Build several BattleFleets and defence fleets. Also look into trans dimensional travel and/or magic on a asteroid as far away from the colonies as possible..
[5] You start the production of several fleets! [6] Your research of magic has enraged God! He destroys the research facility.
You may choose to request support/resources for a turn or ask for a '+1', at the risk of the people of your nation deciding to coup you in favour of them.
Construction Speed is doubled!
Defense Network Complete! +1 to defense rolls.
I.T.C Ships
Battle Fleet
Defense Fleet
Found a soon-to-be megacorp named Galactic Enterprises and build a fancy headquarters in the colony. Start hiring.
[6] Your ambitions attract unwanted attention! Rival Companies bring your company to the ground and are eager to pull you from power!
You may choose to request support/resources for a turn or ask for a '+1', at the risk of the people of your nation deciding to coup you in favour of them.
Construction Speed is doubled!
Build a city under the ocean
[3] You lack the resources! Perhaps a coup is in order?
Run away from Dumbledore. Become a pirate on Mars again.
[2] You are busy dying and being reborn again.
use a time machine and EXTERMINATE the doctor when he was a child!
[3] You don't know when he was born! Somehow the records of his existence were erased!
((Is this recent roll of mine a good thing or a bad thing?))
I hijack the ship and insert a sample of my toxic skin into the oxygen system to make it airborne and kill everyone on board.
[3] You realize your toxin isn't airborne. Opps
[5] The demoralized Centauri eagerly take up this religion!
[1] Sabotage destroys the scanner!
Galaxy Scanner
[||||||||||||||]DESTROYED![3] Chewbacca needs to repair his ship!
[3] The Timelords are baffled by this time field!
[6] The Doctor doubles the already rapid speed of time!
((I'll be posting the turn up tomorrow. What do you guys think I'm doing right and what should I work on?))
((A menace to society and the galaxy that isn't the players might be a good start.))
((Hey! Beating Bay12 at it's own game isn't easy, you know! Everytime I raise a menace, someone coups it or rams the Moon into it... they do my job
for me!
Edit:Spoiler Issue, fixed.))