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Author Topic: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.  (Read 214296 times)

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1245 on: April 22, 2014, 12:33:50 pm »

Team H, Starfleet Command - Anton Chernozorov

Anton's eyes lazily wander over the screens, the sheer magnitude of the complete lack of anything happening wearing down his focus faster than if he were a lens array in poorly calibrated cutting laser. At this point, even a history lecture would be an improvement.

"Hey, Steve? Is this ARM movement actually the first revolution trying to overthrow the UWM? I mean, a coordinated one. The thing we're doing now, it seems very much like an all-or-nothing affair, you're throwing yourself in along with everyone else. With the amount of time the UWM existed, and the amount of people out there potentially displeased with it, has anyone else tried to do what we're doing? Perhaps with your help behind the scenes? You've shown pretty well that despite its power and reach, the UWM isn't terribly efficient at times, and is far from all-knowing, so some planet accidentally uncovering alien technology and receiving guidance on using it to hide from and fight against UWM seems like a safer, if less likely to succeed, undertaking than this HMRC business."

Talk history with Steve. Keep an eye on those sensors.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1246 on: April 22, 2014, 12:44:02 pm »

Team A+D, "Dead Dirtbags" - Milno - D Leader - Ship Alpha - RP Post

"In case any of you want to stop gambling, just tell me and I'll strike first. You're the ones standing in front of the sods wearing tissue armor." Milno says through the private channel.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1247 on: April 22, 2014, 02:03:18 pm »


Team A D - Ship Alpha | Flint Westwood - Disguised Soldier

((Damn it. This couldn't have worked better if this was a movie. The heroes are in a tight spot, time running out, only a slim hope for success...
At least Flint is sticking to his MO, making stupid plans and getting himself in situations where he has a slim chance of survival and where the suspense is killing me.
Now I have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens.))

If it looks like combat is unavoidable, crank my headlamps to the highest possible setting (above 100%, like someone did in the abyss mission I think) to act as a flashbang on the Sods (if their helmets have the auto-dimming feature ours have it should still work since the helmet will dim temporarily rendering the sod blind).

Then jump to cover and fire at the sods with a sweep of my laser rifle.

((I know this is going to probably break the lamps, but the few seconds of supercharged light should be enough to blind them.))

Team D, "Dead Dirtbags in a box" - Thaddeus - Disguised Grunt - Ship Alpha

If combat happens, target closet sod, heat one foot sphere centered on the sods head, by 150 degrees Celsius. Do same with sod farthest away, then second farthest, and then the second closest. Dodge and use laser shotgun where applicable. Also, Thaddeus has the sub-exoskeleton model C "HOPE" equipped, in case that becomes important
Team A - Ship Alpha | Skylar - Support

Continue to be ready! Use (theoretical) dynamic bonus to throw out a grenade at the farthest sods if combat happens

Hasala Nabin - Team H Sod Controller

Ask on the general (non-UWM) radio channel ((as in, 'ask Steve')) what Order 118 means.

If Order 118 is not a 'surrender/stand down/kill yourself' message, or if no one knows what it is, play the soundfile, but turn off the mic/mute the Sod's speaker for the 'Order 118' part, so that the message is "Stand down... I repeat, stand down..."

If that doesn't work and/or it look likes the UWM Sods are about to fire, or Order 118 means what we want it to, just play the entire soundfile and hope for the best.

((Running out of time and half-alseep, here. I'd like to pre-emptively apologize to everyone this affects.))

(( Honestly, that's a pretty good choice, I think. Not bad for half-asleep :P))
Team A+D, "Dead Dirtbags" - Milno - D Leader - Ship Alpha - Plan Fuck-You-In-A-Box

Same shit. Continue with plan. Activate EMM and pop up in case either shit happens or the plan works smoothly. Defend squishier people with the shield as needed. Orders still stand: kill sods as fast as possible, disable/knock out/temporarily kill humans as appropriate.

The sod stops counting. He stops moving all together. All of them simply stop. They keep their weapons pointed at you, but they aren't moving and the countdown isn't continuing. They're just sort of staring off into space. You have the feeling this is the organic equivalent of that little loading hour glass you see on computers some times. An order came through that their hardwired brains have having trouble understanding.


Team B: Wild Weasels.

"Why can't they just have a dial, or a thermostat. Hrmm."

Take a quick look around the room for a thermostat, and crank up the heat if I do. If not, look for a menu on the monitor, or press crtl+F, or shift+/, or F1. If that fails, drag Simus back in here, and have her take a look.

Team B


Discard exo bonus, charge Willpower dynamic bonus.

(Charging will)

You look around on the base menu of the computer until you find an option labeled "Temp". You click on it and it opens up a rather simple yet paradoxically complex looking program. Namely, it's just a list of codes with what appears to be temperatures listed in Kelvin next to them. You assume that each code represents a room or section of the ship, while the temp is adjustable by erasing and then retyping the number. There's an option to change all, or change only the selected rooms as well.


Angel Team C

Keep well clear of the device, try and think if this looks like anything I might have seen before

Steve do you read me? you have suit sensors on us I know, if you've got a vidlink do you have any idea what we're looking at here?

Transmit to Steve, wait for instructions
Auron team C

If my team manages to find a way around the device follow them and disregard the following actions:

Hide around the corner, attempt to shoot the tripwire as close to the device as possible with my laser without cutting into the device itself.

If it doesnt explode or activate, place my gun directly against the ceiling and cut around it then pocket the roof chunk its mounted to.

If it does activate, shoot the damn thing.

Team C: Audaxes!

Try to intuit a safe way to get by. Since it's obviously an area denial weapon, has Thomas seen anything similar in the past? Also, try to intuit if the metal which the halls are made of would be thin/weak enough for the monorazor to cut into.

Denzel Gaunt- Team C, Audaxes

 Ask Auron not to shoot yet, consider ways around, and be ready to run for cover if needed/provide a rearguard if needed.
As the team stands around, staring at the contraption and attempting to figure out what it does and how to disarm it, the remaining sod forces, only three individuals at this point, leap out from where they were hiding around the corner up ahead and open fire.

The team leaps off into the alcoves or behind Auron's shield as gauss rounds ricochet around them like angry metal hornets.

>I believe that device might be what is known as a distraction.


Team E - Lerman

Return to original plan of throwing something on the plates and running to cover.

Team E

Check over what we have to see if we have any kind of high explosive or something that blows up when it gets hit by monofilaments. Then go back and find something suitably heavy to throw on the plates. Rig it up to explode when sliced apart and let my teammate throw it in. Help pull him into cover when he does so.

Whaddya got thats 90 lbs there, lerman?

Bishop has 6 frag grenades according to his sheet. They've got high explosive in them, not a whole lot in each one individually but combined it's a good amount.


Brother Lars: Team F Chaplain

"Praise be to the gods, for we are free!"

Continue down the slightly ruined hallway, advancing cautiously.  Slap sleepy people along behind.
Team F

Follow Lars.

This corridor leads to a heavy blast door that has a sign reading "Bridge". There are no defenses around, as far as you can see, though there is a control panel for the door.



Damn, it must search for movements and heat. How can I test the velocity of the shots...

Try to figure out if I can pass the corridor at my maximum speed without taking damage.

(Intuition roll)

throw another thing then pop out and laser one of the turrets

Renen: Getting past them  won't be a problem for you, assuming you move at full speed. Problem is that there's a door right next to them, and you'll have to pause for a moment to cut it (assuming you can cut it and it's not too thick) and knock it in. That Would be the problem.

You manage to deal some pretty good damage to one of the turrets by distracting them with a piece of debris. It's still functional, but it looks like it's having trouble maintaining aim and locking on.


Hasala Nabin - Team H Sod Controller

Ask on the general (non-UWM) radio channel ((as in, 'ask Steve')) what Order 118 means.

If Order 118 is not a 'surrender/stand down/kill yourself' message, or if no one knows what it is, play the soundfile, but turn off the mic/mute the Sod's speaker for the 'Order 118' part, so that the message is "Stand down... I repeat, stand down..."

If that doesn't work and/or it look likes the UWM Sods are about to fire, or Order 118 means what we want it to, just play the entire soundfile and hope for the best.

((Running out of time and half-alseep, here. I'd like to pre-emptively apologize to everyone this affects.))

>Sod orders are non-standardized in terms of their numbering. They often have the same set of orders, but the numbering is randomized to make compromising their control harder. I cannot tell you what order 118 is in the context of those sods and that controller.

You send the message through, but make sure the sod cuts it so that only the parts about standing down are heard.

Team H, Starfleet Command - Anton Chernozorov

Anton's eyes lazily wander over the screens, the sheer magnitude of the complete lack of anything happening wearing down his focus faster than if he were a lens array in poorly calibrated cutting laser. At this point, even a history lecture would be an improvement.

"Hey, Steve? Is this ARM movement actually the first revolution trying to overthrow the UWM? I mean, a coordinated one. The thing we're doing now, it seems very much like an all-or-nothing affair, you're throwing yourself in along with everyone else. With the amount of time the UWM existed, and the amount of people out there potentially displeased with it, has anyone else tried to do what we're doing? Perhaps with your help behind the scenes? You've shown pretty well that despite its power and reach, the UWM isn't terribly efficient at times, and is far from all-knowing, so some planet accidentally uncovering alien technology and receiving guidance on using it to hide from and fight against UWM seems like a safer, if less likely to succeed, undertaking than this HMRC business."

Talk history with Steve. Keep an eye on those sensors.
>It's far from the first, but it is the largest and most coordinated I've heard of. After the Altered wars, many of the UWM's constituent planets wanted their freedom back. They didn't want to be bound to a large and, as they saw it, now obsolete military governing board. The first few hundred years of the UWM's rule was spent actively putting down these attempts to break free, either through political or military means.  After those initial attempts, further attempts were rarer, but did happen. The Red Moon Rebellion was the largest, but individual colonies sometimes attempted it as well. I never backed any of them, of course, because they were doomed to fail. Undermining a power structure this large requires not only a sufficient amount of manpower, but intimate knowledge of how it works, so that precision sabotage and attacks may be meted out. I can provide one, but not the other. And I only had one chance at this. If I backed the wrong group, there would be no second chance.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1248 on: April 22, 2014, 03:15:44 pm »

Team B: Wild Weasels

"Okay, got the temperature, now to find out which room we need to heat...."

Is there a column for current temperature? If one isn't on the current tab/page/program, head back to the menu and search for something that might be it. If I find it, then search for the coldest rooms and use the other program to heat them up to about 325 Kelvin 
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1249 on: April 22, 2014, 03:45:38 pm »

Team D, "Dead Dirtbags in a box" - Thaddeus - Disguised Grunt - Ship Alpha

Holy shit it worked. So...I say we kill them off, just to be on the safe side

If the team doesn't want to kill off the sods, play along with plan. If they want to kill them off, laser shotgun the sod in front of Thaddeus, then target sod farthest away, use amp to heat a one foot sphere centered on the sods head by 150 degrees Celsius. Repeat with second farthest sod, then second closest sod
Well, it only hates Linux for now. If we could condition it to hate computer viruses, than hooray! Free, brutal virus protection! Unless you have Linux!


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1250 on: April 22, 2014, 04:25:59 pm »

Team A D - Ship Alpha | Flint Westwood - Disguised Soldier

Holy shit it worked. So...I say we kill them off, just to be on the safe side
"Of course it worked. Told you everything would work out fine, didn't I?"

"Anyway, I say we just get out of here. We don't know what caused them to stop. We don't know when they'll come back 'online' so to speak. And I don't want to trigger any sort of defensive response by them. All we know is that they're stuck for now, so we should take advantage of that and leave the area as soon as possible."

Drive the hell out of here as quickly as possible. Head towards the bridge.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 04:28:30 pm by Parisbre56 »

Tavik Toth

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1251 on: April 22, 2014, 04:26:50 pm »

Team F

"I have a feeling this is a ambush of trap."

Phoenix Flame

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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1252 on: April 22, 2014, 04:51:53 pm »

Angel Team C

Copy that commander Steve, think we just sprung the trap, well, that solves that problem

Three sods left, time to bring those numbers down further, use laser rifle to do so


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1253 on: April 22, 2014, 08:51:48 pm »

Team E - Lerman

Locate corpse/large heavy thing, throw onto plates and bolt away to cover.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 11:18:30 pm by smurfingtonthethird »
RIP Moot ;-;7 Sigtext!


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1254 on: April 22, 2014, 09:07:14 pm »

Auron, team C.

Run up to the sods and try stabbing them with my reiterpallasch, because why not.

If a sod manages to grab hold of me, instantly hit my jump rockets and boost him into a wall.

If all sods are killed this turn, place laser against roof and recover the distraction.
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1255 on: April 22, 2014, 10:00:42 pm »

Denzel- Team C, Audax

"Careful about the 'distraction'. I'm not sure if it's lethal."

Charge with Auron and use my monoatomic sword and dynamic bonus to take down the Sods. Stay out of the line of Friendly Fire if possible.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1256 on: April 23, 2014, 12:25:34 am »

Team E

Strap the frag grenades onto the thing that Lerman finds (go look for one if there's nothing) and rig them to all blow at the same time. Prime the grenades just before he tosses the bomb in and take cover!


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1257 on: April 23, 2014, 09:02:06 am »

Team A+D, "Dead Dirtbags" - Milno - D Leader - Ship Alpha - Plan Fuck-You-In-A-Box

"All options are risky." Milno points out through the comms. "Either trying to kill or get past them could make them leave their state of stupidity. Standing around waiting until they get back to doing their stuff isn't an option either."

Same shit. Continue with plan. Activate EMM and pop up in case either shit happens or the plan works smoothly. Defend squishier people with the shield as needed. Orders still stand: kill sods as fast as possible, disable/knock out/temporarily kill humans as appropriate.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1258 on: April 23, 2014, 10:22:25 am »

Hasala Nabin - Team H Sod Controller

Strongarm what Order 118 means out of the commanders. Use non-lethal violence (breaking arms, hitting nerve clusters, etc.) if they aren't cooperating. Interrogate them one at a time, and keep them seperated afterwords so they don't collaberate on lying about it. Use the hallway or a sideroom or something.

If Order 118 doesn't mean 'stand down', find out what does.


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Re: Mission 12: The Defense of Hephaestus: Don't taunt the dice.
« Reply #1259 on: April 23, 2014, 11:28:47 am »

Team G

Throw some chunks of debris at the turrets until they all take enough damage to malfunction, then try to cut the nearest one before retreating.
>Probably. They're bad news. Very good at hiding and very good at killing. Then again, no one is better at killing then the HMRC.

"Steve, they're trying to talk to us. We need an orbital bombardment NOW!"
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