Next turn, rolls will be like so: 1=6, 2=5, 3=3, 4=6 ADD [SPEED:1] TO DF BUGS RAWFILE
[5] You almost make the mistake of using the old [SPEED:#] tag before remembering that it's been replaced with the more complicated [GAIT: (Stuffs)], and proceed to give them the tag [GAIT:SUPERSPEED], allowing the Bugs to attack twice per turn starting next turn!
(( You knew that the good ol' [SPEED:1] actually
increases speed, right? See
this DFWiki article.))
Assassinate Palpatine for acting against the best interests of the sith while I rebuild my lost armies.
[5] You kill Palpatine yourself, steal all his POWAR, and discover that he conveniently left a massive hidden Sith Army. Guess he was getting rid of the competition.
[SWAPROLL:5] Your action is swapped with Blazing Glory's!
Fix the bugs myself! Starting with the corrupted save.
[3] Your CPU's Battery is dead, you replace the battery.
Status Sheets for all factions!
[4] ...curses. How do you want these done? PM me a general idea or, god forbid, a Copy-Paste Template. Gasp, I know, too easy right?
Do the most sane thing to do in my current situation that will leave me better off with little risk.
[4] You throw a !!Pigtail Fibre Sock!! at the Bugs, resolving five of them!
[Target Select: 3 Attack Roll: 2] IcyTea is Sober! ((Poor IcyTea... see if you can guess how the target select works.))
DF2014 Bugs
[GAIT:SUPERSPEED] ((Starting next turn, the bugs can do two attacks a turn.))