I've noticed something strange.
Everyone on the continent was of unknown parentage, apparently. What gives?
Remember how I said Vlad had a family history of nobody knowing who their father was?
I didn't mean for that to be universal.
EDIT: I thought of an explanation.
All the dwarves on this continent share one weird cultural trait; all children are raised communally. Heredity wasn't even a concept among the dwarves here until the mass-migration from the old world, which has gradually replaced the old ways continent-wide. This explains the lack of hereditary monarchs or recorded parentage, until Demongate times when old-world traditions become dominant, which they would as families who got to inherit wealth would become naturally dominant over families who just distributed their wealth around upon death.
Fun with Vlad's backstory, since Vlad is apparently a dwarf of nigh-infinite relevance to everything in Demongate: Vlad is a dwarf from the backwaters that still practice the old ways, explaining the accent and his disdain for 'foreigners' who come from the same kingdom as him.
But seriously though, as of right now Vlad has been at the center of every interesting plot development to date, which means he must be about to die pretty ingloriously if I remember how Steelhold typically went correctly. Watch him die from an infected smashed toenail before the first siege arrives.