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Should I cheat and change a reaction so we can make an anvil and thus turn moods back on?

Nah, we can do without inane items, even if it'd be amusing to see you rage over amulets.
- 7 (24.1%)
Sure, seems a little wanting without chaos/Emprah driven inspiration poping up out of nowhere.
- 22 (75.9%)

Total Members Voted: 29

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Author Topic: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Community Settlement! [Deader than dead, save lost]  (Read 23695 times)


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Welcome dear forumegoers, to Angel Abbey!

An imperial hive is an ancient and incomprehensibly vast city, built up layer upon layer, stretching ten miles into the planet’s atmosphere. To those who live in the depths the dark and ruinous Underhive offers every opportunity for wealth and power. Its collapsed caverns conceal the riches of the distant past: rare and precious metals, unfathomable archeotech devices, wondrous mutated fungi and much more. It is also a place of danger, where mutant creatures, renegades, cultists, and killers hide from the laws of House and Hive. And, of course, there are others who want the riches of the Underhive for themselves.

Outside the hives proper, the planet’s surface is covered by endless miles of toxic ash wastes and the atmosphere is so polluted that it corrodes the outer layers of the hive’s armored walls. Above is a harsh  pollution-laden and storm racked sky and the sun’s deadly light when the clouds are breached. Beyond the planet itself is the wider galaxy and the great realm of the Imperium of Man, an empire of a million worlds held in thrall by the Adeptus Terra on Earth. But such things are practically legends in the Underhive where open sky, space, planets, and even ground made of something other than compressed rubble, wreckage, and ash itself are concepts so wild that many refuse to believe they exist.

The central parts of Hive Primus, Hive City, is generally polluted and decaying but the Underhive is a hundred times worse. Its domed caverns are dark and ruinous, collapsed floors and fallen buildings have reduced many areas to nothing but wastezones of rubble and debris. Poisonous effluvia, toxic dust and the filth of the hive seep downwards and bury everything in a thick layer of detritus. Underhive has a geography all of its own. But amongst the tangle of ruins there are isolated pockets which can be
made habitable with a little effort.

In places the rubble conceals the remnants of previous occupation – machinery or artifacts which can be reclaimed or traded and scattered across Underhive are outcrops of naturally formed ores or ancient refuse which can yield rare and valuable minerals. Entire regions remain unexplored, and much of the hive is unreachable because of blocked and/or flooded tunnels. There are plenty of domes which are simply wastezones, neither habitable nor containing anything of obvious worth. Tunnels and bent and mangled shafts link the domed chambers together. The tunnel structures are weaker than the domes they serve, so they are often destroyed in by the ravages of time, weight, petty firefights between gangs and militias, or partially blocked even if the dome itself is intact. Sometimes though narrow crawlholes through the debris may allow a man to squeeze through, but narrow tunnels are dangerous and often lead nowhere or end in flooded sumps or sudden drops. The whole of the Underhive is a complex maze where it is only too easy to become disorientated and lost.

Ours are citizens of House Orlock. Known as the House of Iron because of its foundations deep in the worlds' ferrous slag pits. These are the hivers that mine those pits for the debris of times ancient and modern (for a certain definition of the term modern,) and extract enough pure metal from the refuse to serve their industries. Of course many of this house, like the others in the lower reaches of Hive Primus decide to make a new home for themselves, stake claims to the wealth to be had, or most often, both. But it is a treacherous path, one fraught with peril: Escaped pit gladiators, various mutants, wandering hosts of House Cawdor and many other things  pose serious dangers to these wealth-seeking and somewhat adventurous hivers from the outside. From within the various holes, settlements, and shanty towns is the ever present fear of heretics covertly turning the populous against the faithful, the only hints that a cult is present being those found dead with their throats slashed and their blood drained for their foul rituals.

Ours is but one tale of this dark, dank, and frankly depressing underworld, one few will ever be likely to know of save those who lived through it and their descendants, if they have any. Ours is the tale of Angel Abbey. It is a tale of glory and tragedy, madness and brilliance, death and horrors of all kinds. Let us begin our story.

Hello! And once more I am your attention whore of a host in a wonderful funderful community game! Why a community game and not a succession? Well because I like to write, share the stories somewhere were others can provide meaningful input, and I like to maintain a degree of control over layouts, military action, and other such stuff as well as dislike having to enforce rules on other overseers. Spearbreakers taught me I have control issues with that sort of stuff.

Anyways, I've wanted to run something based on this mod and wanted to have a minimum of 2-3 games running, so when I don't wanna play one I can jump to the other(s.) To that end, Angel Abbey was born! While there were attempts to make a good game of the mod, one of which falgged and died due to my own jerkassery, I felt it time the mod spring up once more and under a semi-unified direction and with a version much friendlier to the common player. With that in mind, I haven't played in a while so there's stuff I likely don't remember. Like how to put guns together or making frenzon.

So I'll begin with a few things, mostly just certain rules and information for both myself and you guys.
  • Unlike in many mods (including the original form of this one,) firearms in Necromunda can actually seriously mess up a human-sized target – we're talking blowing off limbs and popping out guts here - and don't feel like just crossbows with a different name and harder to make ammo. They will likely be our primary defensive measure. Keep that in mind if you wish to join the militia.
  • We're humans, not dwarves, and likely barely educated outside the House field of expertise at that. Traps can be used sparingly but don't expect trap-halls or silk farms. We can read and write, do math, and operate machinery but designing deliberate engines of doom is a bit beyond most of us.
  • Soil isn't diggable in this mod. This will make surviving and designing a bit more difficult.
  • I am a very conservative player. I dislike loses and this will show in how I play but will accept them if they aren't migrant-haltingly serious. That being said I avoided embarking in an evil biome. The dust storms that may pop up are bad enough, I don't need an instant death cloud causing a total party kill a week in.
  • ::<DATA EXPUNGED>::Thought I remembered to give hivers access to anvils, didn't. Moods are now disabled. Feel free to laugh at me for that.
  • I will be setting Nicknames to [REPLACE_ALL] and will be making an effort to track family history and names. If you want a hiver, make sure you provide a full name. They can be whatever you want so long as it's a reasonable length: Normal like Dave Brown, more exotic, downright odd sounding or even sue-ish like Aerie Darkmoon are all fair game. It's a huge hive and there's plenty to go to for names! Unclaimed hivers/families will be assigned a random name.
  • Off-worlders welcome. Never know who'll end up down here.
  • No immortal hivers. That is the realm of things man is barely meant to know. If you get whacked, you get whacked. You're welcome to lay claim to someone else though!

Now, without further delay here's some basic stuff.

This was the best I could manage for what I was after.

We're starting with the balanced rifle industry start, but I traded two busted rifles for a grox, dogs, and some extra seeds.

Spoiler: Founders (click to show/hide)

Last but certainly not the least, Audience Participation is welcomed, encouraged, and greatly appreciated! As said in Carryscar, it's you guys who make doing this fun for me and seeing my audience get involved even if its simple journals or letters honestly fills me with great joy because it tells me you guys like it enough to do so and I need to press on!

First thing's first for this: We need founders! Hold off on posting until I can get the administrative posts ready. Oh, and that top pic goes to whoever made it!


Saints and those who revere them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2014, 04:31:28 am »


All art and story posts made by forumgoers goes here.

[Monitor Lisard]
-Cobra Green
Log: Found Dataslate, Ambushed by pit slave.
Log: Current Events 1

-Artyom Barkov
Log 1: Past Three Months.
Log 2: So he was an Adept!
Log 3: On the confrontation and cases.
Log 4: After Walsh
Log 5: Fixed radio

Log 1: Backstory

-Vereshyyn Damara
Log 1: On the grox and toxic rubble

-Connor D'Shannon
Log 1: Accidentally turned on recorder
Log 2: Craftsman's Curse


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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2014, 04:36:49 am »


Unlike other places I do, I've dropped a listing of people. Instead there will be a number alone.
Who knows, maybe that will make it feel more grimdark.

111 (118)
Adults: 73
Juves: 38
Dead: 7


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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2014, 04:39:02 am »


Things you guys set out for me to do or various projects that need doing. Finished stuff is cyan, in progress yellow, unfinished/unstarted in red.

"Safe" water source
Pump House for Water source
Steady supply of food and water
Functioning firearms industry

Kill a noble for being an idiot


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2014, 04:40:55 am »

-You and your scav crew have stumbled upon the remains of a settlement while trawling the underhive for good loot to sell up-hive. It's been derelict a while, but clearly not that much of a while as there's plenty of loot to be had! The only identification you seem able to find is the sign bolted to the scrap metal wall out front: Angel Abbey. Whilf you check through the various boxes and lockers in the settlements' apparent residential block, you find several small crates of dataslates, quite the valuable little pieces of technology! You wonder how these folks got so many, and then decide to indulge in your curiousity and turn one on.-

::1st Ollanius, 127::




Okay... How do I... Wait, does that mean it's- Oh, wait, says it is. Alright then. Uh, hello, journal... Dataslate... Thing. My name is Valen Kalis, for what it's worth. Found a big-ass container full of old dataslates, picked through them all on the road. Guess the guilder we bought this old cargo truck from forgot they were in here. Hundred and fifty, if my count is right. A few are missing their styluses and a couple just straight up won't turn on. Barkov says he can fix that if he can get the right tools and can use a working stylus for reference, but there's more than enough to go around as it is. Now, I wonder if there's uh... What's the word... Oh, right. Topograph- Oh! There it is!

Figures those damned grox would get ornery and break the damned harness away from anything we could feasibly use as shelter. Just as well that we end up here. Never know what sorts of goodies we'll find right? And it looks like there may be some rubble we can dig through just to the north of us. A good many holes start out like this, just little hidey holes dug into some relatively stable rubble to get away from wildlife or the odd dust storm. Plus there's the river to the south even if it's not exactly the safest thing to drink. Plenty of those delicious little sludge prawns to be had, but it's full of those sludge jellies. <Shudder> Damned things give me the creeps.

::6th Ollanius, Year 127::

Never understood the year system we use. Stupid reignal years of the governors. Barkov got jumped by a ripperjack this morning. At least we can sort of tell when it's night or day down here. Lots of big lights in places we can sort-of see that shut down for about nine hours a day.

Anyways, the damned thing jumped on him while he was digging up some junk he spotted while walking around looking for outcroppings of useful stuff and left him with a shallow cut on his head and some bruises. Said it took forever for him to kill the thing; kept biting at him even when he had his drill jammed in its wings and didn't stop until it bled out. I'm a little worried about infection, but I'm sure he'll be fine.

[Basically three pages of the ripperjack biting Artyom, getting shaken off, and getting jabbed with a drill a few times on repeat until the damned thing finally bled out.]

Afterward he and Damara set about on the entrance and they hit some ferrus slag!

[Ferrum is very important in the mod (even moreso than normal DF) so I can see why it generates an announcement.]

Between the concentrations of metallic junk they've already found and the presence of some carboniferous waste, we may well have lucked out! Well, for a certain definition of “lucked out.” Pretty sure that waste is equal parts old paper, dead spinegrass, and human shit. Burns good in workshops and forges all the same though.

::16th Ollanius, 127::

Had a bit of a scare put in me today! A giant wolf spider wandered into camp this morning and had a go with the grox and our dogs. I'll spare the details my little friend, and say only even domestic grox scare the shit out of me. Never seen a wolf spider get ripped in half like that before except when a heavy stubber clipped them in the right place!

Hope Artyom and and Vereshyyn Can be quick about digging us out someplace to hide from the ripperjacks and whatnot. Don't wanna be out here any longer than we need to be. We all agreed that making the place look liveable comes second and to just dig like hell.

-After listen to the last entry, you decided to gather more of these dataslates and gather your crew. You have been away from a good hole for some time and these could provide a decent bit of entertainment before you haul them back to places like Bolthole or Down Town to sell.-

So, there's our first short entry! Not a month in and we have someone attacked by Ripperjacks and a wolf spider take a swing at us and get torn apart by our angry reptilian cow expies! Not a bad start eh guys?


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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2014, 05:05:14 am »

ooh toughy, considering I don't think brewers do anything in this modpack? but I think I might grab that weaponsmith, you may put any twist on my name as desired.


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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2014, 05:12:53 am »

I'll take Contendas, if that's ok.
Dorf!Human name: Vereshyyn Damara.

Hopefully this goes impeccably well, without any setbacks. 0:) Mwahaha. 0:)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 05:42:22 am by Lolfail0009 »


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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2014, 05:16:57 am »

I would like to claim Hasta Olcumcnigma. Not sure what he does right but I want him.

Rename to Artyom Barkov. This is going to be fun!
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2014, 05:28:40 am »

ooh toughy, considering I don't think brewers do anything in this modpack? but I think I might grab that weaponsmith, you may put any twist on my name as desired.

All yours. Brewers operate the water purifier, thus keeping us hydrated.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2014, 05:33:03 am »

ooh toughy, considering I don't think brewers do anything in this modpack? but I think I might grab that weaponsmith, you may put any twist on my name as desired.

All yours. Brewers operate the water purifier, thus keeping us hydrated.

Out of pure interest, what role have I taken on? I only know who I've picked, not what he does.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!

Monitor Lisard

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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2014, 05:35:33 am »

Can I have a human too? Please, name him/her Viper Green (if male) or Cobra Green (if female). Any hunting/militia profession, if possible. If not, any will do.
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2014, 05:42:57 am »

Out of pure interest, what role have I taken on? I only know who I've picked, not what he does.

You got one of the miners.

Can I have a human too? Please, name him/her Viper Green (if male) or Cobra Green (if female). Any hunting/militia profession, if possible. If not, any will do.

Sure thing. I'll put you under wave 1 pending.

EDIT: Time for me to hit the rack. May need to work tomorrow. Glad to see some claimants already!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2014, 05:46:57 am »

Yay! I should be far enough away from the horror monsters that I might just have a chance at having children.

... Yeah, that's about the best anyone can really hope for in Dwarf Fortress, let alone Warhammer 40k.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: Angel Abbey, an Underhive Mod Community Fortress, looking for founders!
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2014, 05:48:02 am »

Yay! I should be far enough away from the horror monsters that I might just have a chance at having children.

... Yeah, that's about the best anyone can really hope for in Dwarf Fortress, let alone Warhammer 40k.

We're miners. If anything, we're the shock troops.
Don't get your hopes up.
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