:50:02 pm »

I don't see how Oku got the mask back if Shank had it, though. I mean, there's obviously one explanation, but it doesn't feel right somehow.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2095 on: September 25, 2014, 05:57:20 pm »

I don't see how Oku got the mask back if Shank had it, though. I mean, there's obviously one explanation, but it doesn't feel right somehow.

4mask and I sorted it out, no worries. Technically, Shank is on the side of the Old Gods. And Oku. As far as anyone knows. Least of all himself. Maybe.
Of course, he may have simply crushed the forgotten beasts with his massive testicles.

Forget a spouse, he needs a full time gonad wrangler.


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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2096 on: September 25, 2014, 05:59:29 pm »

>tfw only guy who allowed their character to reach a conclusion to their story after Steelhold fell (losing their personality and becoming a tool of a vengeful, uncaring god)
>tfw everyone else is alive somehow through magic


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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2097 on: September 25, 2014, 06:10:16 pm »

>tfw I never participated in Steelhold because by the time I became a player of Dwarf Fortress Demongate was fairly far along
>tfw I don't know these plots
>tfw I realize I should read these plots


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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2098 on: September 25, 2014, 06:27:46 pm »

Oh look, we’ve got two threads with “Pimpstack” in the title already. This is turning into a meme.

So how’s the fort looking since I last participated?
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate, home of the first and best Pimpstack.
« Reply #2099 on: September 25, 2014, 06:44:51 pm »

The fort is looking great. People die, then come back to life for no good reason. I guess it's kind of like a comic book, but with more disregard for sanity. We had a pimpstack first, by the way.

>tfw only guy who allowed their character to reach a conclusion to their story after Steelhold fell (losing their personality and becoming a tool of a vengeful, uncaring god)
>tfw everyone else is alive somehow through magic
Asmoth technically reached a conclusion. She realised that creating a bunch of mindless killing machines might not have been the best way to go about building a utopia and turned all existential. And she's alive through !!SCIENCE!!, not magic. So there.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.
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