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Author Topic: Demongate: Wrapping up the Loose Ends.  (Read 683118 times)


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #150 on: March 16, 2014, 08:15:18 pm »


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #151 on: March 16, 2014, 11:01:08 pm »

Dwarf please. Big vacation approaches, though, so i'm not signing up for an overseer turn.

I honestly have no idea how I slipped out of steelhold near the end.

Except that it involved some schist blocks, a couple dozen barrels rolling down a staircase, a friendly demon (or maybe just so much drink it overwhelmed my artificial body...), and an unnecessary sacrifice by my skeletal pets. oh, and a banana.  There elephant parade*.  My memory is particularly fuzzy regarding the banana.
I was never a vampire.  My body wasn't compatible.  It was artificial through and through. Yet it aged, if slowly. A few streaks of grey appeared in the beard, and I was placed under watch.   Untill my harrowing escape, of course. Perhaps an observer would have found it hilarious.
It is hard to say how long this body will last.  another year? another century?
I don't feel like bothering to open up an actual portal to leave, or going through the effort of seperating body and soul again.
But neither shall I feel inclined to make a new one if this one gets destroyed.

For I feel numb, the way one feels numb if watching a train wreck, or a pickaxe about to mine through the last of the addy between the fort and a demon mob...

Am I the source of the problem, in the end? would that fort have simply imploded upon itself had I not foolishly tried to prop up a wellspring of evil?

I cannot say.

Just call me the crazy one. It's easier to call me so than to believe I'm telling the truth.

*ooc: a reference to elephant-parade's game.

Okay sounds good to me but really 2 hospitals really was one of them better then the other?

There was a bed shortage. I didn't want to have wounded without a bed to put them in, so I didn't destroy the previous hospital.  And then I accidentally included some graves in the new hospital zone.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 11:32:45 pm by fractalman »
This is a masterwork ledger.  It contains 3719356 pages on the topic of the precise number and location of stones in Spindlybrooks.  In the text, the dwarves are hauling.
"And here is where we get the undead unicorns. Stop looking at me that way, you should have seen the zombie deer running around last week!"


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #152 on: March 17, 2014, 06:16:40 am »

After ages of refuging at the wilderness (a few years actually, but that were really harsh years) Brother Cornelius made to the Mountainhome. Having nothing but a worn backpack with a small part of his library records, he settled there for some time. He tried to go on with his studies, but the library there were poor in comparison with Monastery, and no progress were made. That depressed him and day by day he ended spending more time in the tavern than in his study room.
And one day there was an enlister looking for the new outposts crew.

- Y'knw, the's bloodkin who des.. dstroyed mah home! Brthers wer' al' ded, hall fild wis blood and worst part their hissing and laugh! Yo nver frget it when you herd it!... Hey, Lad, one more rum!! Cheers, beard.
- Cheers, bro... About bloodkin - I heard the's new outpost about to set against them. Not a beautiful site, but think of it. You'd be a one of founders and get a lot of... well.. material to study! You won't need a library, you'll write that library yourself! That's your chance, Cornelius, think of it!
- What? You ask me to join the fort that sonn be attaked by bloodkin hordes?! Never ever again, dude. Never ever again. Shit, it gives me shiver even thinking of it!.. Lad, double rum, I hellfrozn here. Do not ever tell a word about that frotress, beard. Cheers.
- Okay, bro, up to you...
- Hey, wake up, bro! Your wagon is about to leave! Grab you ass and hurry!!
- What the hell... my head... it's like the Armok's anvil...
- No time to waste, hurry up!
- Where am I? Who the hell you are?
- In the wagon, dude. Welcome to Demonsgate Founders Club!
- *vomits over the wagon board* ... Holy carp...
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #153 on: March 17, 2014, 07:59:04 am »

 Monks really can't hold their liquor, can they? :)
TalonisWolf has claimed the title of Sig-forger the Burning Champion of Lime Green!
The first time you see this, copy it i


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #154 on: March 17, 2014, 10:24:32 am »

Monks really can't hold their liquor, can they? :)

Oh they can, normally. Not so much when the dwarves around them are sick and tired of hearing them bitch and moan while drinking all the brew whom happen to know what combo you need to mix into a drink to knock a dwarf out for long enough to shove him on a wagon.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #155 on: March 17, 2014, 12:20:11 pm »

Just downloading now, I got sidetracked by Paddy's day. Let the bloodshed begin.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #156 on: March 17, 2014, 12:25:07 pm »

Ho boy, the Fractal Entity survived, didn't it?
It'll make an interesting wiki page.
EDIT: Steelhold also breaks your puny file format.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 12:31:03 pm by MDFification »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #157 on: March 17, 2014, 12:27:12 pm »

I can't seem to extract the files. It claims the folder is empty whenever I try to open or extract from it. Is it meant to be titled Steelhold, by the way?

Edit: never mind, it's working now. Is there anything I need here besides the raw folder?

Asmoth's Log.

It took some levering, but eventually I got the others to see things from my point of view. If we are to cross the seas in search of new lands, we need to scout the lands before us. Who knows, there may be something even more dangerous than us waiting on the shores of the place we attempt to conquer. Imagine my disappointment, then, when we landed the boat and found nothing but more of the same waiting for us. I sent Thikut to find out about the area, as she has always found it easier to integrate with mortals, probably because of her youthful looks. Apparently, they call this land Alabelina, or the Momentous Land. The lands to the north seem well fortified, so it would be best for our invasion to begin in the south. From there, our army will have to advance up a narrow pass between the Adventurous Ocean and the Famous Sea, but it will be easier to conquer the north with the supplies we can plunder from the south rather than travel overseas for months and attempt to take a well armed foe. Unfortunately, our soldiers are still somewhat... volatile, but they are a fierce fighting force in spite of this.

Stodir Melbillegon leaned back in her throne, patiently waiting for her general to finish the report. She had been queen for nearly six hundred years, but somehow the heads of her army always seemed to be windbags. She held up a hand, and Kol finally stopped talking.
"So, essentially, there are unsubstantiated reports of a vampire army assaulting the lands to the south and you're advising me to send help before they are overrun," she snapped.
"Yes, my lady," said Kol.
"What!? My queen, if we don't send help to the south-"
"Then what? We'll lose hundreds, thousand of dwarves and even if we win, what would we get out of it? A few thank yous, and empty promises of help when we get invaded because of our loses."
"Your grace, if we do nothing, then the invaders will turn north eventually," Kol protested.
"So we shall stop them at the pass. A single well equipped fortress will be enough to stop them at the cost of only a hundred or so dwarves. Tell me why that isn't a better option," Stodir said.
"Thousands will die!" the general shouted.
"And what does that mean to us? If you truly mean to oppose me on this, feel free."

Kol sighed, defeated. The queen had ruled longer than anyone else, and her enemies had a habit of vanishing mysteriously. The priests claimed she had been blessed with long life by Zas, but her opponents that were smart enough to survive whispered darker tales.
"What is this fortress to be called, then?" she asked.
"Demongate. I'll leave it up to you to make the arrangements."
« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 03:17:40 pm by Deus Asmoth »
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #158 on: March 17, 2014, 04:25:16 pm »

Thane's Journal, 1st of Granite, 653.

We've finally arrived at the place that they call Demongate. Once the wagon stopped, everyone started looking at me, and it turns out that I'm supposed to be leading this expedition. I can only assume that the noble I annoyed intended me to fail so that I would have to return to the mountainhomes in disgrace. I shall not let that get me down, though. We are hard workers, and apparently the fate of the world rests on our shoulders. For such an important area, Demongate doesn't actually look too bad, though the embark team isn't really well designed for founding a fortress. I've sent Vlad and Dan to deforest the surrounding area, and Brezen and Artyom are learning how to handle a pickaxe. In the meantime, Gnora and I will be starting some farms. Brother Cornelius doesn't have much to do at the moment, but I've told him that he'll be handling our stoneworking requirements until we get a proper mason.

Last night, Vlad and Gnora had a massive fight. I don't think that anyone remembers what it was about, but they're both holding a grudge about it. Hopefully, time will make them friends again, but in the meantime, I'll have to keep them apart. In the meantime, we have bigger problems. Brenzen tells me that Demongate lies right on top of an aquifer, so I've started designing a way to force past it.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #159 on: March 17, 2014, 04:42:17 pm »

If you need to swap Vlad's profession, go nuts. I'm just trying to get his axedwarf skill trained so he can get drafted into the militia early on. Alternative, he makes a fine hauler!
... I can't imagine what would have to happen to make Vlad hold a grudge against Gnora. I can't imagine Vlad holding grudges. I can easily imagine him being incredibly lewd to Gnora though.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 04:55:43 pm by MDFification »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate
« Reply #160 on: March 17, 2014, 06:10:51 pm »

That could happen. It seems my intro was inaccurate as well. Somehow the civilisation got changed between checking the rulers and starting the game, so no vampire queen.

Thane's journal, Granite.

Dan has finally finished training his dogs. He says they're ready to hunt, but I doubt that'll be much good since we lost our bolts on the journey here.

Bren and Art seem annoyed at me for some reason. Apparently I forgot to tell them that my plan for getting past the aquifer involved collapsing the earth into it.

Artyom tells me they've found lignite, which should be helpful once we can establish a metalworking industry.

The dining room is finished, as well as some workshop space. Hopefully we'll be able to get enough bedrooms dug out to accomodate any migrants that come our way.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate
« Reply #161 on: March 17, 2014, 07:00:53 pm »

Thane's Log.
Three migrants arrived today. Among them was Tarmid, who claims to be a scribe in the order of St Zane. Brenzen certainly seems to know him, so I've made him the fortress manager.

The bedrooms and officer are finished, so I've sent the miners to try find some ores. Brenzen must have misheard me, because he told me Vlad would be better at that job. Vlad doesn't even have a pick though.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #162 on: March 17, 2014, 07:14:23 pm »

That was fast. :o

Asmoth, you mind flinging the genned world my way? I intend to commence snooping around Legends mode immediately. LET THE CONSPIRACIES BEGIN.
Of course, he may have simply crushed the forgotten beasts with his massive testicles.

Forget a spouse, he needs a full time gonad wrangler.


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #163 on: March 17, 2014, 07:36:36 pm »

i would like a male swordsdwarf named Thanatos.

he wears all black clothing including hood and cloak. the hood only allows you to see his mouth. he is a smoker and has a cigarette in his mouth at all times. he is not a social person and he has a very dark personality. he is a very calm person and the only expresses his pent up emotions on the battlefield were he goes berserk in combat. he does not have bad motives in fact his only goal is to help stop the bloodkin.

he grew up in a bad environment. his mother and two sisters were killed by bloodkin at 3 years old. his father brought him to safety but in his grief he began to viciously abuse his son. he was a soldier in the new town and the place before. he taught his son how to use a sword. at the age of 18 he killed his father and ran away. he comes to Demongate now to avenge his mother and sisters. he is badly scarred under his clothes.

he heard of this place while on the run and decided for a fresh start. he promised himself he would fight to the last breath for this fortress. he promised that he will put the good of the fortress before himself in the name of freedom......
« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 07:48:06 pm by jrrocks05 »
We fear not to walk in the valley of death for we are the baddest most vicious unforgiving motherf---en dwarves in this valley


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Re: Demongate, a Succession Fortress Against Evil
« Reply #164 on: March 17, 2014, 07:40:41 pm »

Jrock: there are no bloodkin on this continent yet.
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