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Author Topic: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.  (Read 221418 times)


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus
« Reply #315 on: March 04, 2014, 04:30:51 pm »

"Eh, sounds like a thing.  You need flying, immortal, giant-laser-shooting air support?"
"Sure, this team could use a few more Sturdy guys with Big guns. I can't do all the work. Heh. Although I think the Badger would disagree. He wants you to stay back and play doctor or something like that. Personally, I think all this power his position affords him has gone straight to his head. Not that he had a small ego to begin with."


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus
« Reply #316 on: March 04, 2014, 05:34:44 pm »

"Old fart, your damaged hearing is no excuse for making up orders. I said I want Mesk off his lazy ass and coming here. And Mesk, you can't use that pyramid's laser unless you've learned how to use it this last year."

"And Fart, if you really want to gossip then do it in a private channel."
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus
« Reply #317 on: March 04, 2014, 06:10:49 pm »

((I assumed Flint and Mesk were talking face to face because he said "sup", which is a strange thing to say on the radio, at least in my opinion. Although I guess Milno could had been nearby and Flint didn't see him.))


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus
« Reply #318 on: March 04, 2014, 06:27:37 pm »


Team A - Team Leader Simus - Control Room

Spoiler: Simus Quicksheet (click to show/hide)

Artillery Orders:

Heavy Artillery fires at the Western Force
2 Mortars fire at the Southern Force
2 Mortars fire at the Western Force
2 Mortars move from position in the West to position in the North, and fire at the Northern Force, if possible
All mortars will prioritize in the order, highest priority to least: Battlesuit, Exosuit Sod, Sod

So both heavy artillery fires toward the south, and then one set of small mortars for each direction. Got it. Please ignore these numbers that are not related to anything.
1-6 W
1-2 W
4 S
1-2 S
Jesus Christ, who pissed off the fucking RNG?
5 W
1-1 W Ah hell.
2 N
4 N

You're about to make lots of little soldiers very unhappy.

Team A
play the waiting game also charge a dynamic bonus
I think You've already got one. Might need it now, considering the bloodbath that is gonna be happening.


Hey team b. Bad news for ya. Gotta do one of these "People are going to be getting extremely squishy" rolls before I can even do your actions. Luckily this is a smaller mortar with a nondirect hit on the bunker. Still. Lets see...Pancaek steve and Angel
Pancaek end 4+1
Steve end 2 You are damn lucky you have that sub-exo or you'd be perma dead.
Angel end:6

One of the smaller Artillery shells catches one side of the bunker like a ballpeen hammer coming down on an eclair. Angel gets thrown clear, completely out of the bunker and onto the open plains near by. Pancaek is lightly damaged, but remains completely functional. Steve is mostly reddish jelly, but his exoskeleton managed to prevent his head from being crushed.

Stacy, Team B Platypus

"He told me 'I've seen it all before...~
I've been there...~
I've seen my hopes and dreams a-lying on the ground...'~"

Shoot whatever hostiles come into Medium range or closer. Stay in cover until an opportunity to do so presents itself.

Bad times for Ol' stacy.

Team B

Engage enemy forces approaching position. Fire all weapons.

Come on....
Aux :5+1

Overkill is better then no kill.

Pancaek - Team B - Bunker 4

"Okay, so we've got two battlesuits incoming. I'll try and take care of at least one of them. You guys Doesn't really matter what you kill, so long as you're kiling and keep on killing 'till they're all dead."

So, because I didn't actually get to attack last turn I get an exo bonus, yes? Heat a roughly 2 foot sphere in the pilot compartements of the battlesuits by 150. Repeat until they are both dead. If somehow the battlesuits are dead before I get to act/I'm allowed to get in another attack, heat 1 foot 150 degree spheres center mass in exosuit sods.
Aw geez.

Jack Catar-Team B
Take out the hostile sods
Aw Geez!

Team B "Platypus" Medic, Steve Saint, Bunker 4

Dynamic AUX bonus: +/-1

Saint looks up as Faith steps into the bunker.  "Oh, hello Faith.  Welcome to team B's cozy little bunker slash grave.  As Saint notices the incoming forces, he makes an additional comment "Hmm.  Crap.  Hey, Faith, do you mind if I hook you up to the team's targeting HUD?"

As far as my HUD- I intended it to, in order of importance:
A:improve visibility on enemies, making them easier to shoot (especially battlesuits, by highlighting the cockpit and joints)
B:Increase battlefield awarness
C:Organize fire somewhat, by highlighting certain targets more for some people than others so people don't shoot the same things.

Not really sure how that would work in-game though.  Maybe +1 to targeting rolls when enemy has some amount of cover or concealment?  Or an automatic -1 to overshoots?  Whatever isn't OP.

Actual action: -IF- and only -IF- this does not require an AUX roll, load my HUD onto whoever has joined us at bunker 4.  Again, package it with my movement recording software for the bots.

If I don't do that, try and write an addon for whatever I've been using to code that detects when I'm writing too fast/actively, and gives me little math problems to solve and reminders about good coding practices.  Basically, an AUX decompensator that gives -1 when I overshoot on coding things.

Oh, and stay in cover away from the firing slits.

((It takes them a fucking year to get ready and they send less then a hundred troops at us. Fucking retards.))

Team F

Asplode a battlesuit with the rocket launcher.
((I'll just warn you, that rocket launcher will probably have very... underwhelming results, unless it's already nearly destroyed.  It would be far more useful to take out the grunts.))'re dead...Also, I feel like you should completely blame Smurf. He taunted the RNG


Team C

...Look around. Determine where Skylar dropped me off, more or less.

Quickly type out message:
Quote from: Grate->Miyamoto
Dear Mistrr M,
What doI do now?

Attempt to locate nearby sods, ideally ones in exosuits. Locate covered firing position, go there, and open fire.
You're getting dropped off with miyamoto. I'd say "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" but you're technically harder to kill then miyamoto is, so whatever.
Team C, Skylar, Support

Boss, I'm going to drop the kid off and then go get something I can actually use. You said you wanted the Party Wagon?

Drop Grate off at Miyamoto

(( PW, by 'remote control', do we me Steve-controlled or 'one of us can remotely control it via the suits'? ))
Dropped off. Not gonna shoot at them? Alright.

Sorry about the lack of update on saturday. My efforts were repelled by 504 errors. Update coming today, probably in a few hours.
Yeah, the forum has been fickle lately. Wonder why...

(( PW, by 'remote control', do we me Steve-controlled or 'one of us can remotely control it via the suits'? ))
It means we give it orders, but then Steve flies the ships and tries to do what we ordered it to. Doesn't require AUX rolls. By the way, I just remembered you have that MkIII. You can borrow Miya's heavy laser for the duration of this mission, if you want. Or the shard launcher if the laser is too heavy.

Anton's not going to be terribly useful on the field either way, I still don't trust his Con rolls, bonus or no.
That's not to say I trust his Aux rolls, however. Really, the guy just has terrible lack on the battlefield.))
Starting this turn he can help with directing our airforce, so don't worry, he can help.

Miyamoto, Team C leader.

Miya will use his manip to send back any gauss cannon rounds coming at him, his teammates or sods. Try to send them back at the one that shot it. He will also try to shoot the exosuit wielders with his shard launcher if possible, but defending with the manip has priority.

Sniper team 1 engages enemies coming from the north once those are in range.
Sods engage enemy when possible, focus on the exo suits. Use grenades if possible to thin out the regular sods.
Artillery will be handled by Pyro/Simus starting this turn.
Ships will be handled by Pyro/Sean and possibly others.

Dear Mistrr M,
What doI do now?
"Kill those damn sods of course! focus on the exosuits, or just shoot the regular ones with your laser."

Boss, I'm going to drop the kid off and then go get something I can actually use. You said you wanted the Party Wagon?
"We can handle those sods on our own, if you want to command a ship help out team D. Or let someone else take care of the ships and help us kill these ones."

Looking at the forces coming at the other team, and especially team D and E, Miya knew they'd need the reserve more than he did.
"Team G, Miya here. We can handle the forces coming at us, so don't worry about that, but if my video feed is correct, the other teams are in quite deep shit."
Defensive maneuvers. Alright.
[Uncon:3+2 etc.]
Sods:Fucking horrible

Team C, Skylar, Support

(( PW, by 'remote control', do we me Steve-controlled or 'one of us can remotely control it via the suits'? ))
It means we give it orders, but then Steve flies the ships and tries to do what we ordered it to. Doesn't require AUX rolls. By the way, I just remembered you have that MkIII. You can borrow Miya's heavy laser for the duration of this mission, if you want. Or the shard launcher if the laser is too heavy.

Right. Keep your tubes, I can't aim for shit with those. Let's dispose of these guys and go help out the others.

Keep EMM rolling, get into some cover and prepare a charge for sod baking. (dynamic bonus ho!)
Dynamic bonus hoo! indeed.

Luckily for you guys, the worst thing artillery did to you was miss.


-Lars 3
-Felix 4
-Dubley 6
-Maurice 4
(Temp) milno 2 +1 +1
(temp) Flint 2 +1

The shell that hits your bunker is from one of the BIG guns. The thing that fires traincars filled with molten lead. The fact that none of you are prema-dead is basically just displaying the fact that I'm actually far too nice in how I calculate this stuff sometimes. Anyways, the thing doesn't even hit the bunker straight on, it just sort of clips the corner of it, which, of course, basically blows the fucking thing to pieces and those people it doesn't kill are either now buried underground or still up on the surface, thrown free with the debris.

Lars is dead, but revivable. He has some nice debris through the chest and stomach and is laying in the tunnel under the bunker, mostly buried in dirt and rubble.

Felix Is down there with him in the tunnels, missing his right arm and some of the flesh on his right leg. Bleeding out is an issue.

Dubley is completely uninjured, but is now laying 20 feet from the crater that used to be the bunker, right out in the open.

Maurice is down in the tunnels, both legs broken.

Milno caught a large chunk of the bunker and is now laying in the middle of the plains, the chunk of bunker sitting atop him like a burial slab. His armor and cloak protect him from the brunt of it, and the suit fixes the damage that does get through. Still, he's got a big freaking hunk of concrete on top of him.

Flint as a person is basically uninjured. Bruised a bit and shaken, but not injured. Gilgamesh on the other hand is looking like it got hit by a very angry train. One arm is dead and hanging from a broken shoulder joint, and the left leg moves only in spurts and spasms. He's also buried under the wreckage of the bunker. In all, Dubley is really the only one left who can get a shot off.

Sods are alive...well a grenadier and the support one is, at least. They're down in the tunnel, along with lars and the others. Luckily people in the tunnel are fairly safe since there's no way in now that the bunker collapsed. Well, they could probably cut their way in...but they have no reason to slice into the dirt for now.

Felix Grant, Team D "Marabou" - Bunker Five

Felix reactivates his comms and switches to speakers for a second, so Milno and Flint can hear him. "...Fuck. Okay, I've got the melee battlesuit on the left."

Another 60cm Sphere of Cold on the cockpit of one of the Melee Battlesuits!
Might wanna find a bandaid.

Dubley -Team D heavy weapons

I've got the one on the right.

Pick up the dead sod's rocket launcher. Load a shaped charge. Fire at the melee battlesuit on the right.
This has been a very bad day for D team.

Brother Lars - Team D Leader

Seeing the oncoming forces, Lars switched to command chat.  "This is Brother Lars.  Incoming on Bunker 5 from the west- three battlesuits and more besides.  We may need some assistance- one battlesuit has an artillery piece.  Glorious Steve, what kind of gun is that?"

He switched to team chat.  "Open fire, brothers!  Sing bullet-sized songs of Ingram!  May the Shielding Hands of Algis cover us all!  May we move with Vo-nos's speed!  All praises and glory to Almighty Steve, and may Pathmas be ever in our favor!"

Sing battle hymns.  Shoot exosuit sods.  Ask Steve what the big gun is.  Command Sods to start shooting non-battlesuit targets.
Should have prayed a bit harder.


Hi Team E. Guess what. You got hit too.

-Gorat 6
-Thaddeus 3 +1
-Teal 1+1
-Denzel 2+1
-Sods 4 1 6 6 4

Alright, bunker is basically destroyed. Teal and Morul are severed head buddies now, Thaddeus is injured, Denzel is badly hurt, One of the sods is dead. Gorat is fine.

Thaddeus Team E "Aye-Aye" Grunt

Target the battle suit with the gauss howitzer with the microwave amp. Aim for the cockpit and heat it up by 300 degrees Celsius in a 1 meter sphere.

Thats a big F'ing gun. Imma cook 'im.

Denzel- Team E Leader

"Fire! Take down the battlesuits and exosuits as you can. Sods, target the nearest exosuit-equipped enemies and take them out."

Order the sods to target the most dangerous group of exosuit-equipped enemies. Shoot down the closest group of exosuit sods, or if the sods do so first, target the surrounding sods.

I know you're a robot and can't feel pain and all, but being clipped by a mortar shell, losing your head and both limbs on your right side is rather distracting, none the less.

Gorat 'Chin' Ivanos, Team E "Aye-Aye"

"Oh forge."

Shoot at the greatest remaining threat (expending my Con bonus).

Spoiler: Gorat 'Chin' Ivanos (click to show/hide)

You...well You basically just stand around completely unhurt while your bunker explodes and keep attacking. You're like Kilgore from Apocalypse now.

[con:5] didn't even need the bonus.

Coulda used a bigger gun though.


GUESS WHAT. You're in the bunker with B team. B team got hit. Yeah.
-Xan 5
-Auron 5
-Lerman 2

Xan's fine. Aurons fine. Lerman's dead. YOU HAD TO TAUNT THE DICE! SEE WHAT HAPPENS!?

Auron, team F.

Use dynamic bonus to create a large disc of heat around the incoming sod wave thick enough to affect both standard sod brains and battlesuit sod brains that will non-lethally boil said brains into unconsciousness.

Use my laser on any un-incapacitated targets, both emitters, aiming for shoulder joints.

Well this is gonna be very difficult.

Team F

Twist the necks of the exoskeleton sods around like a spinning top with my amp.

[Exo:6+1+1] Great.

Team FFS

((Oh god. I have a sudden aversion to artillery.))
Teal stuffs Morul's head in his backpack, and tosses his equipment into the convenient hammerspace portal which always seems to be open when a character dies.

Shoot shoot sods. If an exosuit is in the blast radius of satchel charge, makegoboom


((It takes them a fucking year to get ready and they send less then a hundred troops at us. Fucking retards.))

Team F

Asplode a battlesuit with the rocket launcher.

Quote from: Thomas to all Team F Personnel
"Excuse me, I am Thomas Harrison. Sent to reinforce team F. Are there any standing orders?
If we are given orders to move, do so. If not, take up a position near the Sword and scope up on the northern force.
uh...I'm not even sure where you are. Let alone where you're going.

Team F
Set enemy things burnin'
I don't even have you as part of this team. WHATEVER


Team G - Defending West

"Death from above!"

Would it be possible to fly high enough over the assaulting force to not attract their attention?

If yes:
Get over the heavy weapon battlesuit and then shut down my thrusters. Glide towards it and activate thrusters on the last second to prevent lethal fall damage while maintaining the element of surprise. Show it what a kinetic punch can do at insane speeds. Then give everyone around me (that is probably still reeling from the shockwave) a taste of green mode and mining laser while retreating. Use kinetic amp punch on anyone who gets close. Try to avoid the melee battlesuits and stay away from them if possible.

If no:
Land and open up on the enemy force with yellow mode and mining laser. Then fire a red beam at the heavy weapon battlesuit. Make sure to keep the red beam on the battlesuit for the entirety of its duration, since last time the battlesuits were able to survive a glancing blow. This time I wanna make it melt. Hope the others can take care of the other battlesuits.

((Let's hope I don't roll a 1...))
You're in the west, with Team D, so look for your current status up there. Hint: Not good.

Team G Cassowary, Faith, Bunker 4

"Okay, so we've got two battlesuits incoming. I'll try and take care of at least one of them. You guys Doesn't really matter what you kill, so long as you're kiling and keep on killing 'till they're all dead."
"I disagree. Some of those exo sods had mining lasers elsewhere; that's a lot more dangerous than gauss sods. Even the battlesuits aren't that dangerous unless they get close, which between amps and me isn't too likely to be a problem."

Use my microwave amp to char a convenient section of vital exosuit sod bits. Unless those are all incapacitated, in which case roast something that's hostile, in range, still active, and is also not supposedly on our side.

Oh, hey, you're in bunker 4 too?
Ahhh you're fine. Gonna assume you mean Microwave Manip, mrs I have 0 in exo.
[uncon: 3+1+1] Nice.

Anton Chernozorov, Team G "Cassowary" engineer/pilot

Anton pulls the Cross up into the air, slowly turning it to face due west.

"General Milno, I am taking the Southern Cross for use as an airborne artillery support platform and mobile observation post. Please advise whichever team is sitting in our western bunkers that I'm about to perform close air support with a bundle of laser cannons. Just in case they had any thoughts of running out into the field."

If no objections to this plan follow, Anton will approach the western invader group to the maximum effective range of the Cross's laser cannons and commence firing on the enemies, prioritizing the biggest and most armored targets, like that one unknown battlesuit.

Team G "Cassowary" (Reserve) - Milno "Honey Badger" Enedrasi - Leader - Defending West

Team G: "Mesk, come West now. We may end up needing some doctors, no matter how terrible they are."

"Jim, there's some fighting to be done here. Come West in case you got things done already."

Teams G and D: "Our techie is swooping in to attack the enemy with laser cannons. In case you're thinking about running or flying towards the enemies to hug them, think again and stay away."

"Team G, Miya here. We can handle the forces coming at us, so don't worry about that, but if my video feed is correct, the other teams are in quite deep shit."

"Yeah, we're already taking care of that."

Activate EMM.

Priority towards battlesuits (preference for the strange one) and exo-suited sods. Battlesuits get overcharged shots to arm joints or any limb/strcture carrying a weapon. Stay in the air, medium to short range from them to avoid melee dashes from the melee battlesuits.

Same as Flint. Bad shit up in the Team D post.

Team G

Jim heads West to scope out the situation, staying out of sight as much as he can given his size and all.

Fucked. Thats how the west looks. Fucked.

Ok so. The southern forces are hit by a combination of An artillery shell, Thundertron unloading so much energy into them through a laser that it accidentally overloads itself and shuts down, Xan overshooting like a motherfucker and Faith perfect shooting like a mothertakingoutforanicedinnerandamovier. The good news is that this combined effort wipes out everything except a damaged battle suit and 3 normal sods. Bad news is that the remaining sods then manage to shoot pancaek in the stomach and the remaining Battle suit charges into Thundertron and cleaves several of it's legs off and damages the laser cannon.

The north forces, what with an artillery round landing, grate spraying laser fire, The snipers performing quite well, and miyamoto blocking any on coming fire and returning it to it's sender, manage to tie things up nicely.

Western forces...oh god. Well One artillery shell lands, A microwave amp attack against that suit with the howitzer is good, kills that problem, and someone shoots at them with a laser rifle. Yeah. So Dubley's dead, basically gets robocop'd after completely missing a shot against the advancing troops. He's revivable though, rolled really well on his end roll. In all the force went from 12 to 8, two battle suits, 3 exo sods and 3 normal. They've passed the remains of Bunker 5 and are on their way forward, behind bunker 6 and out of the firing line of basically any of the bunkers now.

If you can manage to take these guys out you'll have a few minutes to regroup before the attackers can try anything else. Hang tough, soldiers of ARM!


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #319 on: March 04, 2014, 06:35:56 pm »

((Jesus. With any hope, enemy FleetCom will think our artillery has been taken by UWM friednly forces.))
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #320 on: March 04, 2014, 06:40:31 pm »

Auron, team F.

Defect to the UWM, because fuck these assholes constantly firing artillery at me.

Use lazy man loot gain powers, aka use my manipulator to warm the melee battlesuit pilots brain by 10 or 20 degrees to put him in a coma.

Also grab lermans gear+head and any dropped friendly sod weapons, especially grenades.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 02:00:01 am by Unholy_Pariah »
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus
« Reply #321 on: March 04, 2014, 06:44:50 pm »

Lyra, Team G

Lyra continues to stay next to Faith.

Wait a moment for the rest to attack the high-priority targets (battlesuits and exosuits) and melt the center of mass for any that weren't taken down by someone else. If all the high-priority targets are taken down, then make a wide, thin, knee-high horizontal blade of heat through the remaining unarmored sod formation. Reminder that I took the time to prep for my amp's use already.
((I hate having to do this, but um, you missed me, and I was in the same bunker as Faith. Was I hit?))
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #322 on: March 04, 2014, 06:49:31 pm »

Team G

((I think the artillery is doing more harm then good. Probably has to do with the fact that they get no bonus.

Also, technically, my post indicated I was out of the bunker, flying.))

Get out of the rubble. Use mining laser if it can help. If I get out of the rubble in time, shoot at enemies with mining laser and yellow mode.

If the enemies are taken care of, dig people out of the rubble and get them to the Infirmary. Then repair, refuel and rearm as much as possible and recharge my mining laser.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 07:52:05 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #323 on: March 04, 2014, 07:00:57 pm »

((What did I say about Artillery. If you're going to use it, you should put it at the bunkers so that it literally cannot friendly fire.))
Sentience, Endurance, and Thumbs: The Trifector of a Superpredator.
Yeah, he's a banned spammer. Normally we'd delete this thread too, but people were having too much fun with it by the time we got here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus
« Reply #324 on: March 04, 2014, 07:15:45 pm »

Lerman's dead.
((Perma- or temp?))

Team C, Grate. Northern area, possibly running west.

Quote from: Grate->Miyamoto
What now?

If no Because of answer, head west to flank and shoot the sods there.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 07:39:28 pm by GreatWyrmGold »
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #325 on: March 04, 2014, 07:17:41 pm »

Felix Grant, Team D "Dead" - Tunnel under Ruin Five

Felix just lies there for a second as blood pours from his stump and, to a lesser degree, his leg. Just... letting the situation hit him. Then he pushes himself up with his good arm, and looks around. Well, that medic guy is here, legs broken. Religious nut/CO is down, reviveable. Heh. Two Sods... The medic was unlikely to take command, he believed, which made him the leader of this sorry band. Yay.

"Ugh. Support Sod, get over here. Tend to my injuries, as best you can. Then take a look at Maurice. Grenadier, dig out Lars' corpse. See if he's got anything for cauterizing wounds on him. Maurice, you have anything?"

He then switches his radio to the Command frequency, if he knows it, or a general one if he doesn't. "Centcom, this is Felix Grant, D Team. Bunker Five was just destroyed by friendly fire, one of those huge cannon rounds. Lars is dead, and besides Maurice, myself, and two Sods, I have no idea what the rest of Team D or the reinforcements from Team G look like. We didn't get a single shot off against the UWM forces, unfortunately. We're both injured pretty badly, so if you could send someone to come pick us up, that'd be nice. We ended up in the tunnel underneath the bunker."

Take command! If that means anything, anymore. Unless the support Sod or Maurice have something better, have the support Sod or preferably Maurice himself cauterize my wounds with Lars' booze and self-lighting bluesmokes. Have the grenadier Sod dig Lars' corpse out.

Radio Controlled

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #326 on: March 04, 2014, 07:28:48 pm »

((Well. That happened. Who was it again that implied this mission was too easy? Also, DAMN YOU PYRO! Remind me to never let simus near artillery again. not that she could help it, but still. Gotta appease that RNG.))

((I think the artillery is doing more harm then good. Probably has to do with the fact that they get no bonus.
Yeah, I didn't think they'd perform quite so badly, otherwise I wouldn't have wasted so many RU on them. You'd think that in an era where we have FTL travel getting an artillery shell not to hit our bunker would be reasonable. Just a limitation of the RTD format I guess.

((What did I say about Artillery. If you're going to use it, you should put it at the bunkers so that it literally cannot friendly fire.))
Not really, it would just have misfired and exploded or something. A 1 is still a 1.

Miyamoto, Team C leader, very much pissed.

Miya will try to get to the western forces as fast as he can. If a shuttle arrives and it is capable of carrying him, take that, otherwise just run. If he gets there this turn, use manip to overheat battlesuit pilots and push back gauss cannon rounds. And shoot them with shard launcher for good measure.

Sniper team 1 boards the transport coming for team C, then engages hostiles once disembarked. If none is coming, they try to target any hostiles they can get a visual on.
Sniper team 2 retreats to admin building and tries to stall the western forces by taking a shot and then relocating, using stealth systems.
Team C sods stay at bunker 1.
Steve bots at laser battery engage southern enemies, then go after the western ones, but they wait until other ARM forces have engaged before attacking (so they don't attack them by themselves).

((note: I'm gonna count on Pyro, Sean and others to direct artillery and combat ships. Don't forget to use them. Except maybe artillery cause sods are to close by now, not sure if they'd be able to target.))


I need those combat ships in the air RIGHT NOW. First go help team B and F, those sods are too close to our laser battery. Send 1 ship to distract the western ones. And get a transport for team C over here.

Team C, we go help team D... Or what's left of it. Go to D6, regroup with survivors of D and G and then engage western forces. Hopefully there's a shuttle incoming for that.
Team E, start tailing those sods, try to stall them if you can, don't engage fully, you wouldn't make it on your own.
Teams D, B, F and G, gimme a sitrep, I need to know who's still standing.

All teams, focus on defeating the last of the enemy forces. There will be more coming after this and the sooner we take 'em out the sooner we can get our teammates to the infirmary."


Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Hollow Street Hero
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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #327 on: March 04, 2014, 07:31:40 pm »

Team G

Jim uses his Manipulation Amp to lift the chunk of rubble off of Milno and chuck it into the midst of the incoming enemy forces, preferably at a battlesuit if one is visible.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #328 on: March 04, 2014, 08:00:56 pm »

Dubley Steptimus -Team D(ead) Corpse
Play dead.
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus
« Reply #329 on: March 04, 2014, 08:13:01 pm »

Team G "God Damn It" (Reserve) - Milno "Honey Badger" Enedrasi - Leader - Entombed In Concrete

After being thrown around and buried alive under concrete, Milno can almost hear the cracking and hissing of his suit as it is damaged and handles the stress. After so many missions with his suit, he's already grown to appreciate how much it has saved his ass already. Friendly fire, one of the HMRC's finest traditions, now elevated to full-blown military level.

Command Channel plus Teams D & G: "Unless the enemy has some hidden artillery or on the off chance they have taken control of ours, stop firing these mortars at us right now. We just got destroyed West by a shell and it seems the other side wasn't hit as badly as we were. I can still fight but there's a huge concrete slab keeping me pinned. Situation's pretty much shit right now."

"Old fart, report."

"Faith and Lyra, come West as soon as you make sure there's no enemy left standing South."

"Anton, keep up with the fire support."

"Jim, I can still fight, but only get this thing off me in case it wouldn't get you shot to space and back or overheat your noggin. Otherwise, just stand your ground and do what you do best; thin their numbers and stay alive."

Damage check for rocket pods and the suit.

In case Milno's still entombed: in case it's possible and necessary, try to shift positions in such a way as to minimize damage to both body and suit and protect Milno in case one of the enemies decides to point a gun under the slab and fire at him.

In case Milno's freed: help friendlies through the path less likely to get Milno killed whilst firing at the enemies.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 08:15:29 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.
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