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Author Topic: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.  (Read 221706 times)


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #435 on: March 08, 2014, 09:35:47 am »

Lyra, Team G

Staying with Faith, preping to heat-shield things again.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #436 on: March 08, 2014, 01:29:46 pm »


Team A

drink and broom the night away

You clean with booze and then drink your broom.


Stacy, Team BF Platypus

Be somewhere that isn't being currently bombarded. If I can see a cluster of kill drone insertion pods, try to stay away from those as well.
You abandon your barricade and run north, up toward the airfield.

Team B

Move away from impact zone as fast as possible.

You abandon your barricade and run north, up toward the airfield.
Team B

Quote from: Thomas to Team B
Would it be okay if I split off and headed to the sword to take up a sniping position? I can stay safer and help the other teams from there, and I'll have a better position to fire from. My rifle is also scoped, so the distance isn't an issue.

Thomas gets out of the way of any incoming death, then heads to the Sword and takes up a firing position.
You're already there.

Jack Catar-Team B
Get away from the bombardment, but remain as close as possible to cover.

You abandon your barricade and run north, up toward the airfield.

Pancaek - Team B - Remains of Bunker 4

"Right, gotcha chief. Allright, team B, you heard the man. Get ready to shoot me some drones, try not to get crushed by debris while you're at it. I'll just stroll over to the laser battery and try to not get it crushed."

Go with miyamoto to D8 and also try and pulse away anything falling towards the laser battery with muh amps.
[exo:6+2 DECOMP 5]
Well, that should be effective, if tiring.


Team C, Grate

After identifying what explosives I got from the sods, keep an eye to the sky. Shoot any sods I see.

Were posts from the last post just missing again? They're frag grenades.

Team C, Skylar, Support

(( Note: I updated the wiki's picture with bombardment locations ))

Boss, I'm moving to support the airfield. Yell if you need me elsewhere.

Head to the top of the administration building near the airfield, prepare for impacts.
You run into the aurora. And considering the admin building is mostly underground, getting on top of it isn't hard.

Bossman, I'm going to stay on the Sword until the next attack, help with the wounded since the doctor is out.
"Just be ready to join up once needed, ok?"

Miyamoto, team C lead

Miya will go somewhere near D8 and try to deflect any debris, kinetic shells or plasma from hitting the laser battery or artillery with bursts of force from manip. Defending the Laser battery has priority. Don't actually stand where the shots will land.
Also, ask question below to Steve.

Grate and Sean stay at C bunker with team C sods.
Sniper team 1 at the F8 tower shoots down kill drones if possible, whichever they can target.
Sniper team 2 goes somewhere around E5 (the sword's cradle) and shoots down kill drones if possible, whichever they can target.

"All teams, get out of impact zones. Don't just scatter though, we need to take out those drones as well once the bombardment is over or else they'll just take out our defenses.
Team D, you handle the drones landing at F4.
Team B, you handle the drones landing at D7.
Team G, you handle the drones landing at F9, and reinforce teams that need it. I'll first need to help defend the batteries, after that I'll head to F9 as well.
Rest of team C, you stay put for the moment.

Jim, Pancaek, help me protect the laser battery. Try to use your amps to deflect any shells or plasma away from it. Without that battery we'll have even more shit raining down with nothing to defend us. Don't go stand in the impact zone of course.

Steve, what the hell are those kill insertion pods? Anything you could tell us?"

[exo 1+1]

Not great.

Things moved around.

>Well, you know scout eyes? Imagine a large pod filled with scout eyes that are equipped with explosives or other weapons. Thats basically whats coming.


Gorat 'Chin' Ivanos, Team D "Marabou" (Former Team E "Aye-aye")

Ready for wave 2. Get acquainted to the lay of the land and find some calm of mind (Charge Exo bonus).

Unless ordered otherwise:
 - If Gorat can see a drone insertion pod, scorch it (expending Exo bonus).
 - If not, retain the Exo bonus and help with barricading.

Get away from the kill zone, towards the Sword (keeping the Exo bonus if possible?)

Spoiler: Gorat 'Chin' Ivanos (click to show/hide)

Gorat uses fireblast. It's not very effective.

You missed my action last turn, piecewise.

Felix Grant, Team D "Marabou" Leader - Western Makeshift Barricade

Felix slumps against the barricade, and takes stock of how many Sods he has, (Team D received one of the other team's Sods, as well, according to the wiki) while waiting for his squad to assemble.

While waiting for the next assault wave to arrive, he tries to relax and clear his mind, in preparation for continued amp usage. (Exo dynamic bonus)

Felix Grant, Team D "Marabou" Leader - Western Barricade

I'm assuming F4 is where Team D's barricade is, since it was the first sector RC suggested. If not, ignore this action.

"Kinetic bombardment incoming on our position! Get away from the barricade, towards the Sword!"

Felix moves as quickly as he can away from the bombardment zone, towards the Sword. If he can't move quickly enough on his own, have two of the Sods carry him.
All Sods move towards the Sword as well.

Post apparently got eaten. I'm not sure, myself because of the team mixing but I think you've got two grenadiers and a support sod.

And you're all moving back out of the way.

Team DRule 28. Incoming fire has the right of way.

Angel continued to think a number of expletives powerful enough to scorch metal but decided to save his breath for running

Get clear of the Danger zone by heading towards the sword at top safe speed, carry or drag any friendlies who can't evac under their own power

I couldn't resist.

Thaddeus Team D "Marabou" Grunt

Thaddeus will go to F5, staying out of the Kinetic kill/injury radius at F4. Then he will find some rubble to hide behind, to think of fun and creative ways to kill things with his mind (Charge exo bonus please)

I'm not the only one cowering over here, right guys? Guys? Boss? Anyone?

Tactical cowardice engage!

Denzel Gaunt- Team D Grunt.

Clear out of the blast zone and take cover while watching for kill drones. Charge an Uncon bonus.

"Well, I'm here too."

Uncon charging, blast zone out getted.


Team F
Shouting curses, Dominika makes a quick exit if any kill drones are in her area. Otherwise, she finds a nice protected spot not to get space-shotgunned from.
Well we'll have you follow the others that are also getting out of murdertown.

Team F

Have I eated the sod bodies? If so, run into cover/the tunnels by the bunker.

Yes. And we'll get you into the tunnels out of the marked danger areas.


Anton Chernozorov, Team G(ötterdämmerung) "Cassowary" engineer/pilot/air traffic controller

"Alright we have incoming, all ships mobilize! Party Wagon, off the ground, intercepting drone pods! Tweedledee, screening the Party Wagon! Tweedledum, assist ground troops! I will move the Cross to defend our airspace. General Milno, I advise clustering our flying infantry units in the vicinity of the Southern Cross. Its point-defense lasers can aid against drones, and its bulk can probably shield people against the fragments of orbital bombardment."

Move the Party Wagon and Tweedledee to intercept the landing position of the drone pods, with Tweedledee ahead and above, screening the Wagon from potential incoming fire. Position them so they can quickly move in and start shooting as soon as the pods land. Let Steve control Tweedledum, having it assist with moving anyone and anything important out of the way of incoming projectiles. Move the Cross towards the nearest predicted point of drone pod landing, similarly keeping "at arm's reach", outside of immediate weapons range but ready to move in and start firing as soon as needed.

Tweedledee and the Party Wagon have orders to fire on all targets of opportunity if there is a chance to intercept pods before they land, or if the drones launch immediately and are within their range.

And of course, all ships (except Tweedledum, as needed) take care to stay out of kinetic bombardment target areas.

Well, the drone pods aren't what has been announced as impact areas, but we'll have the ships fly over to them as soon as they do come in.

Flint Westwood - Team G

"Bombardment... Come down here and fight us face to face you yellow bastards!"

@Milno:"Sir, suggest we assign a wizard to cast buffs on the catapult. Er, I meant an amp user to shield the laser battery."

Do not do any of the following action if team leader (Milno) objects:

If there are dangerous projectiles heading towards the laser battery and I could do something to help, try to  do that and stop them. Use mining laser, push them with my rockets, fire red mode, punch them with a kinetic punch, whatever it takes.

Get in the air and start killing enemies with Mining Laser and Violet Mode. Try to stay near the ships and fliers so that we can watch each other's backs.
Also try to focus fire and kill enemies over important targets like the Laser Battery and Sword so that they can't attack them from above.
Give anyone who asks for a ride a ride.

Well, thats gonna be effective.

Team G "God Damn It" - Milno "Honey Badger" Enedrasi - Leader

Team G: "Team, we got projectiles incoming so remember you have jetpacks. Avoid the areas of impact without scattering all over the place and prepare for the worst. In case you have an amp or manipulator, get ready to defend vital structures or unprotected allies in case it's needed."

"If you don't have enough time to escape the bombardment areas, then head to the ship indicated by our techie."

Get the hell away from the areas of impact, using the dash system if needed. Also stay the hell away from the kill drones deployment areas.

Tactical cowardice engage AGAIN!

Team G

Jim ascends using his jetpack and scopes out the area from above. He also tries to stay out of the path of incoming projectiles.

With that you're probably gonna be able to see where the pods land pretty well.

Team G

"Orders confirmed. I'll move to repair any crucial stuff when the bombardment is over."

Stick with the others in the air and be ready for a shitstorm. Stay the hell away from incoming projectiles and most definitely the kill drones. Have Steve give me a report on what needs to be fixed in order of priority.

Woo boy you're angry at those pods. You manage to shoot one of the falling drone pods out of the sky. Good for you.

Team G Cassowary, Faith

Continue to hide behind my tree in the not-zone-of-impact-but-probably-killbot-kill-radius.


Lyra, Team G

Staying with Faith, preping to heat-shield things again.


So bunker 6 and the area around it is pelted with debris and destroyed,  but the valiant efforts of Pancaek manage to protect the assents at D8 and F9, but it leaves him basically completely burnt out.

Now, the drone pods themselves are rather small, spike like things that came down using the kinetic attacks as cover. They landed at h5, b7 and h9. Bishop manage to kill one that was coming down toward E7.  The pods, after embedding themselves in the ground, begin releasing hundreds of small, autonomous kill droids; what amount to scout eyes armed with everything from high powered explosives to rotating monorazor blades. They're spreading in a dense cloud out from the impact points. I suggest doing something about them quickly before they can spread out too far.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #437 on: March 08, 2014, 01:36:04 pm »

Stacy, Team BF Platypus

It's time to use the MFM, yeah!

If I can, heat up one or more of the explosive-looking killbots up by whatever seems like a reasonable amount of kelvins. Hope they explode and take other killbots with them.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 01:45:03 pm by Harry Baldman »

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #438 on: March 08, 2014, 01:43:21 pm »

Anton Chernozorov, Team G "Cassowary" engineer/"techie"/pilot/air traffic controller

"Okay, that's... rather smaller than I expected. Ships pull back! I am moving the Cross in, PD is the only thing fast enough to engage these!"

Move the Southern Cross into the midst of the biggest group of drones, set PD to engage them.
Party Wagon stays safe, not risking close engagement - if needed, withdraw and regroup with regular troops, all cutting lasers fire at drone thickets. The Wagon's armament and armor is not suited to this, and we might need it later.
Tweedledee still screening, draw the drones' attention, and fire on the drones as well.
Tweedledum will provide mobility to any personnel that need to get away from the spreading terrordrones.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #439 on: March 08, 2014, 01:55:10 pm »

Flint Westwood - Team G

"Bombardment... Come down here and fight us face to face you yellow bastards!"

@Milno:"Sir, suggest we assign a wizard to cast buffs on the catapult. Er, I meant an amp user to shield the laser battery."

Do not do any of the following action if team leader (Milno) objects:

If there are dangerous projectiles heading towards the laser battery and I could do something to help, try to  do that and stop them. Use mining laser, push them with my rockets, fire red mode, punch them with a kinetic punch, whatever it takes.

Get in the air and start killing enemies with Mining Laser and Violet Mode. Try to stay near the ships and fliers so that we can watch each other's backs.
Also try to focus fire and kill enemies over important targets like the Laser Battery and Sword so that they can't attack them from above.
Give anyone who asks for a ride a ride.

Well, thats gonna be effective.
Did that con roll do anything? Did I manage to kill any of those drones before they landed or something like that?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 03:09:04 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus
« Reply #440 on: March 08, 2014, 02:26:41 pm »

Team G "Cassowary" - Milno "Honey Badger" Enedrasi - Leader

Team G: "Help destroy the bot cluster closest to you and do it quick. We don't want any of these things spreading. Lasers are probably going to work best on them."

"Don't let those pieces of crap get anywhere near important structures."

Not sure exactly where Milno or most of Team G is. Have Milno start to destroy the closest cluster of murderbots with bursts of fire while keeping a safe distance.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #441 on: March 08, 2014, 02:32:34 pm »

Felix Grant, Team D "Marabou" Leader - Near the Sword

Checking the imaging drone footage, Felix mutters something under his breath.

"Everyone to H5, killdrones have landed. When we get there, the grenadier Sods will throw their EMP grenades - if that's not enough, just start shooting."

Team D to Sector H5. If we can act when we get there, grenadier Sods use EMP grenades on the kill drone cluster. If that doesn't take care of them, they'll toss their frag grenades too, and all Sods will start shooting.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #442 on: March 08, 2014, 02:34:13 pm »

Team G Cassowary, Faith

Team G: "Help destroy the bot cluster closest to you and do it quick. We don't want any of these things spreading. Lasers are probably going to work best on them."

"Don't let those pieces of crap get anywhere near important structures."


If I think I can pull it off, get within manip range of the bots at B7 as fast as I can and microwave as large an area on them as I feel I "safely" can. If I have to guess how hot that needs to be, assume they're slightly tougher than standard scout eyes. So corrugated instead of flat cardboard, and softening but not completely melting their weakest component should cripple or destroy them. Err on the side of overkill, if it's between that and conservation.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
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The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #443 on: March 08, 2014, 02:41:33 pm »

Team G

Jim destroys killbots by melting their innards with his microwave amp.
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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #444 on: March 08, 2014, 03:44:25 pm »

So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #445 on: March 08, 2014, 03:59:27 pm »

Team D

"Time to take revenge on murderbots."

MFM+Killdrones=SLAG. Or, to be more exact, melt as many of the drones in my area as safely possible.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
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Knight Otu

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus
« Reply #446 on: March 08, 2014, 05:03:37 pm »

Gorat 'Chin' Ivanos, Team D "Marabou" (Former Team E "Aye-aye")

Get away from the kill zone, towards the Sword (keeping the Exo bonus if possible?)

Can I assume to be outside the kill zone, at least as much as possible, given that was my intended action? Also, ignore all amp lessons and melt the whole drone swarm cloud closest to me.

Spoiler: Gorat 'Chin' Ivanos (click to show/hide)
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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #447 on: March 08, 2014, 05:17:59 pm »

Stacy, Team BF Platypus

It's time to use the MFM, yeah!

If I can, heat up one or more of the explosive-looking killbots up by whatever seems like a reasonable amount of kelvins. Hope they explode and take other killbots with them.

Team BF

Watch the results of this. If Stacy does the Stacy again, duck and make a temporary shield around myself with my MMA (mass manip amp) to deflect debris.

If not, do the same thing Stacy's doing if there are any left.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 06:36:16 pm by Xantalos »
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Radio Controlled

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #448 on: March 08, 2014, 06:16:21 pm »

[exo 1+1]
What the what? Since when does Miya roll for exo? Hell, he doesn't even have an amp! The hell?

valiant efforts of Pancaek manage to protect the assents at D8 and F9, but it leaves him basically completely burnt out.
Could we maybe say Miya helped out a bit, if only to save some of Pancaek's mindpoints? Also, what assets at F9? There's nothing there but wasteland in the aurora.

Now, the drone pods themselves are rather small, spike like things that came down using the kinetic attacks as cover. They landed at h5, b7 and h9. Bishop manage to kill one that was coming down toward E7.  The pods, after embedding themselves in the ground, begin releasing hundreds of small, autonomous kill droids; what amount to scout eyes armed with everything from high powered explosives to rotating monorazor blades. They're spreading in a dense cloud out from the impact points. I suggest doing something about them quickly before they can spread out too far.
Wait, so the other people who you rolled for (like Flint) didn't do anything? And didn't our laser battery do anything?

PW, what kind of drugs where you on this turn?   :o

"All hands, engage the drones. Don't clump in big groups or the explosive ones will take you out, but if you have explosives yourself those might work well. Team D, H5. Team B, B7. Team C, H9. Team G, just do what you do best."

Miyamoto, team C lead

Go to H9. If my heavy laser has diffusion setting (like a laser rifle) set it to max diffusion, low power, and blast those things down.

If it doesn't have that, use manip to give one unilateral burst of force out toward the drones to knock them down (or destroy them if they're weak enough). If any try to get close, use monorazor naginata to take them down.

Sniper teams 1 and 2 shoot down killbots where they can, they'll try to help the team that has most trouble dealing with them. If the killbots target them, enable stealth and relocate.

Team C sods wait for Miya, then join him and shoot down killbots, use EMP grenade if possible.

« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 09:43:12 am by Radio Controlled »

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #449 on: March 08, 2014, 06:21:23 pm »

Team (B)ad News

Thomas reduces the power level of his weapon to about 1/2 of the max and increases the diffraction a very small amount. Then he scopes up, targets the drones and fires, swinging the laser across the swarm to hit them all.

Quote from: Thomas to Xan
I think that you folks with the amps might be better at eliminating the battlesuits. My rifle is only a modified laser, so I can slide the beam across the crowd and eliminate multiple of them. Those amps and manipulators will probably be able to pierce the armor better than my rifle.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 08:53:03 pm by Spinal_Taper »
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