Adulthood sucks. And I'm allergic to responsibilities. I just put off paying a dental bill for a month because I couldn't be arsed to go to my bank's website and do the bill pay thingie.
Also, I have killed about a dozen sprouts this spring so far. Growing plants is hard. Well, at least growing some pansy ass plants is hard. Broccoli is coming up like a champ, but the goddamn eggplants are about as limp wristed as those antifa fucks. Tomato plants too, which is funny, because once they start growing they goddamn explode.
I shouldn't be too hard on the plants. At least a plant never asked for someone to give it a trigger warning. I can respect plants for that.
Is it any wonder I'm on blood pressure pills? Oh shit. I still need to take that tonight. Well, the bottle didn't say anything about not taking it with alcohol, so....
Fox news does nothing but fucking talk about Trump. It's crazy. I only know this because some ashole keeps putting it on at work.
Indian black salt is the shit. It makes everything taste like eggs.
I haven't cleaned the toilet in over a year. But then again, neither has my SO.
Our DVR is always 100% full. And she's bitching about missing Nexflix after having a free week. We record too many goddamn shows as it is. Why're you bitching about watching Nexlifx?
Ok. that's enough banter.