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Author Topic: Demongate: Wrapping up the Loose Ends.  (Read 683113 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #435 on: March 28, 2014, 01:56:52 pm »

Make sure Thanatos is in the sword squad.
We fear not to walk in the valley of death for we are the baddest most vicious unforgiving motherf---en dwarves in this valley


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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #436 on: March 29, 2014, 11:54:24 pm »

Chapter III: An Uneventful Period

Gnora’s Journal
2nd Hematite, 655
A cave crocodile wandered up from the caverns down below and made a snack out of one of our dogs. The boys in the militia managed to kill the beast – minus Vlad, who was happily drinking away my wine.

Miss Thane and Mister Tarmid seem to be quite tense lately. Both of them are always looking over their shoulders in the hallways and jumping at their own shadows! I say they’re being downright silly. Next thing you know they’ll be seeing the will-‘o-the-wisps at night.

25th Hematite, 655
Not too long ago, our fort officially became recognized as a town, and we’ve elected a mayor to lead us. I’m no longer the sheriff, and I’ve elected a new dwarf to serve as captain. Seems to be an odd sort, but I’m sure he’ll come around to be a good leader.

5th Malachite, 655
The silent fellow called Lokast has begun to act funny. He’s begun to speak in tongues and has claimed one of the workshops. Tarmid and some of the others call it possession, but I think he’s just crazy.

Unfortunately, he lost one of our hunters to one of the giant cave spiders in the depths. He will be buried and will have his memory drunk to.

7th Malachite, 655
The traps I’ve set in the caverns work! A giant rat tried to come into our fortress and was promptly cut open by a glass disc. I’ll have to see about installing more.

17th Malachite, 655
Lokast seems to have snapped out of his mood, and has a toy as well. Not too fancy; only worth thirty-six hundred. If I was him, I’d want to at least make something useful.

25th Malachite, 655
Some more migrants have arrived, and none of them are anything spectacular. Still, the more the merrier when it comes to workers. Meanwhile, someone decided to memorialize the giant spider that did kill the hunter a while back.

17th Galena, 655
Them humans have arrived to trade; I suppose that this is an opportunity to get some more metals for miss thane and her co-workers.

Meanwhile, I recently placed an order to Tarmid for coin-minting. I’m not exactly the money-making type, but I figured that it’s best to keep the noble-types – Brenzin! – happy. Tarmid actually came up with some nice designs, all historical and such:

And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #437 on: March 30, 2014, 04:39:45 am »

"Fortress Demongate. 18th Malachite. Year 655.

My memories are blurred. It is hard to remember most recent events. I looked through my journal entries, but found nothing at all, as if three months were teared off from it. Maybe I used another book in the meantime?"

Lokast straightened his back and signed heavily.

"Oh well, who am I kidding? Three months ago, after receiving an order from my consciousness, I promptly ignored it, thinking that there was plenty of time ahead to sort everything out. The next morning, I was no longer in control of my own body. Taking only most needed supplies I - or, more correctly, my body - managed to run back to the caravan before its arrival. Obok grumbled, but asked no questions. He was completely uninterested why wise scholar, who stayed behind to study, suddenly run back with wide eyes and messy clothes, painfully griping his backpack as if demons were following in his steps.

The journey is less than complete in my memory. After first days, my sensitivity waned and I stepped back, unable to struggle for control anymore. Pictures of different places: deep forest a lake, jungles, snowy mountain... We have travelled quite far indeed and overcame many difficulties. But my arrival to Demongate is complete mystery. I cannot remember anything from it.

Unknown force that guided me here, finally waned within a month, leaving me staring at toy anvil in my hands, mouth agape. Thankfully, everyone was fine with me not remembering anything - it was quite normal for dwarf to be inspired and guided by forces unknown. But... I know that it is not so. Long trek here, only to make an anvil? Improbable. Spirits are not so organized and temporizing to pull something like it. Perhaps, anvil was just deception. Or hidden sign for me. Maybe I had some metallurgy skills back there? Or can it mean something about my ancestry? I must study it more thoughtfully."

Scribe paused to wipe sweet from his brow. Sitting beside fireplace was, perhaps, not the best idea after all.

"It remains to be seen if I can discover anything. In the meantime I want to borrow and study some books from my fellow scribe. Maybe I will find something of importance to my quest there."
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 11:09:02 am by Sarrak »
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #438 on: March 30, 2014, 08:05:45 am »

RIP Giant Spider, may he web in peace.


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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #439 on: March 30, 2014, 10:07:02 am »

*breathing heavily* Still no leads to the flame but it looks like the fellow Lokast had a mood.... good for him. My body is growing heavy and I seem to be getting more ill the longer that smell is around, why is no one else smelling it? Can I only smell true magic in this crummy fort? God do I miss my old home. Thane and tarmid are acting paranoid lately... weak minded fools.


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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #440 on: March 30, 2014, 01:30:19 pm »

Urge to kill Danetheman... rising.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #441 on: March 30, 2014, 04:15:05 pm »

Thane's journal.

I've been having a strange feeling lately. Well, two strange feelings. The first is, obviously, that whoever it is that was following me is still following me, and if it's not one of the Knights, I don't know who it is. If Tarmid really is being followed as well, then it's probably not a stalker, unless we're being followed by different people. In any case, the second feeling is that we should be digging deeper. Apparently it's pretty common for metalworkers to feel like that, since we feel more comfortable near the blood of the earth, but this feels different. It's as if there's something calling out to me from below.

In any case, Demongate is making its own coins now. I had to have the idea explained to me a couple of times, but apparently it's like giving someone a mug or toy anvil in exchange for something that's actually of some use. Frankly, I can think of better things to do with our metal, like make weapons out of it.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #442 on: March 30, 2014, 05:12:42 pm »

Chapter IV: Invaders and a Visitor

Gnora’s Journal
17th Limestone, 655

Well, bless my soul! Adamantine in the caverns. The miners was going absolutely crazy about this find. I had to very sternly tell them that they were not to dig it out; I don’t want any curses coming here.

A little while later, a miner came running up into the fortress crying madly about demons and devils and all of that type of thing. I don’t know what to do about this, so I’ve put extra traps in the lower areas. Nobody’s going down there on my watch.

3rd Timber, 655

It’s finally happened! Every fortress gets one of these eventually, and ours is no exception. The fortress is on high alert, and if all goes well one of our tin cages will have a new owner.

Undated Entry

The gobs came back, and this time with a formal army. Everyone was ordered inside, though the lingering hunters managed to put a few bolts in the advancing lashers. Their leader was mounted on a cave crocodile, and came marching up to our gates as if he owned the place. Naturally, our troops took the soldiers out with ease, though the leader managed to narrowly escape unharmed. Everyone was there fighting, except for Thanatos, who was asleep. Brenzin actually took out the most with his pick, and I was actually impressed. Unfortunately, his disciple – Olin, I believe – was caught up in the fighting, and was killed with her child. We will hopefully have all of the dead buried soon.

Meanwhile, one of our newer weaponsmiths, no doubt inspired by the carnage outside, was inspired to claim one of our forges and has begun to design a new weapon. I wonder what he’ll make.

26th Timber, 655
I don’t really know what to do with this.

28th Timber, 655
An interesting dwarf came to visit our fortress today. A hunter spotted him coming towards us at a slow pace, lugging a wooden cart behind him. As he came closer, I could see his worn leather armor and his old iron sword hanging from his belt. His black beard was long and dirty, and I don’t think he’s been in a fort in a while.

He called himself Blackmore, and he was lugging around a sterling silver sarcophagus that he found in the desert on one of his travels. He wanted to sell it to us, and I figured that such an artifact could go nice in our fortress, so I paid him in the silver coins we made. I tried to open it, but it’s tightly locked shut.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #443 on: March 30, 2014, 06:04:55 pm »

Those cursed green bloods thought it was a good idea to attack us.... well they thought wrong and we beat them back. *Cough horrible* Shit that cursed flame is making me weaker... I need to ask gnora if we could buy some sunberrys or at least feather wood, I can make a purification potion and hope that it helps fight back the flame's evil. We also have a vampire... I hope its just a vampire instead a bloodkin. Still nothing about the flame's master but it seems that thane is a lazy one not even fighting during the seige.. I hope shes the demonmancer.


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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #444 on: March 30, 2014, 09:59:48 pm »

Chapter V: The Youth Cometh

It was a cold, mid-winter's night, and all the torches in Demongate had been extinguished. The snow fell heavily upon the surface stained with the blood of dwarf, goblin, and animal alike; buildings -- finished or otherwise -- were cloaked in a white expanse. All who had property huddled into their beds, whilst those who did not slept in the dormitory. Only a select few were still awake, some working quietly in their candle-lighted offices, others training alone in the barracks. In this quiet time, the intruder managed to slip inside the fortress with ease.

Cloaked in black spider-silk, the dwarf moved stealthily through the halls. He passed the farms, the forges, and the workshops. He passed the offices, the dormitory, and the hospital. He passed the bedrooms, the graves, and the mines, until he finally came to his destination. It was a small chamber, sealed only with a silver door. His prize lay on a suspended platform over a small pit; the sterling silver sarcophagus was as good-looking as when he had sold it almost two months heretofore.

Blackmore removed his hood; he was sure that no one had followed him here. The callow peasant-girl was so easily convinced, and now he was about to have his prized possession back, plus the sum of silver he obtained for it. He took the object in his arms and began to carry it slowly out of the chamber. It was incredibly heavy, and he did not have his cart with him. The first few steps went smoothly, but with five more his legs began to quiver intensely. After fifteen steps total he could no longer hold onto it and the sarcophagus went plummeting into the pit with a loud crash. Blackmore knew that someone must have heard such a crash, so he ran quickly into the pit and -- with the strength granted by fear and adrenaline  -- carried the object back to its original position.

Blackmore began to leave, but stopped when he noticed that the lock -- to which he had never truly paid any mind -- had broken. He knew, by basic logic, that little more than a corpse could be inside, however curiosity got the better of the conman and he opened the lid. Inside was a small dwarf's corpse, looking to be about two hundred years dead. It was shriveled, gray, and the skin had begun to rot and peel in certain area. Blackmore was slightly disgusted by the sight, but he was nearly given a heart-attack when the corpse suddenly began to move.

The corpse gripped Blackmore's shoulders with its weak grasp and began to bite at his neck. Blackmore could feel that it was drinking his blood, and just barely managed to break himself out of shock for long enough to force the creature off of him. To his horror, the vampire appeared to be growing younger, for now it appeared to be an incredibly aged dwarf; it was now incredibly wrinkled and feeble, though it was no longer in a state of rot. Blackmore was determined to fight this creature off, and drew his sword from his belt. He lunged at the monster, though the blood loss made it much heavier in his hand and the vampire pushed it aside with ease. The vampire then took its chance to lunge itself at Blackmore, and began to feed with a voracious appetite.

After almost all the blood in his system was gone and Blackmore was almost dead, the vampire assumed a new appearance. He was now a young, strong dwarf with incredible carriage. His red beard was well-groomed; his eyes looked at his meal with prideful amusement. Corley reached down and tore the cloak and sword from the decrepit dwarf's weak body. He no longer held any desire to feed off of this particular dwarf, so he decided to dispose of him in a manner deemed amusing by him. Taking Blackmore in his grasp, Corley deposited him in the very sarcophagus in which he himself was sealed and placed the lid atop it. Any dwarf could lift it, though the lack of blood -- combined with the lack of oxygen inside -- made it impossible for Blackmore.

Corley glanced down at himself; he was nearly naked, and had only an iron sword with him. He began to wonder where exactly he was when he heard the sound of stirring and footsteps coming from the levels above.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #445 on: March 30, 2014, 10:08:09 pm »

Corely is back and inside the fortress................... shit
We fear not to walk in the valley of death for we are the baddest most vicious unforgiving motherf---en dwarves in this valley

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #446 on: March 31, 2014, 05:09:20 am »

Dan, why would Thane have been fighting? She's not even in the militia.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #447 on: March 31, 2014, 07:38:28 am »

.....okay so there is a thantos and a thane....hmm just pretend that my character is slowly losing his mind necausw of the flame.


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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #448 on: March 31, 2014, 07:39:22 am »

.....okay so there is a thantos and a thane....hmm just pretend that my character is slowly losing his mind necausw of the flame.

That's definitely where it started.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: Battling Blood
« Reply #449 on: March 31, 2014, 07:48:45 am »

Great. I'm being stalked by someone who doesn't even know who I am.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.
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