Bay12 Census results
Survey started: Feb 18, 2014 at 22:03:30 in UTC +9:00
Survey ended: Feb 23, 2014 at 15:31:05 in UTC +9:00
Time elapsed: 4 days, 17 hours, 27 minutes, 45 seconds
Number of responses: 286
Number of samples: 284 (2 discarded)
Population size: 4431 (the number of Bay12 members who were active in the past 30 days, excluding spambots)
Worst-case error rate: ±5.63% at 95% confidence
Birthday problem:Yay! (
raw data)
23.1*Standard deviation: 6.1*Minimum age: 13
Median age: 18
Maximum age: 49
Improbable ages (≤2, ≥100) are excluded. (
raw data)
Country of residenceThe overwhelming majority of Bay12 users lived in the United States. 122 people (42.7%) responded US.
The second place Bay12 users tend to live in is Canada (18 people, 6.3%), followed by Australia (15, 5.2%).
The map was made using Google Geomaps API.
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this page's RAW content into the
Edit Code box, erasing everything that is there. Press "Run Code". Drag the boundaries of the Output box and view the output.
Country of originThe overwhelming majority of Bay12 users were born in the United States. 119 people (41.8%) responded US.
The second place Bay12 users tend to live in is Canada (18 people, 6.3%), followed by Germany (16, 5.6%).
The map was made using Google Geomaps API.
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this page. Paste
this page's RAW content into the
Edit Code box, erasing everything that is there. Press "Run Code". Drag the boundaries of the Output box and view the output.
Have you ever played a game made by ToadyOne?Have you ever played a game made by ToadyOne, excluding Dwarf Fortress?
Boards frequented(
raw data)
Have you accepted Tarn Adams as your lord and savoir?
What degree of education do you plan on completing?
What languages are you fluent in?
Number of replies: 277
Average number of languages fluent in: 1.65
Scale of Y axis: log base 10
Everybody knows English! The second-most known language is German, followed by French.
Preferred OSFormat of labels: number of choices, % of total
Are you clinically diagnosed with a mental disorder?Error rate: ±4.6% at 95% confidence
How fast is your internet?Average speed: 22.16 Mbps
Standard deviation: 39.23
Maximum value: 320 Mbps
How would you rate your political inclination?0 - Conservative
10 - Liberal
Average: 6.58
This question is not expected to yield useful results.
What is your employment status?
What gender do you identify as?Confidence: ±3.5% at 95% confidence
Male 256
Female 14
Snail 1
Androgynous 1
Bigender 1
Genderfluid 1
Lobster 1
Uncountable 11
Cats or dogs?
How much time do you spend on Bay12 every day?Average hours spent daily: 3.1
Total hours spent on Bay12 daily: 13647.48 (±6.1% at 95% confidence)
Hours spent making this: 67 hours, because screw excel
Current RAM usage: 15.0 / 16.0 GB
In conclusion,
the average Bay12 user:- is 23 years old
- lives and was born in the United States
- has played a game by ToadyOne
- may or may not have played a game that is not Dwarf Fortress but was made by ToadyOne
- frequents the DF-themed boards or General Discussion
- accepts Tarn Adams as his lord and savoir
- plans on completing a postgraduate degree
- is fluent in English
- uses Windows
- does not have a clinically diagnosed mental disorder
- has a 22.16 Mbps connection
- is a student
- is male
- prefers cats
- and spends, on average, 3.1 hours on Bay12 Forums
Link to raw data in spreadsheet, anonymized