Don't do "sudo ./df", it's a beginning of a bad habit, you don't want to run an application with elevated privilegies unless there is a reason for it.
Instead, check the permissions of the "df" binary by typing
ls -alh ./df
You should receive something like this output:
-rwxr--r-- 1 kamamura kamamura 243 Jun 4 2012 df
The first cluster of letters are the permissions we are interested in. The first - you can ignore, and then there are permissions to Read, Write and eXecute the file - the first three is for the owner (it's kamamura in this case), the second is for the group (it's kamamura too in this case), and the last one is for everyone else.
If I was not logged as "kamamura", I could not run df too ("permission denied"), but since I am, I can. Check your permissions on the installed df, and if you find out they are not correct, you can either:
1) Change the ownership of the whole install dir with
sudo chown -R someusername ./
Where "someusername" is the user you are logged as ( if you don't know, type 'whoami' ), and provided you are in df directory.
2) Change df binary permissions so that everyone can run it:
sudo chmod 755 ./df
755 is bit representation of the permissions - first bit (2^2 = 4) is read permission, second (2^1 = 2) is write, and the last is execute permission (2^0 = 1), you want the the owner to be able to read, write and execute ( 4+2+1 = 7), and the others to just read and execute (4+1=5).