Well, sorry about not explaining anything.
Let me give you a quick run-down of what you're looking at.
The Info page has the player list, the current Lens (the player that chooses the Focus), current Focus (ie. the thing that all things created during this round have to connect to in some way), palette (things that we can and can't use), our Legacies (ie. the things that one can create events connected to after the round), and past focuses, as well as the characters used in scenes.
The sheets at the bottom (excluding Info) represent our current time periods/ages/whatever. They can last anywhere between decades (War With the Aliens) and centuries (The Development of Steam Technology? We haven't discussed how much those last.) Normally they would be dark/light depending on their tone, but we had to skip that aspect.
Within the periods, you have events, which are either light or dark colored depending on their tone (a creation of something would be a light event while an assassination of an important figure would be a dark one).
The events can also have Scenes associated with them, and with a few exceptions (Dictated Scenes) we've roleplayed all of them. The format for those is |QUESTION|LOCATION|ANSWER| (for instance,
Are the mechs ready?|Laboratory/Workshop|They'll be ready in time., referring to the scene in the "Development of the mechs" event).
The rdyX sheets are just templates for in-case someone makes a new period so that we don't have to add the tables & whatever.
Sorry if this sounds confusing to you, but the bottom two pages of
this have a quickstart guide.
Also, tomorrow I'll be running a different Microscope game (this is technically run by one of my friends rather than me, I'm just reporting the information here), set in the Awesomenauts universe. So expect French lizards fighting in a giant trading center space stations and stuff like that.
Read more here.