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Author Topic: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?  (Read 2997 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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"your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« on: March 09, 2014, 07:48:55 am »

Recently i was playing on a fortress when without motive this message appeared.I know that this show up when your settlement is under ambush and you abandon it.In my case,i settled in a haunted region swarming with zombies and also getting ambushed all the time (16 custom civs).My death toll was very high so i decided to lock my fortress underground (by making walls in the corridors and locking the doors) but after a while this message appeared and my game ended.Why?My dwarves have everything underground (food,drink,beds,etc) so i don't see a reason for this happening.Also there was tons of zombies at the entrance of the fortress so the ambushers could not get in.


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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2014, 08:03:02 am »

That's honestly very strange.
I've only ever heard of that happening in 23(2d), back when you discovered candy and you mined it for yourself.

Did you trigger anything? Do anything peculiar?

:EDIT: Woops, forgot 40d wasn't the first version.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 06:39:44 pm by Gavakis »


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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2014, 09:01:31 am »

i think you don't have to lose every single dwarf for this message to happened to me once,when i was besieged by goblins and lost about 85% of my dwarves,so i believe it also appears when the death toll after a siege is too high.


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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2014, 09:15:24 am »

Did you actually have any dwarfs left? If your citizens are murdered where no-one can see it, you won't be notified. You'll only get the "dwarf x has been missing for a week" approximately one week after they died, if your fort still stands at the time.

I don't know what the precise rules for "your strength has been broken" are; for the easier achieved "your settlement has crumbled" death, all your dwarfs need to die. It may be that "strength broken" has different conditions, e.g. you lose if you have no more sane adults. It could also be a bug caused by civ-civ interactions with your modded extra invaders.


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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2014, 09:19:33 am »

I've only ever heard of that happening in 40d, back when you discovered candy and you mined it for yourself.
afair never happend in .28; only in 2d version (pre 23?)
Whenever i read the "doesn't care about anything anymore" line, i instantly imagine a dwarf, sitting alone on a swing set. Just slowly rocking back and forth, somberly staring at the ground, and stopping every once in a while to sigh.
It's mildly depressing.


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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2014, 09:30:57 am »

yes the death toll was very high (50+) but some dwarves still where alive underground (about 5 adults,20+ children and 20+ babies).About the "missing dwarves" i have one peasant that was left behind when i decided to lock the fortress underground to avoid getting more people killed and raising more zombies (i heard that in haunted regions the corpses have a chance to be reanimated but i checked to see if there are any necromancers on the map (since i embarked near a tower as well) but did no find any) so i left him there to die.Also about 4-6 caravans died inside the fortress  due to miasma and zombie/civs attack on the entrance.


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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2014, 10:42:26 am »

It happened again in a settlement that i started today but with the "your fortress has crumbled to its end".I have no idea why because there was about 7-9 dwarves and 20+ babies all operating well (also no ambushes and nothing that could trigger this).This appeared shortly after one of the females has given birth.


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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2014, 11:08:02 am »

Sounds like quite an odd bug modded in along with those 16 civs.
Never noticed such a thing with DF itself.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2014, 11:47:56 am »

The only time something completely suddenly like this has ever happened to me, is when every single dwarf got covered in an extremely deadly or enthralling syndrome liquid in an evil rain biome. Every dwarf dies/rots at literally the exact same time, one minute you have 7 alive, and the next moment your game ends.

Alternatively, even if you manage to dodge deadly ash clouds, some of them leave behind dust that can infect anything on contact. Maybe some such dust got on a floor or on someones shoes and it ended up in a main hallway or the dining room. An ash thrall covered in the stuff can rush through a hall killing dwarves and infecting the ones that it doesn't one-hit-kill, and it can snowball exponentially fast.

Finally, there could be an insta-killing deadly dust FB that rushes up the central staircase spreading it's face melting poison.

However, I actually doubt these is the explanation for your problem, it seems like despite being in evil biomes you have been taking pretty good care of your forts. What kinds of mods are you using? Though I still can't really think of something that would cause this so suddenly. I suppose one of the custom civs could have an ash/cloud/dust spewing attack, or maybe it can use an insta-kill attack on anything in line-of-site, much like necromancers can raise the dead on anything in line-of-site.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2014, 12:11:46 pm »

I settled in a normal biome (not savage) to test this and the error persisted.So the teory about the evil cloud could not be applied on this case.Also i was still in the beggining (no caravan have arrived yet) so there is no possibility of a megabeast/titan/FB/necromancer to arrive so early.
About the civs there is none that have a deadly attack (just a dragon like civ that can breath fire but i haven't received any message of a attack).The mod that i using is entirely custom made by myself after much research.Maybe this have something to do with the high levels of banditry of the civs?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2014, 01:26:52 pm »

You can check gamelog.txt and see if anything out of the ordinary is happening before the crumbling. I just can't think of anything that would cause this. Is the firebreathing dragons the only civ with an out of the ordinary behavior? Maybe some of them are ambushing/sneaking and instantly incinerating dwarves before you even see them, though I kinda doubt it ... but there might be other creatures out there with accidental instakilling interactions. It might be worth cross checking your raw/interaction_examples/interactions.txt and raw/objects/interactions_standard.txt files against the vanilla files and see if something is amiss.

It also may be the case that every single dwarf suddenly turns into a were-creature at the same time?

Are there any ways to make a fortress crumble besides all dwarves dying/berserk at once?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2014, 02:54:30 pm »

You can also check your fortresses in legends mode.
Are your dwarves modded in any way?
Quote from: Creamcorn
Dwarf Fortress: Where you meet the limit of your imagination, moral compass, sanity and CPU processor. Fix sober vampires! Dwarven Cognitive Science


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2014, 03:41:05 pm »

i checked it and there was not any relevant message that may lead to the error.Almost all the races (about 11) have the [AMBUSH] and [BABYSNATCHER] tags (also one of them have a banditry percentage of 65 and the [ITEMTHIEF] tag).About the creatures there is not any with a deadly attack that is not a semimegabeast/megabeast.
I have 3 were-like creatures that transmit their curse through their bite (and it also add a interaction to the victim so that it can turn others into weremonsters to add more realism) but they only attack a settlement when the population is 50.
Yes i modded the dwarfs to increase their amount of babies (LITTERSIZE) to remedy the constant attacks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2014, 04:11:20 pm »

Either that or your dwarves all died due to zombie fun.
RIP Moot ;-;7 Sigtext!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "your strenght has been broken" out of nothing?
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2014, 04:51:22 pm »

again with the "strenght has broken" this time after 2 humans and 1 amazon (custom civ) caravans have arrived.The game lagged and then everybody from the caravans died (if not the entire fortress (not sure)) and the message appeared.I think that maybe this have something to do with the increased birthrate.
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