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Author Topic: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 4  (Read 3664 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 2
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2014, 04:28:34 pm »


"Alright men, this is where they have sent us. This is our paradise, our home ..."

Within moments of starting to give the speech you find yourself immediately ignored as everyone turns to focus on the slightly better dressed fellow who has a revolver in one hand and isheading into the forest and yelling at them to follow him. Within moments over forty people follow after him into the forest, a handful armed with hastily grabbed tools, branches, or even rocks as they go to help him search for water with the well dressed man. Sighing outwardly you decide to follow after the group, and add your efforts in the search for a water source, your efforts turn up fruitless though hopefully some other exile had better luck with their search ...

Harry Baldman

You quickly head through the group of survivors locating any injured, and within moments find that most people either weren't harmed, or were mildly injured however there are two people you find in critical condition and need immediate attention. You set to work quickly hoping to preserve both of the fatally injured though with slight doubts as to whether or not you'll be able to as you begin to patch the first one up, a fellow who you found with a piece of shrapnel sticking through his side. It takes you only a few minutes to fix the first one up as you carefully remove the shrapnel from his side, and manage to close the wound through a combination of sewing it shut and cauterizing the particularly damage areas.

You arrive at the other mortally wounded exile only to find that they had passed away only seconds before your arrival, they'd lost to much blood, and simple weren't strong enough to survive with the damage they had suffered. Saddened you close his eyes and three exiles carry him off to prepare a grave for him, already your group had seen its first death, you just hoped it wouldn't see many more ...


You head into the Cargo Shuttle and begin digging through all of the crates, containers, and boxes you can find, you don't manage to find anything new, in fact most of the stuff you find is written on the list of starting supplies you were given. Of course not everything is as it should be, as you check the crates that are supposed to be filled with medical supplies you find instead find a note that reads,

'This is such a peaceful planet, surely you guys won't be needing this. Oh, and I hope you enjoy the gift the Empire told us to give you, I hope it was as explosive a welcoming gift as we hoped.
    - System Governor Alrich Nuemberg'

You wad the note up, and toss it into a corner of the cargo bay before turning, and heading back out onto the beach.


You scour the surrounding area of the crash site, and find absolutely no signs of hostiles though you do discover a strange shard of metal some distance from the crash site. The hunk of metal is roughly the size of your head, on it you find an intricate multilayer circle that seems to be made up entirely of tiny runes of some form, unsure of what it is you take it with you and continue your search. As your search continues you begin to think that its about time you head back to the shuttle when you come upon a boulder at the edge of the forest, of course its not the boulder that is strange but what is drawn on it, looking at it you see a crude star moving towards a mountain and then people spewing forth from the star in a crude drawing.


With a large part of the group working together you scour the nearest forest quickly, and in no time at all you find what it was you were looking for in the form of a small pool of water being fed by a stream that leads deeper into the jungle, and towards the middle of the island. The pool is located in a clearing of decent size not far from the crash site though you're not entirely sure about the safety of the jungle yet despite no one having been injured in the process, who knows what night might bring to you after all ...


You walk over to the three pilots, and the two guards who are gathered around on the side of the shuttle where an engine once was, the entire thing is gone, even the wing right up to the hull. In hopes of a way off the planet and maybe a pardon you say,

"We need to get this ship fixed, do we not? I have some technical ability. I can help salvage what we can and maybe get the bird in the air again."

One of the pilots mumbles something to the other pilots before turning to face you,

"There is no salvaging this, we'd need entirely new parts because both of the rear engines were blown up along with their wings, we'd need to build completely new parts and then rebuild the wings and mount the engines on their with enough stability to stay on there. Whoever did this didn't want us to come back, my guess is that we were dumped here with the rest of you to try and hide just what exactly is happening to those in the Relocation program from the public eye. Though since you do have some technical skill I guess that makes four of us, not that that is much comfort at all given the situation ..."

5 Turns until Night falls.

Spoiler: Coolrune206, Rune (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: darkpaladin109, AJ (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Exile Group's 'Home' (click to show/hide)

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 2
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2014, 10:44:16 pm »

"Right, well," Erik says, tucking his sword back into his belt and glancing around, "We have water. A good start."
The young ex-baron turns to face the others, his expression thoughtful.
"Well... I'd say we'd be best off pitching our tents near the water, but not near enough to scare off game and such. Or get eaten by some especially large creatures, I suppose- I haven't the faintest idea what manner of beasts could be living in this place. Some of you, come with me to find a suitable place for camp."

He then gestures towards the technician who spoke up earlier, deciding to throw the man a bone lest he cause problems later, "You there, have you a name? I want you taking stock of just who we have with us- work out what skilled workers we have, who is best suited to what tasks, that sort of thing. Or perhaps you could see about making us some rudimentary tools to cut wood for shelters?"

>Lead whoever wants to come on a brief search, looking for a good place to camp that is near enough to the water for easy access, yet not near enough to scare off game from the river and/or to expose us to water-based dangers.
Again, don't go wandering off alone if no-one follows me, and keep my pistol out and a hand on my sword.

>Cheer Rune up by tasking him with taking stock of who we have with us and what they're good at- basically what he tried to do before.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 2
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2014, 09:38:55 am »

Konicek clanked a hand against the side of the shuttle.

"What's the power cell in these things? It's an old model... maybe hydrogen-oxygen? Think we could strip it out, get some power generation going for lights? I dunno what might wake up at night in a jungle like this."
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...

Harry Baldman

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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 2
« Reply #33 on: February 24, 2014, 03:11:03 pm »

Follow along with Erik once the dead man is buried. Examine the vegetation present. Anything noticeably different from Earthlike vegetation?
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 12:21:05 am by Harry Baldman »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 2
« Reply #34 on: February 24, 2014, 03:30:20 pm »

"Hrmph. I'm pretty sure I'd be best suited at the latter task you mentioned, the one with making some basic tools."

Whack some tree branches off using my pipe, and find a deposit of flint, or a riverbed where I can find large stones.

Harvest some vines and/or strands of long grass, and use this to bind the wood and the flint/stone together to create rudimentary axes. Distribute these to the  men, and keep one for myself.

Rune muttered under his breath so none could hear "I swear, if this ex-noble turns out to be like all the other people involved in politics I knew before sent here, he will not survive long..."
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 2
« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2014, 05:54:54 pm »

Come back to the shuttle. Show the strange peice of metal and explain what happened.
"We're not alone on this godforsaken rock. Something at least caveman-smart is out there too"
Check if anyone knows anything about it
"I suggest setting up a night guard. As for where, I suggest we use the shuttle area to camp in. There's beaches and grass. A known safe area. Easy access to supplies. Nice and open, easy to spot intruders. We have water now, don't we?
I saw 5 people with fedoras in my town yesterday.
They're the special biohazard containment agent, out to deal with m'laria.
Bay12's resident tea drinkers


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 2
« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2014, 10:03:30 am »

Go down to where the others are, then start gathering anyone who knows anything about combat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 2
« Reply #37 on: February 28, 2014, 03:22:23 pm »

Aight, I'll start work on the turn immediately, I'll try to start getting this updated more frequently from now on :\


  • Bay Watcher
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New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 3
« Reply #38 on: March 02, 2014, 12:47:40 pm »


You set to work gathering materials from the nearby forest, and the bed of the creek feeding the pool of water, before long you have a pile of resources large enough to create enough of crude axes to give to ten people. Your mind set on the task at hand you use the skills you've obtained throughout your life to benefit yourself, who knows maybe you'll be able to save some lives with your work. It takes several hours but when you finish the axes you're amazed at your work. With what little you had at hand you made the axes, but you did so far beyond your expectations as you find them to be both durable and somehow very well balanced.

Harry Baldman

You follow along with the the ex-baron Erik as he heads out into forest once more keeping your attention focused heavily on your surroundings the entire trip as you examine the plants, insects, and what little wildlife you manage to spot. So far your looks at the world tell you that its ecosystems are indeed Earthlike, though the trees seem to be far taller, and bear thicker limbs than any you have seen and while you spot many smaller animals you never sight any game of a size large enough to feed more then one person. All in all you see no major differences in your examinations though you feel there is probably far more wildlife then what you've seen so far ...


With everyone busy searching the area, or obsessed with different matters entirely you decide that its about time to see how many among the exiles actually know how to fight, and to your surprise you find that seven of them know quite well. In fact that same seven exiles is all that was left of a dissident organization known as the White Hand, and they were sentenced to Exile as a drawn out form of execution from the sounds of it, of course not long after you have them off to the side chatting to them the pirate Draik shows you guys a chunk of metal with strange symbols and circles on it. You all pass it off as graffiti, and Draik heads off on his way though you have to admit its definitely some strange graffiti.


With the strange metal in hand you head back to the shuttle aiming to search for anyone amongst the group who might know what it is, for all of the people you ask more often than not they say they have no clue what it could be, a few others assume you're trying to trick them, and some even outright ignore you. By the time its all over you have the general feeling that no one knows what the design is, for all you know it could just be graffiti ...


As you head out again to search for other suitable campsites aside from the shuttle you ask around for anyone who might be interested, and surprisingly enough the two guards from the shuttle decide to tag along with you along with the doctor who seems rather keen on expecting the local plants. Feeling safe enough with two guards armed with rifles at your side, and the good doctor you set out into the forest checking the areas around the clearing only to find a single place suitable for a campsite. Not far from the water you find a small dale where a small hill formation rises up to either side only to end in sheer cliff faces on both sides that are roughly sixteen feet from the valley floor to the hill tops by your estimation, from the looks of it the place could comfortably fit the current group of exiles, and would be easily defend-able should such a need arise.


"What's the power cell in these things? It's an old model... maybe hydrogen-oxygen? Think we could strip it out, get some power generation going for lights? I dunno what might wake up at night in a jungle like this."

You say to the three engineers as you head towards the reactor and maintenance bay of the shuttle, of course by the time your finished the three engineers are staring at you as if you're insane, and one of them is shaking his head. The one that spoke to you earlier is the same to reply to you first,

"A hydrogen-oxygen reactor for a cargo shuttle that can be used to carry roughly two thousand metric tons along with the weight of the ship itself? If that was the case this thing wouldn't have made it more than an inch into the atmosphere before it dropped like a stone, this ship uses a semi advanced model of a magnetic confinement nuclear fusion generator, if we set it up right we could supply a city for a few months. It'll take some time to adapt it, and there is always the possibility that we could damage the system and instead of creating a controlled nuclear fusion it takes out the shuttle and the square mile surrounding it.

If you feel up to it though the four of us working together, well a fifth person would certainly help, could probably get it set up within a week possibly less with a fifth person."

4 Turns until Night falls.

Spoiler: Coolrune206, Rune (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: darkpaladin109, AJ (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Exile Group's 'Home' (click to show/hide)

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 3
« Reply #39 on: March 02, 2014, 12:57:15 pm »

Take 1 axe for myself, then start chopping down smaller trees. Find a large, thick tree with many limbs. Use a saw in my kit to create planks, and create a small ladder leading up to a tiny platform in the Tree.

Treehouse! :D
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 3
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2014, 03:10:26 pm »

Bumping for actions, I'll send out PMs later today.

Harry Baldman

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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 3
« Reply #41 on: March 06, 2014, 03:14:31 pm »

Follow and help the noble guy. For the team! For survival! For the exiles!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 3
« Reply #42 on: March 06, 2014, 03:24:09 pm »

Follo wthe others while keeping a lookout for any wild animals.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 3
« Reply #43 on: March 06, 2014, 03:45:01 pm »

... I swear I posted. Damn dirty intermittent wifi. It even said I posted.
"Okay, so nobody knows what the thing is or might do. Great."
Put the metal down in the ship somewhere safe.
"Pack up everything, guys! We gotta move out and camp before nightfall!"
Help everyone pack up the food, shelter and gear. Take them to the hills.
"What do we do with the ones without tents? I suggest we lay out whatever we can find, seat padding, whatever, make a ring of spike and a large fire in the middle, then sleep around that."
I saw 5 people with fedoras in my town yesterday.
They're the special biohazard containment agent, out to deal with m'laria.
Bay12's resident tea drinkers


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New World - An RTD of Exile: Turn 3
« Reply #44 on: March 06, 2014, 04:04:21 pm »

He shrugged. "Back on the homeworld all our dropships used H-O. Hydrogen fusion power, H-O fuel boosters to support the ion thrusters. Course, if there's one thing we never lacked, it was ice.

I'll help as best I can. "
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...
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