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Author Topic: Demongate: Wrapping up the Loose Ends.  (Read 692444 times)


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #915 on: May 02, 2014, 07:21:59 am »

I have no idea whats happening right now!


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #916 on: May 02, 2014, 09:36:06 am »

18th Granite

"Hello citizens! It is I, Vladimir! Thank you for readingk daily bulletins, yes?
First order of business; vhy didn't anyone tell me about our unfinished pump stack? Thankfully miners are too busy doingk vhatever it is that's stoppped them from reportingk in, or ve'd have wasted quite a bit of time vith that. Ve'll be finishingk that pump stack by the end of the year, though doingk thingks this vay may mean slowing down production.
Secondly, some of you have asked vhy ve don't have cabinets vhile the library has a good 50. The answer is because learningk is important and yada yada yada. If you keep badgeringk me about it, feel free to think of somethingk else to store books on. You'll all be gettingk cabinets in due time.
Speakingk of the rooms, I've noticed that children are forced to sleep in the dorm. Children vill henceforth be gettingk their own rooms. There's no reason for them not to; ve've apparently been stockpilingk doors and beds for a long time for absolutely no reason.

Important question: Does anyone know vhat the hell this thingk is supposed to be?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I have no idea vhat the hell this thingk is. Ve need space for burial though, so if nobody cares to tell me vhat the fuck this giant empty space is for it vill be your new eternal rest.

To all citizens vho wish to arrainge meetingks vith me; I'm in the barracks literally all the time I'm not eating, sleepingk or attending Evening Prayers, which you should not bother me at. I'll probably talk to you. Unless I know you're goingk to say somethingk stupid, in vhich case you should seriously consider botheringk the mayor or better yet Talonis vith it. The mayor is better equipped to let you down gently, and if you need to be smacked upside the head Talonis has time for that sort of thing vhereas I do not, yes?

Final note; the militia captains (Thane, Danetheman (ugh), Brenzen, Thanatos and Rith Zesiden) and higher ranking officials are not getting higher priority vhen it comes to making our rooms fit to live in, so you lot in the diningk hall can stop complainingk about it. The rumors that the militia got itself a few barrels of sunshine from the depot are entirely true, and if you lazy buggers got off your arses and did some salvagingk yourself you vould be enjoying it right now too. Go get a job or somethingk.

(P.S) Evening Prayer Group: Please stop bringingk politics to Evening Prayers. It is a place for 'spiritual cleansingk', not gossip. If you don't intend to partake in 'contemplation and sacrements' you can just stop commingk. Thank you.
(P.P.S) I don't care vhat you thingk about 'respectingk the position'. The next person to call me 'your lordship' vill be receivingk a broken nose. Don't waste Brother Cornelius' valuable time; don't break your nose by runningk into the flat of my axe vhile callingk me 'your lordship'.

Yeah, just noticed the incomplete pumpstack. I think that thing I've found is the vault, but there's no notes describing what do with it, which seeing as we have 41 notes now is a bit odd.
Anyway if anyone (Gnorm for now) wants to write a meeting with Vlad, go right ahead. He's easy to write. Just replace all your w's at the start of words with v's, add a k to the end of ing, and remember to be cheerfully pragmatic and utterly insensitive to the feelings of others. Have fun!
EDIT: Somehow Brenzen and Dantheman are now friends with Vlad. The game don't care about your lore.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 09:46:23 am by MDFification »


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #917 on: May 02, 2014, 10:43:08 am »

20th Slate

The party of migrants had finally arrived at its destination. Their leader, having finally shepherded his flock out of the wilderness, could feel the tension in him release as the fortress came into view.
Skirting mounds of partially rotten goblin and troll skeletons, the migrants followed a steady stream of looters back to the heavily trapped bridge that served as the entrance of the fortress. Several dwarves, already unsettled by the field of corpses outside, began to retch as the stench of miasma from the bottom of its pit, where they could easily imagine themselves meeting a watery grave.
The next obstacle in their way was the barracks, where the sounds of metal striking metal could be heard. The migrants were greeted with the sullen stares of the soldiers training there before they returned to their sparring.
The fort proper wasn't anything like they'd been told. The surface was a marsh, strew with the skeletons of even more goblins and trolls, and a few nondescript remains that the migrants didn't like to think about. A seeming eternity of stairs through the muck later, they emerged in the real Demongate, and were promptly directed to the dormitory, where they would spend their first night before rooms were assigned. Somehow, this was made to sound like a perk.
A solitary figure, making her way up from the brewery, paused to watch as the convoy was quickly stripped of its animals for butchery.
"Lazy good fer' nothin' immigrants. Takin' our jobs." Gnora muttered.

"I swear I heard something moving, Urist!"
"For the last time. There's no slade fortress over there. That's just something the miners made up to scare folks."
"If that were true, why did Vlad order the ramps accessing that part of the cavern removed?"
"Probably so idiots like you wouldn't beg him to."
"I'm serious, you know. I definately heard something moving."
"I'll believe that when I hear it to. And I don't want to."

"Vhat do you mean ve need another 20 screw pumps to complete the stack!"
"Exactly what I said, your lor- Vlad."
"I vas hopingk you vere actually jokingk."
"Your other projects however are proceeding as planned. The living quarters are being properly furnished, Burial Row is nearing completion -
"That vas the worst designed graveyard ever"
"And, more importantly, your directive to secure the lower cavern has been completed, despite the miners protests. Adamantine mining can now proceed - although I strongly advise against this course of action. Generations of lore tells use that metal is cursed."
"Vell vere I come from, generations of lore tells us that adamantine armor keeps you from your dirtnap. Also ve don't burn people at the stake."
"Neither do we, despite your belief. Only in extreme cases would such an example be necessary. I'm glad to hear that you and Sir Brenzen have been settling your differences as of late."
"He's not such an insufferable prick vhen he's drunk."
"I'll try to forget you said that."
"Can you tell me vhy ve have traffic designations now?"
"I assumed you'd want efficiency maximized. Although what you literally said was 'get those lazy elf-fondlers out of the dining room and back to work.'"
"Either way is good, yes?"
"Miss Gnora would like to see you, you know."
"Is it so she can try to throw acid into my eyes, or to report she 'lost' more seeds?"
"No comment, your lordship."

Another brief update. I've played to about 30th Slate. Mass smashing is a smashing success. We've also got ourselves three more dedicated soldiers; an archer, an axedwarf and a macedwarf. At this point Thane's squad is mace-majority. If only Thane used a mace that squad could be permanent.
I'll be completing the pumpstack soon, and then we can begin adamantine/steel processing. I have no idea how far the spire actually goes, so I'll be shaving adamantine off the sides for now.
It'd be quite easy to make a weapon that starts grass fires by the end of the turn. It could probably only be fired once a year, but would burn out sieges nicely. We'd loose goblinite clothes, but those are more of a problem than a resource at this point. The problem would be pumping magma through the aquifer. IDK if I'll ever get around to trying to solve that problem.

Senshuken: This is for you.
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If anyone else was dwarf info, just ask and ye shall receive.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #918 on: May 02, 2014, 01:35:10 pm »

For reasons I am unable to bring myself to understand, moral around Demongate seems to be at a low... a dangerous state of affairs. How many truly great dwarfen crafted fortresses who's enemies splattered against the walls and traps like a sheep's bladder full of water only to fail due to the break down of internal law and order and riots? Thankfully, Baron Vlad hasn't tried to put into practice the standard 'the beatings will continue until moral improves' methods of most nobles; a sure sign that he not only has a brain, but is firmly rooted in sanity... well, in the sense that he isn't ordering dwarfs imprisoned and hammered to death because they didn't produce an item the fortress couldn't make in the first place.

Still, that does leave us with the whole 'moral' issue...

I HAVE IT! MUSIC! Nothing helps make  dwarfs feel good about themselves like having a band playing in the background while they drink and try to sing along with the current song! I'm going to have to send a few notes out to see if we can get some musical instruments made or brought, as well as some dwarfs to use them... and of course I should write a few songs to help give Demongate its own culture song wise...

I'll ask Gnora if she would like to give singing a try. She is a somewhat pretty lass, which is always a plus. I admit I'm not really sure if she can actually sing, but then again the ability to actually sing  was never really an important dwarfen requirement for our songs... what she could no doubt do is sing with passion! That's what we need to tap into here.

I'll go and see her now. As long as she isn't on the farm or plotting to kill Vlad, Gnora doesn't seem to have much going for her these days so I'm sure I'll be allowed in. Wish me luck!

~Artyom Barkov.


I picture dwarfish singing to be compatible with Irish drinking songs.     
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #919 on: May 02, 2014, 02:45:27 pm »

The first rule of Evening Prayers is to always bring the booze?

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #920 on: May 02, 2014, 04:48:00 pm »

The first rule of Evening Prayers is to never tell anyone about Evening Prayers.

There aren't all that many Irish drinking songs, by the way.

I'm not entirely sure what was going on with the graveyard. I guess the best course is to dig new bedrooms to the west and expand gravespace to the east.

"We shall not stay in fear while our towns are burned by these cowards. They think they can steal into our homes in the night, taking what they please and burning the rest, safe in the knowledge that we cannot strike back. I promise you tonight that we shall hit them harder than anything they thought possible. They will bleed for every inch of land they try to take! They will learn that the dwarfs of the First Iron are not sheep to be slaughtered quietly! We shall drive them back to the sea, back to whatever hell they crawled out of! And any that die may face the afterlife proudly, knowing they died for a better future!"
- King Zon Lancedmirrors, upon beginning the Violent Conflict. He would be killed himself in that same was, which is estimated to have cost nearly fifteen thousand dwarven lives. The ultimate fate of the southern lands may prove him right, however, as the Bloodkin incursions would eventually sweep over the southern lands nearly unopposed, while our improved coastal defenses may have dissuaded their main force. Whether his unpopular and harsh laws aided the war effort cannot be accurately judged. His supporters claim that the laws laid the foundations for an eventual dwarven victory and are only viewed negatively due to his successor, Doren Glenbridges, lifting the edicts just before the first major dwarven victory. Zon's detractors claim that his commands were needlessly draconian and Doren's alterations provided a much needed morale boost.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #921 on: May 02, 2014, 06:03:51 pm »

Mass smashing is a smashing success.
Kill yourself.

I HAVE IT! MUSIC! Nothing helps make  dwarfs feel good about themselves like having a band playing in the background while they drink and try to sing along with the current song! I'm going to have to send a few notes out to see if we can get some musical instruments made or brought, as well as some dwarfs to use them... and of course I should write a few songs to help give Demongate its own culture song wise...
If you actually were to write a ballad or two about this fortress, that would be pretty cool.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #922 on: May 02, 2014, 06:22:23 pm »

If anyone wants to know the history of anything or anyone, let me know. Some interesting things I found looking through the histories:
The goblin civ that we killed the law-giver of only has one site and 100 goblins left. War with elves and humans has taken everything else.
- Unib/Flame's husband, Stakud, was killed by a minotaur in 609.
- The only living demon rules a human civ.
- The Realm of Squares, a human civ, is ruled by a vampire. This vampire actually killed their previous law-giver and he worships only a titan. I don't doubt that every single character could find a reason to hate him.
- The Incidental Board, a bloodkin civ, has only one mountain hall and 55 bloodkin. The rest of the mountain halls were taken over by The First Iron.
- The Cudgel of Quietness, another bloodkin civ, has only one mountain hall and 112 bloodkin. The rest of the mountain halls were taken over by The Golden Town, a dwarven civ.
- There are two ways to get from the south up to the north continent. One is held by Demongate. The other is held by a civilization of elves called The Defended Pass. Near us are two massive civilizations of humans. If we fall, they can hold the pass.
- Gnorm ninjaed me while I was typing this post.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #923 on: May 02, 2014, 06:28:01 pm »

Mass smashing is a smashing success.
Kill yourself.

I HAVE IT! MUSIC! Nothing helps make  dwarfs feel good about themselves like having a band playing in the background while they drink and try to sing along with the current song! I'm going to have to send a few notes out to see if we can get some musical instruments made or brought, as well as some dwarfs to use them... and of course I should write a few songs to help give Demongate its own culture song wise...
If you actually were to write a ballad or two about this fortress, that would be pretty cool.
Darkness has fallen over the lands. Death has claimed his due, but in his darkness arises a small light. Defending the lands from the grip of death, to protect the dwarfen ways. Demongate has risen against the armies of death.

Add more to it or what not.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #924 on: May 02, 2014, 09:37:36 pm »

If anyone wants to know the history of anything or anyone, let me know. Some interesting things I found looking through the histories:
The goblin civ that we killed the law-giver of only has one site and 100 goblins left. War with elves and humans has taken everything else.
- Unib/Flame's husband, Stakud, was killed by a minotaur in 609.
- The only living demon rules a human civ.
- The Realm of Squares, a human civ, is ruled by a vampire. This vampire actually killed their previous law-giver and he worships only a titan. I don't doubt that every single character could find a reason to hate him.
- The Incidental Board, a bloodkin civ, has only one mountain hall and 55 bloodkin. The rest of the mountain halls were taken over by The First Iron.
- The Cudgel of Quietness, another bloodkin civ, has only one mountain hall and 112 bloodkin. The rest of the mountain halls were taken over by The Golden Town, a dwarven civ.
- There are two ways to get from the south up to the north continent. One is held by Demongate. The other is held by a civilization of elves called The Defended Pass. Near us are two massive civilizations of humans. If we fall, they can hold the pass.
- Gnorm ninjaed me while I was typing this post.

Ohhh, so that's why we haven't been getting sieges yet. The Bloodkin are ridiculously few in number. Although that's probably not true at all - I think enemies siege until they literally have no of-age citizens left.
I guess any future alterations would have to boost the amount of initial Bloodkin a bit. :-\

Also gosh-darnit 4mask. I said I'd like to buff the Bloodkin's stats to appropriate vampire levels. The syndromes don't properly affect worldgen battles I guess.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #925 on: May 02, 2014, 09:46:42 pm »

If anyone wants to know the history of anything or anyone, let me know. Some interesting things I found looking through the histories:
The goblin civ that we killed the law-giver of only has one site and 100 goblins left. War with elves and humans has taken everything else.
- Unib/Flame's husband, Stakud, was killed by a minotaur in 609.
- The only living demon rules a human civ.
- The Realm of Squares, a human civ, is ruled by a vampire. This vampire actually killed their previous law-giver and he worships only a titan. I don't doubt that every single character could find a reason to hate him.
- The Incidental Board, a bloodkin civ, has only one mountain hall and 55 bloodkin. The rest of the mountain halls were taken over by The First Iron.
- The Cudgel of Quietness, another bloodkin civ, has only one mountain hall and 112 bloodkin. The rest of the mountain halls were taken over by The Golden Town, a dwarven civ.
- There are two ways to get from the south up to the north continent. One is held by Demongate. The other is held by a civilization of elves called The Defended Pass. Near us are two massive civilizations of humans. If we fall, they can hold the pass.
- Gnorm ninjaed me while I was typing this post.

Ohhh, so that's why we haven't been getting sieges yet. The Bloodkin are ridiculously few in number. Although that's probably not true at all - I think enemies siege until they literally have no of-age citizens left.
I guess any future alterations would have to boost the amount of initial Bloodkin a bit. :-\

Also gosh-darnit 4mask. I said I'd like to buff the Bloodkin's stats to appropriate vampire levels. The syndromes don't properly affect worldgen battles I guess.
I doubled all of their stats, if that's what you are asking.

Also, no, their syndromes don't work during worldgen.  And you probably modded them to be at war with EVERYONE, so of course they are few in number.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #926 on: May 02, 2014, 10:47:21 pm »

If anyone wants to know the history of anything or anyone, let me know. Some interesting things I found looking through the histories:
The goblin civ that we killed the law-giver of only has one site and 100 goblins left. War with elves and humans has taken everything else.
- Unib/Flame's husband, Stakud, was killed by a minotaur in 609.
- The only living demon rules a human civ.
- The Realm of Squares, a human civ, is ruled by a vampire. This vampire actually killed their previous law-giver and he worships only a titan. I don't doubt that every single character could find a reason to hate him.
- The Incidental Board, a bloodkin civ, has only one mountain hall and 55 bloodkin. The rest of the mountain halls were taken over by The First Iron.
- The Cudgel of Quietness, another bloodkin civ, has only one mountain hall and 112 bloodkin. The rest of the mountain halls were taken over by The Golden Town, a dwarven civ.
- There are two ways to get from the south up to the north continent. One is held by Demongate. The other is held by a civilization of elves called The Defended Pass. Near us are two massive civilizations of humans. If we fall, they can hold the pass.
- Gnorm ninjaed me while I was typing this post.

Ohhh, so that's why we haven't been getting sieges yet. The Bloodkin are ridiculously few in number. Although that's probably not true at all - I think enemies siege until they literally have no of-age citizens left.
I guess any future alterations would have to boost the amount of initial Bloodkin a bit. :-\

Also gosh-darnit 4mask. I said I'd like to buff the Bloodkin's stats to appropriate vampire levels. The syndromes don't properly affect worldgen battles I guess.
I doubled all of their stats, if that's what you are asking.

Also, no, their syndromes don't work during worldgen.  And you probably modded them to be at war with EVERYONE, so of course they are few in number.

Technically they shouldn't have been at war with the goblins, but they were at war with humans, elves and dwarves by default. It's the only way to guarantee hostility when it came time to embark.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #927 on: May 03, 2014, 04:14:40 am »

Vlad got to his new job with full energy, and anyone had to deal with it.
First he reorganized whole military, then proceded to civilian tasks, when he wasn't busy at the barrack. Mostly his way of giving orders was - grab a dwarf who's passing by, spit an order into his face and push him towards his goal.

Cornelius put a hand on finest barrels of booze that were left at depot, and brought them in his cell. We surely will need them on our Evening Prayers!

Vlad had an issue with slabs - first he ordereto build all of them, then ordered to deconstruct all except the one he liked most. Looks he's getting some annoying crazy noble habits. I think I might talk to him and ask to show some kindness to others. Though offering Gnora a cup of booze can be considered as a "kindness"...

As for pump stack, its construction is limited by number of glass tubes and screws made at the furnace. Maybe will have to install a few more waterwheels.

Vlad doesn't like the cemetery we have next to living quarters, and decided to take huge hall that was designed for stone source and furniture stockpile.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Artyom is in mood of setting an orchestra here. Not a bad idea, I guess. I might join as a singer!
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #928 on: May 03, 2014, 08:06:59 am »

Vlad got to his new job with full energy, and anyone had to deal with it.
First he reorganized whole military, then proceded to civilian tasks, when he wasn't busy at the barrack. Mostly his way of giving orders was - grab a dwarf who's passing by, spit an order into his face and push him towards his goal.

Cornelius put a hand on finest barrels of booze that were left at depot, and brought them in his cell. We surely will need them on our Evening Prayers!

Vlad had an issue with slabs - first he ordereto build all of them, then ordered to deconstruct all except the one he liked most. Looks he's getting some annoying crazy noble habits. I think I might talk to him and ask to show some kindness to others. Though offering Gnora a cup of booze can be considered as a "kindness"...

As for pump stack, its construction is limited by number of glass tubes and screws made at the furnace. Maybe will have to install a few more waterwheels.

Vlad doesn't like the cemetery we have next to living quarters, and decided to take huge hall that was designed for stone source and furniture stockpile.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Artyom is in mood of setting an orchestra here. Not a bad idea, I guess. I might join as a singer!
I say yay but we would need a dwarf who can play music. To bad we are not playing in masterwork mod then we could have bards ha.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #929 on: May 03, 2014, 08:55:36 am »

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