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Author Topic: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.  (Read 214338 times)


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1155 on: April 16, 2014, 12:08:08 pm »

Brother Lars: Team F Chaplain

"Very well.  Sister Dominika, can you handle it?"

Use the power of the gods to convince the absent Dominika to melt the thing in the hall way.  If Shit Gets Real, then start shooting it with the shard launcher.

((How about this, then?))
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1156 on: April 16, 2014, 12:29:30 pm »

Team H, Starfleet Command - Anton Chernozorov

Repeating last turn's actions:

Team H, Starfleet Command - Anton Chernozorov

"Hmm. Well, a sudden rise in energy signature is something to look out for then, but can we differentiate between a charging laser and a charging mass driver? Or whatever you call a gauss cannon large enough to shoot planets with. Basically, I'm considering ordering our little fleet to a higher altitude, maybe even a low orbit. If they're charging a laser, about the only ways we could prevent it are the surface-to-orbit cannon and the Black Death, and the latter needs some time to get into position. But then, if they're charging a weapon we can otherwise intercept, it'd be stupid to lose that ship on a suicide run against a battleship for basically no benefit.

Also, a sudden drop in energy signature would be a weapon discharging, then, right? Because that happened a while ago on one of the ships, but I... don't think we've had any impacts around here. Their gunners can't be such bad shots as to miss a planet, can they?

Converse with Steve. Keep monitoring the situation. Watch for any changes in ship energy signatures, as well as any odd movements.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1157 on: April 16, 2014, 12:39:04 pm »

Team A - Ship Alpha || Skylar - Support

If suits are insulated enough sound wise that I can do this without the sound escaping, ask Steve to look at the recording's from my suit and tell Flint (or me so I can tell Flint) what the name & ID number on that card was
If Steve can't find it on tape, try and remember it myself and feed it to Flint if he can't remember it :P

If my suit isn't that insulated for sound, continue plan 'wait for feces to introduce itself into the ventilation system.'

Team A D - Ship Alpha | Flint Westwood - Disguised Soldier

((Hey, that's actually a very good excuse. Good thinking and good thing I got a 4.
Also, loving the suspense.))

Tell the Sod the name I read on the ID (I assume I at least remember that). Also tell the ID number if I remember it.

If I don't remember it and Skylar doesn't tell me on his own, then try the following (while saying wait a sec it's on the tip of my tongue or something similar):
If I can tongue or press a switch on my suit without being seen (disguise it as a nervous involuntary motion, perhaps) to magnify the camera of the suit to read the number of the reflection in the sod's helmet, then do that.
Remember when I gave Steve and Skylar this suit's ID and stuff so that he can connect to it? If that allowed him to access this suit's camera and I can tongue the switch without being seen from the sods, contact him and ask him.
Else, if I can tongue a switch without being seen, ask Skylar for help or for him to review my (or better yet his, since he has a MK3 connected to Steve and I was wearing my MK2 when I found their IDs) camera footage or for him to connect to my suit and magnify until he can read the number off the sod's helmet's reflection. Or maybe ask him to hack into the sod's camera or something.
Else, just try another speech roll.

If I'm successful, add a comment along the lines of "Are we done here? We're kinda in a hurry." in the hopes that they'll let us go through. more quickly.

Team D, "Dead Dirtbags in a box" - Thaddeus - Disguised Grunt - Ship Alpha

Just sit there and stay quiet, charging an exo bonus

If the sod isn't paying attention to Thaddeus, quickly look and study the ID card that he received

If shit happens, target sod farthest away with amp, heat one foot sphere by 150 degrees Celsius centered on their head, then second farthest, then third and finally the closest, hoping the rest of the teammates take out the closest ones before Thaddeus has to

Ooo clever girl. Kri just saved you a potential Int roll.

Steve uses the footage from Skylar's helmet cam and to get the info and feeds it to Flint, who regurgitates it to the Sod. The Sod listens and then, a moment later hands the card back. He steps over toward Thad and holds out his hand, waiting to be handed his ID.

"What in box?"


Team B - The Anti-Derm

In fairness, you all knew my track record. Now then, those bodies aren't doing the UWM any good.

Go eat what's left of the crew's bodies.
"Hold on, let me thaw out so I can fire you out a goddamn airlock. And don't even THINK of thawing us with your amp, or I swear to god I'm taking you with me."

Fondly imagine throwing Xan out an airlock, and focus on smashing a section of the ice with my amp. Don't actually attempt it, just charge a bonus.

((Greaaaat. The UWM will just love some ARMcicles. Did all the hard work for them.))

Morul focuses on an attempt to free himself from the ice (Which isn't just a coating of ice externally, xan basically put a latice of very dense ice throughout both simus and Morul's robot bodies. In all the little spaces between the muscle fibers, or inside them in some cases.

Xan, in the meantime, continues being xan.


Auron, team C.

Rest behind my shield, try to recover enough to begin shooting.

Angel: team C

Man Down!, Man Down!

If I can get to Jhospeh without exposing myself do so and attempt to provide field first aid, otherwise keep firing to bring down the remaining sods
Denzel Gaunt- Team C, Audax

"Don't let up- we don't want them getting close."

Open fire with my laser, prioritizing staying alive over hitting sods. Should they close to melee range, bring out the monoatomic sword and accompanying dynamic uncon bonus. Should another teammate go down, though, use my MFM on the sods.

[Angel con:4+1]
[Doom Con:6]
Angel and Denzel both open fire, Angel going for precise, deadly shots while Denzel sprays fire and screams incoherently. Their combined fire manages to kill 3 more sods and force the remaining 3 to take cover in the alcoves. From their hiding spot, one of the sods hurls a grenade down the hall towards the team.


Team E - Lerman

Continue down the hall. Look for traps/enemies/consoles. Hack any consoles in sight. Work out why the room is completely empty.

Team E

Keep going for the bridge. Check if the door is hackable, or if there's somewhere that Steve can plug in. Otherwise, get ready to slice the door and stay in cover once the cutter does it's thing. Get ready to throw a grenade if there's anyone on the other side.

Both Bishop and Lerman stop at the threshold of the hall. There is something wrong here. The walls look different then what they were everywhere else. Like they were made of metal plates or tiles rather then a solid metal corridor.


Ship Beta: Team F: Grate

If Lars doesn't respond, investigate the thingy. Carefully. If it kills me, run back to the elevator.
Team F

Be ready to fire on the...things if it's hostile.
Brother Lars: Team F Chaplain

"Very well.  Sister Dominika, can you handle it?"

Use the power of the gods to convince the absent Dominika to melt the thing in the hall way.  If Shit Gets Real, then start shooting it with the shard launcher.

((How about this, then?))
Lars Grabs Dominika and shakes her until acts.

Well, luckily you're not as close and this isn't as enclosed. The thing melts, along with most of the hall, and the sheer heat blast from the white hot ball of light that manifests within the strange object is enough to hurl the entire team back against the wall of the elevator and half melt the elevator doors and hallway metal, spraying them in molten steel. When it's over, the doorway out of the elevator is mostly sealed by bowing walls and slag, and half the team is entombed in cooling metal.


((@PW: Ok, I agree with your idea. Please fast-forward.))


Enter BT, try to go for the control room, avoiding traps and get ready for the fighting.

((@PW that sounds good))
onwards with laser held at the ready

Alright so lets see here. Blah blah blah, Alright.

You are presented with a big steel blast door. It's got several automated turrets near it and a control pad next to it. For the purposes of this not instantly becoming a blood bath, we'll say you guys are peaking at it from around a corner. There's a good distance from here to the door, and the hall is pretty narrow. Clearly designed as a kill zone for those turrets.


Team H, Starfleet Command - Anton Chernozorov

Repeating last turn's actions:

Team H, Starfleet Command - Anton Chernozorov

"Hmm. Well, a sudden rise in energy signature is something to look out for then, but can we differentiate between a charging laser and a charging mass driver? Or whatever you call a gauss cannon large enough to shoot planets with. Basically, I'm considering ordering our little fleet to a higher altitude, maybe even a low orbit. If they're charging a laser, about the only ways we could prevent it are the surface-to-orbit cannon and the Black Death, and the latter needs some time to get into position. But then, if they're charging a weapon we can otherwise intercept, it'd be stupid to lose that ship on a suicide run against a battleship for basically no benefit.

Also, a sudden drop in energy signature would be a weapon discharging, then, right? Because that happened a while ago on one of the ships, but I... don't think we've had any impacts around here. Their gunners can't be such bad shots as to miss a planet, can they?

Converse with Steve. Keep monitoring the situation. Watch for any changes in ship energy signatures, as well as any odd movements.

>Check heat signatures. Gauss coils have to be actively cooled, so they should not be giving off heat except during and shortly after firing. Laser cannons often run hot, or at least hotter then the rest of the ship, save the engines.

>Firing should be a spike and then sudden drop. If you're just seeing a drop, it's a weapon powering down.

Hasala Nabin - Team H Sod Controller

Wait for a bit, to see if the door closes or someone comes out.
Determine what kind of noise it is in the meantime, and how many people are making it, if any.

No one comes in or out of the door, but the door doesn't close either. As per the's hard to tell. It's quite muffled but it sounds sort of like someone talking. Theres some sort of other noise you can here but can't quite make out. Almost a white noise sort of thing. It seems to be interrupting what might be speaking every now and again.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1158 on: April 16, 2014, 12:45:02 pm »

Ship Beta: Team F: Grate


Attempt to free myself of the slag and run to the least melty place around!
Also scream, but I don't think I have much choice about that.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 08:33:33 pm by GreatWyrmGold »
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1159 on: April 16, 2014, 12:47:15 pm »

Team B - nomnomnom

Well, I shall leave you to it. Won't risk another overload.

Charge exo bonus while dragging Morul out of the room. Then go back into the room.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 07:00:07 pm by Xantalos »
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1160 on: April 16, 2014, 12:48:55 pm »

Lars coughed as he shook himself, as best as he could.  "P...Praise be to Steve, who hath saved us in his mercy.  Amen."

He looks at the others.  "Did we bring any of those laser cutters?"
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1161 on: April 16, 2014, 12:52:46 pm »

Team A D - Ship Alpha | Flint Westwood - Disguised Soldier

"Tools. Spare parts. Stuff we may need to do repairs."
(I'm assuming I can open the box without the sod seeing what's inside it. If I can't, don't do the following action.)
Open the box and retrieve a tool from the toolbox inside it. Show it to the Sod.

"See? We need our tools if we gonna fix stuff. Right <name I read on other ID>?"
After the sod has taken a good look at it, put it back in and close the box.

If it is possible, prepare another speech dynamic bonus in case I need to come up with an excuse for Thad.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 02:52:17 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1162 on: April 16, 2014, 01:29:39 pm »

Team E

Bishop frowns at the corridor of plates and connects to Steve.

"Steve, take a look at what I'm seeing for a moment. What exactly are we looking at here? It's clearly some kind of defence, but I'm not sure what or what we could do about it with our current gear... Some help with this would be nice."

Contact Steve and show him the corridor with my cameras. Ask him what he thinks it might be and what we could do about it. Don't go in to the obviously trapped hall.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1163 on: April 16, 2014, 01:40:01 pm »

Hasala Nabin - Team H Sod Controller

Whole team sneaks up to the door, closest one takes a peek inside. If the noise is an electronic speaker or intercom or something, continue towards the bridge.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1164 on: April 16, 2014, 02:48:46 pm »

Lars coughed as he shook himself, as best as he could.  "P...Praise be to Steve, who hath saved us in his mercy.  Amen."
Being half-covered in molten metal, Grate continues to scream.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1165 on: April 16, 2014, 03:19:11 pm »

Team B: Wild Weasels

"Whoo boy. I'd cross my fingers but that ain't happening yet. Xan, could you drag these two away from me just in case this goes horribly?"

Wait for Xan to drag Simus and Dubley(?) to a hopefully safe distance, then rapidly compress air around me, and hope it gets hot enough to melt the ice, or at least weaken it.

((Edited action cause this could get violent, and I don't want to knock the dude over.))
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 03:35:59 pm by kisame12794 »
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1166 on: April 16, 2014, 03:34:37 pm »

Team D, "Dead Dirtbags in a box" - Thaddeus - Disguised Grunt - Ship Alpha

Hopefully Thaddeus had the presence of mind to quickly hide the ID card before the sod looked to him. Having studied the ID previously, Thaddeus just recites off the ID number and name on it. He looks embarrassed and says: I, uh, managed to lose my ID card. I'm actually coming here to pick up my new one. Sorry.

If shit happens, target sod farthest away with amp, heat one foot sphere by 150 degrees Celsius centered on their head, then second farthest, then third and finally the closest, hoping the rest of the teammates take out the closest ones before Thaddeus has to
Well, it only hates Linux for now. If we could condition it to hate computer viruses, than hooray! Free, brutal virus protection! Unless you have Linux!

Tavik Toth

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1167 on: April 16, 2014, 04:00:30 pm »

Team F

"That was close."Jack says as Grate and..Dominika scream from being half covered in molten metal.

Stand up and see if laser rifle has any charge left.

Phoenix Flame

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1168 on: April 16, 2014, 04:02:06 pm »

Angel Team C

Feth! GRENADE! get to cover!

Depending on where the grenade lands either  hunker down putting as much cover as possible between me and it without exposing myself to the squads, curling into a ball to protect my head using my torso, if the grenade lands too close then kick it away, preferably back towards the sods *then* hunker down


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1169 on: April 16, 2014, 05:31:37 pm »

Auron team C.

Rotate/reposition myself in the alcove so that my teammate(s) can hide behind me as i cower behind my shield.

Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.
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