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Author Topic: Demongate: Wrapping up the Loose Ends.  (Read 683096 times)

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate
« Reply #180 on: March 17, 2014, 09:46:16 pm »

Thane's Journal, Winter.
I've closed the mines for the time being. I want to get a few more bedrooms and other essentials dug out before we start getting larger migrant waves next year.

In other news, I'm slightly worried about that scribe. He's the manager of the fortress, but he doesn't seem to need to validate any orders I give him, nor does he build skill from those orders. Perhaps he's cheating somehow...

The miners have finished digging out rooms for any nobles we may have visit. At the moment, they're still just holes in the wall, but I'm sure we can fill them with gold and other sparkly things before someone goes insane due to lack of weapon racks.

One of the woodworkers finally made a crossbow, so Dan can go hunting with the bolts I made.

We're going to need a militia in Demongate, and I've finally started to equip them. We only had enough copper for four bars of bismuth bronze, but we only have three dwarfs with military experience at the moment, so I guess it works out.

The miners finished digging a barracks and some stockpile room today. It's Brenzen's last job as a miner, for tomorrow he will become the militia commander of the Demon's Gate. Of course, he'll still be using a pick, but now he'll be digging for blood and organs.

The liaison cornered me in my office, demanding we finish our meeting. Then he stared at me for a few hours before telling me we have much to discuss.

It seems I'm going to be side-tracked for a lot longer than I hoped. The liaison and I have only gotten around to agreeing that we would like copper and steel in the next caravan, and once we eventually finish, I was planning to get our stockpile records up to scratch. As such, I'm turning leadership of Demongate over to Sir Brenzen for the foreseeable future. It will probably be good for the fortress, I don't have all that much experience in military matters anyway.

ooc: First years sure do go by quickly. The rate and images should be up later today.
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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #181 on: March 17, 2014, 09:47:50 pm »

Fine, fine, I'll post an update later.

Asmoth, do you want me to keep track of overseer posts or do you want to do that?


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #182 on: March 17, 2014, 09:51:01 pm »

thats right i reap souls in this case it shall be DEMON souls!!!!!!! yeah i love greek mythology did not know about butterflies though............... ok somebody right now find or make pictures of DEMON butterflies!!!

Not mine, but it works.

 Nothing says demonic to a Dwarf Fortress player like a friggin Cat.
TalonisWolf has claimed the title of Sig-forger the Burning Champion of Lime Green!
The first time you see this, copy it i

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate
« Reply #183 on: March 17, 2014, 09:55:18 pm »

Eh, you can if you don't mind. I'd probably miss a few.
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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #184 on: March 17, 2014, 09:55:51 pm »

A DEMONIC BUTTERFLY CAT!!!!. YOU SIR ARE A GENUIS! though seriously that may just be the most dwarfy demon i have ever seen.
We fear not to walk in the valley of death for we are the baddest most vicious unforgiving motherf---en dwarves in this valley


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #185 on: March 17, 2014, 09:56:42 pm »

I try.  8)
TalonisWolf has claimed the title of Sig-forger the Burning Champion of Lime Green!
The first time you see this, copy it i


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #186 on: March 17, 2014, 09:58:17 pm »

you sir have my dwarfiest respect!!!!  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
We fear not to walk in the valley of death for we are the baddest most vicious unforgiving motherf---en dwarves in this valley


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #187 on: March 17, 2014, 10:29:32 pm »

Gnora's Journal
The Arrival
We just arrived our destination about an hour ago and I must say that this place is absolutely beautiful. Trees outside and fertile dirt inside; what more can a girl ask for? The farms have been commissioned and are being dug out as I write this. I'll finally have a nice plot of land to grow some food: plump helmets and some cave wheat. Stills should be set up soon as well, and we'll be brewing our own beer. Back at my fortress, the nobles just only purchased imported sunshine for themselves while we settled on that sewer brew the humans drink; downright uncivil. Well, as soon as this is all sorted out, it will be like Heaven on Earth here.

On another note, I seem to have slightly misjudged the monk in my previous entry. Practically as soon as I finished writing it, he began to look nauseous, as if he had far too much to drink. Well, I suppose you can't expect the boys to be
too holy on an expedition like this.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #188 on: March 18, 2014, 02:44:37 am »

The events of 28th Obsidian, 652:
The Sun had set two hours ago; the entire expanse of land was in the middle of a cool night. The stars twinkled above, and the moon provided a beacon for Thane -- who had the duty of driver that night -- and the horses. A light breeze flowed about the land, but the only noises at the moment were the murmurs and stirrings of the dwarves within the wagon. Tired, yet restless, each one was relaxing by the glow of a the lanterns, minding his own business or chatting with another dwarf. The peacefulness was broken rather abruptly by Vladimir, whose practically non-existent sense of restraint was weakened even further by the flask of Dwarven rum he had recently consumed.

"Vut an interesting group we have, really," he began. "Ve have Vlad, ve have holy monk and varrior, ve have the veaponsmith, ve have the hunter and ve have the pioneer. Then ve have the little farm-girl; vut good group."

By this point in time, most of the caravan had simply begun to tune out Vladimir's ramblings, but Gnora found herself consistently pestered by his words. After all, she had spent most of the trip drawing crude sketches of farm-layouts, though her concentration was always broken by that odd dwarf. This time, she finally decided to speak up, albeit somewhat mildly.

"You know," she hissed, "this 'farm-girl' has a name. She would also thank you kindly if you would be quiet for more than a minute at a time!"

"Vut does it matter anyway," Vladimir retorted, "Vunce ve arrive at site, ve von't see other one much. You vill toil in the fields vith the plants, vhilst me and the vorkers get fortress moving."

"What exactly do ya' mean by 'vorkers?' Do you think that farming isn't as important as mining and wood-cuttin'?"

"Allow Vlad to repeat self. You vill vork vith the plants."

"I'll be feeding ya'll your meals! Food doesn't just come out of nowhere you know! As for you, you're not a 'vorker!' You've been rambling non-stop about your work as a mercenary; you're nothing but a hired-axe."

"You show interest, perhaps Vlad demonstrate axedwarfship at lights-out."

What followed was a long stream of incoherent insults and accusations from Gnora. Vladimir calmly retorted to each one with an off-handed remark or lewd comment, greatly worsening the situation. Try as they might, the other members of the caravan -- that is, the ones that were not watching in amusement -- couldn't manage to calm Gnora down. Noticing the conflict, Thane brought the wagon to a halt and ordered Vladimir to take his place; the mercenary smiled and happily rose to the top of the wagon and let the wagon continue on its way. Gnora, fully exhausted from the fight, fell into a tearful sleep.

Thus, the caravan continued on its way. In the morning, the dwarves would reach their destination.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #189 on: March 18, 2014, 04:09:54 am »

I think I'll dig into history depths alongside Rhaken. We're scribes, after all  :D
Maybe I will be pressed into changing my dwarfing conditions if I discover we have no possible candidates at all.

Also, some graphical images are mandatory. Let the future generations learn how bad/mad/bizarre/genius architecture was at the start!
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #190 on: March 18, 2014, 07:41:26 am »

Journal of Danman.

We finally arrived to the new to my new home... It's kinda lovely lots of trees and plants meaning more animals for me to train on. It already seems that two of our forts members already hate each other, but i don't really care that much about these people i only want to kill my tasked forgotten beast and then settle down. At least the leader knows good hunting pets when he sees one so know i got pet hunting badgerdogs.... sweet. WHY did he forget bolts, I can't do anything with my bare hands only the elders could hunt with hands.


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #191 on: March 18, 2014, 07:56:16 am »

I'm going to go ahead and assume Vlad got drafted as otherwise he's pretty useless.

Journal of Vlad, Entry 2

So, ve manage to be the first group here. Vlad is glad ve vorked so hard in order to get here in time to do all the rest of the vork. Vlad's back is not killing him. Vlad is not going to complain about how long it took to get Vlad a bed. This is because Vlad is used to it, and Vlad can't stand all the vhining the rest of the dwarves make.

Still, is good to have home, yes? I have my own room, just like promised. I do not have pretty dwarf lass just like promised, and on that note I'm pretty sure Gnora spits in my food and drink, but hey! Life is good! Ve finally have time to get training and prepare for battle. I vas vorried all I'd take my axe too vas the trees, yes? They make the edge so blunt.
Brenzen is also in charge of militia now, which makes me glad, because Brenzen should know that ve need armor to keep our extremities attached to our bodies, and shields too if ve are really serious about that. Brenzen also should know to keep us out of trouble until ve're actually ready, yes? Brenzen isn't all that bad a guy to take orders from, except vhen he try to make inspirational speech. But Vlad tries to keep his mouth shut about commandingk officer, because dwarfs who do that have habit of going scoutingk and actually finding enemy frequently in my experience.

Anyway, survival odds looking alright. Vlad has never fought vampire before, but I assume they don't enjoy axe to skull more than anyone else, yes? Encouragingly, ve appear to have a marksdwarf squad in our future, and maybe one day someone get around to building fortifications, yes? This is good, because enemies passed out from pain after arrow in gut much easier to kill, and if Vlad gets hurt than I cannot stick around battlefield to look for carelessly misplaced boots of mine, yes?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 03:33:26 pm by MDFification »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #192 on: March 18, 2014, 03:26:21 pm »

So, the embark team actually had 5 men and 2 women in it. I made Thane the extra woman and assumed it wouldn't end up all that important, but it turns out she and Vlad became romantically involved sometime during the winter. Anyway, my connection is being somewhat slow at the moment, so this is just the file. I have pictures saved, so I'll post them once my internet improves.

Also, yes. Vlad got drafted. He's also a pretty reasonable carpenter, since we only got another one in autumn.

Demongate, turn 2
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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #193 on: March 18, 2014, 03:29:44 pm »

Aaaaaaand Vlad seduces the overseer.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 03:31:34 pm by MDFification »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #194 on: March 18, 2014, 03:53:38 pm »

Thane probably doesn't find him as offensive as Gnora does after working in the forges, I suppose.
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