a1s2 qeustions about raze:
Do you get +1 population if your brutal raid? Does the owner of the hex?
Can you tower on a razed hex? (note that you can't improve, so I'm expecting an answer of no, but it never hurts to check)
+ speaking of, if you improve the hex with a city and raze it, do you get +2 population or just +1?
You do get +1 population if you brutally raze a hex, the owner gets -1 pop for having their land raided. The rule against not improving a razed tile it to prevent players from razing-improving-razing-improving the same tile over and over in the same round. As you can Raze cities, I'm going to rule that you can't use Raze and Tower on the same tile in the same turn: I've updated the OP. If you lose a city (through razing or some other means), you lose a population point as your minimum population level drops, so razing your own city is somewhat counterproductive unless you anticipate it being invaded or you want to turn the tile to another use.
kaian-a-coelI'm starting to feel like humans are OP, at least early game.
Hopefully, their lack of mid-to-late game advantages will balance this out. I guess we'll find out by playing! Remember you can use private messages to form secret alliances if you think one player is getting too powerful.
IronyOwlExpand to 34, 22. Expand to 34, 61 if unable to chain expand like that.
Chain expansion is perfectly fine. That's one of the reasons why there's an enforced turn order.
GWGP.S. It's occurring to me that it's easier to conquer every terrain type except plains than it is to expand into them. Is this intended?
Yes: it incentivises both conquering and fortifying, and, I think, reflects the fact that invading a settled domain is easier than building infrastructure in harsh terrain; or at least, it takes longer. (You still lose population for invading, so Expanding is better for increasing your total amount of actions, even if it's slower).
It's just you to act now,
GWG, then I'll move us all on to Fall.
I did consider giving all occupied tiles +1 defence merely for being settled, but I'm not sure about that. What do people think? [Maybe if I run this again. Bit late now.]