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Author Topic: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge  (Read 26276 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2014, 08:29:46 am »

9th Granite
Luror has dug down about 10 levels. After passing through the soil layers, she found some limestone and gabbro. Besides some cobaltite we haven't found any ores yet, but the year is still young. For now we won't dig deeper, as we have no intention of accidentally breaching any caverns that may be hidden there. (On mandelbrot, when starting at z100, caverns are usally at z90) Instead Luror we try to find more minerals on the upper levels so we know what we can work with.

16th Granite
Almost simultaneously Tenderroast and me finished the militia equipment today. While the leather armor I had created was probably not the highest quality, Tenderraost had made some nice weapons.

Cpt Crunchy and dawnofdarkness immediately gathered their new items and started training right next to the stairs. Even though this reduced our workforce to 5 dwarves, their determination was a welcome sight.

18th Granite
Obviously our two protectors wanted to show everyone that our trust in them was justified. And so the decided to use their new equipment to go hunting, even without any command for that given. A few pit vipers were their targets. It was dawnofdarkness who claimed the first 2 kills of Becordobar.

3rd Slate
Yes! We found coal. Even though the reports from Hexxedgarish about the dangers of coal mining are scary, this is still a great news as it will be a great help for our forge industries. I just hope Luror is careful. Earler she had already found copper and nickel ores, so we could start crafting some defenses soon.

21st Felsite
Claiming the pitvipers 'disturbed her while drinking' dawnofdarkness went on another wildlife killing spree. She took down 2 more, but then Cpt Crunchy decided, that she couldn't accept getting behind in kill counts so badly, so she also hunted another one down, scoring her first kill. What's wrong with those soldiers? I guess dwarven men better not look at them in wrong way. Well... even though it is tempting... And it seems like dawnofdarkness likes me...

1st Hematite
And we have managed the first season. All in all everything went as planned. Progress isn't that fast, as we have only one miner and our 2 militia dwarves are already busy sparring, but it all has good reasons. Pascale has started constructing on a wall to make defense a bit easier, but that will take some time, as right now he is the only one making blocks and then using them for construction.
Cpt Crunchy also had already received a new weapon, as we had found some galena and Tenderroast had promptly made a silver warhammer from it.

27th Malachite
Time goes by fast. But today new faces showed up. Migrants! But only 2 came. As both had no noteworthy skills, one was tasked to support Luror with mining out that copper veins, while the other one would help Pascale with construction. The wall is still not finished, and almost half a year has passed. To show the new ones who is guarding this fortress, dawnofdarkness and Cpt crunchy hunted down another cobra. They seriously hate snakes.

13th Galena
Snake hunting continues. This time asp vipers were Cpt Crunchys target. Kill score is now 5:3 in dawnofdarkness' favor.

14th Galena

A Kobold tried to sneak in, but was spotted by Pascale working on the outer wall. Our two guards gave chase, but were unable to catch the little bastard before it could escape.

27th Galena
Another thief! But this one wasn't so lucky. It showed that dawnofdarkness experience with heavy armors paid off, as she easily caught up to the running Kobold and killed him with a few strikes.

This should be a lesson to all those thinking about coming here. Whatever you may want here. The price will be high!

1st Limestone
Autumn has come. Surprisingly quick, but I admit, lately I was a bit... distracted.

Maybe I finally found out what luck is? Well, I guess it is my sort of luck to fall in love with a dwarf that will be in the first line against whatever we may face. We really have to get traps up quickly to get her out of harms way. But actually, Meph and Pascale, who were supposed to prepare our defenses, also seem to follow other things.

Well, how could I be angry at them? Still... as soon as Tenderroast has prepared some weapons for traps, we will trap up the entrance.

OOC: Last fortress my initial 7 were completely socially awkward and never coupled up... This time... wow ^^ That was fast, especially Meph+Pascale went from long term acquaintance to lover in <1 season.
Oh yeah, and I screwed up symmetry... my bad... It will all be reconstructed, once I have some more dwarves to play with ^^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #31 on: February 11, 2014, 09:45:15 am »

Get the miners mason guilded as soon as you can. It will make them more resistant to the coal dust, and the warpstone if you have any.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2014, 05:55:37 pm »

Love is blooming in TemptCreated, nice
Likes nether horror for their ability to turn people into eldritch horrors. Seriously, what is wrong with that dwarf.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2014, 06:48:10 pm »

27th Limestone
Migrants! And this time there were more! Overall 6 adults and one child. Of course we were not lacking work for them. One of them by the name of arcvasti was a member of the engineers guild. So Meph now finally also had his own apprentice. Since Tenderroast was now the only one without one, he got assigned another dwarf called Uvash. Poor guy had never worked at the smelters before, but he would learn it. Hopefully fast, we really needed some weapons for our traps.
But even more attention I paid to his wife. She reminded me of someone. The images in my head were going wild. Yes, she really looked like her... I didn't ask her for her name. She would be named kamikazi from now on. Uvash looked strange at me, but the similarity was really striking. And no one tried to argue with me about her new name. The old kamikazi had protected everyone back then at Hexxedgarish, and that would be her task again now. She would have to protect everyone and most importantly my love, dawnofdarkness. Together with Arcvastis husband ColdBones they would form our marksdwarves, shooting any enemy before they could even get close to one of us. I asked Tenderroast for some axethrowers as a start, so they could begin their training. As ColdBones had some skills in the meleeusage of axes (lvl 1^^, kamikazi has lvl1 marksdwarf) he would lead their training.
(Actually kamikazi is also Arcvastis aunt but the connecting dwarves are not yet here^^ Looks like this will be happy family party between all the names dwarves... Can't wait for tantrums...)
Arcvastis and ColdBones had actually invested in a guild membership for their daughter, before coming here, but I doubt this will be useful later on. She will probably learn a different work once grown up.
Once those 5 were done I had a look at the last remaining two migrants. A girl calling herself Shadow claimed to have decent experience in boneworking. She surely could put that to good use. Bonecarvers were the backbone of Hexxedgarishs furniture production, and with our militia loving the snake hunt we already had some bones lying around. And we are surely not lacking enemies to bring us more.
The last migrant didn't have any useful skills, but as we were lacking a designated farmer/foodworker this would be his new task.

2nd Timber
Due to too many complaints about a lack of beds I ordered some temporary dormitory to be made in a mined out coal vein. This should calm everyone down a little.

8th Timber
Finally we have at least a few traps set up.

2 weapontraps featuring 10 copper spears each and a couple of stone fall traps are now our first line of defense. Pascale and his apprentice also roofed over the trapcorridor and added some fortifications so ColdBones and kamikazi have a decent firing position from there. Considering they still lack armor, a safe spot to shoot from is certainly required for them. We should come back to forging some armor for them soon, but for now Tenderroast was busy with the copper spears and forging throwing axes. Somehow the 2 rookies are using tons of them for training.

15th Timber
I have no idea what Cpt Crunchy had cause to run out there... But obviously she wanted to hunt sloth bears and now proudly showed her 3 new kills. 6:6 is the score in her duel with dawnofdarkness now.

17th Timber
The dwarven caravan and the liasion have arrived. They were trailed by 2 Kobold thieves, but those cowards of course ran as soon as they were spotted. Dawnofdarkness and the caravan guards used their spare time hunting some king cobras. Snakes really have a hard time here.

20th Timber
Trading was done quick. As we had nothing for trade except the clothes of the Kobold killed earlier, all we got were some pieces of cloth and some gypsum plaster. Just in case something happens... Better be safe then sorry. For next year we requested some trade licences, even though I tried not to push it too much, as I know, that this would affect the price in a negative way. And it is unlikely that we will be swimming in trade goods by next year...

27th Timber
An Orc!

We didn't expect them to notice our new settlement this quick. But the Orc quickly ran as our militia approached. Guess what they did instead... Hunting coral snakes... Seriously... This is already the fifth kind of snakes they are hunting...

1st Moonstone
And so the first winter in our new home began. It was hot enough here, so there would surely be no snow. But it was still an odd feeling. Soon it would be one year. Would we make it? Through the winter and much longer?

17th Moonstone
Meph has created the first masterpiece of the fortress. A gabbro mechanism. We would need many more for our trap plans.

(Tenderroast made a masterwork copper spear a few days later^^)

25th Moonstone
dawnofdarkness is now having the title of a swordslord. I'm so proud of her. She trained really hard to finally achieve that. If she continues like that she surely will be legendary soon.

(Cpt Crunchy would be a hammerlord as well, but as militia captain she doesn't get that title)

3rd Opal
When Cpt Crunchy and dawnofdarkness went on another hunting trip I decided it would be just fair to let our axethrowers participate as well, so they could get some live training. And so a bunch of bobcats and gray langurs were chased around and killed. By now everyone got a kill, even though the distribution is slowly getting quite uneven:
dawnofdarkness 16
Cpt Crunchy 9
kamikazi 2
ColdBones 1
But I told them, not to celebrate their wildlife killings too much. There were much more powerful foes out there. Killing them would count!

23rd Opal
I had wondered all the time, why some dwarves tried to haul water down the shafts. I finally found the reason. Luror and Osheb had somehow confused a warpstone vein with an ore vein... And so they dug into it again and again, just to puke over all the shafts, go back to bed and wait for someone to bring water until they repeated the whole thing, over and over. Awesome!
Meanwhile Pascale demanded a archeologists study to be build. Let's see what he digs up.

1st Granite

It is done. One year has passed! And we are still alive. We are counting 16 dwarves right now, and for the time being life looks quite peaceful here. Looking back I'm quite happy about what we have achieved so far. With the trap corridor and our 4 defenders the fortress looks reasonably well protected. Meph and Arcvasti have just finished some design papers about a so called quantum stockpile, some odd technique to pack items more tightly. Well... as long as it helps the fortress, I don't care too much how it works. And it looks like it reduces the spacerequirements and clutter in general so I ordered a test run.
Since the arrival of his new apprentice, Tenderroast had barely left the forges, making throwing axes and spears. At some point we had some copper shortage, but that was solved quickly. We require some armor for the axethrowers soon, so I doubt he will run out of work anytime soon.
Another dwarf never running out of work is Urvad. He probably expected a calm winter, when he was assigned foodworker, seeing that we only have above ground crops right now. But with our militia on a wildlife killingspree there was no rest for him. At least we won't starve for quite a while. Shadow is bothering me all the time about all those bones left over, but for now I haven't decided what we need most from it. Originally i thought about furniture, but individual rooms are still not in sight yet. Maybe some trade goods? We will have to think about it.
When talking about rooms... Mainreason for those not being done yet is a change of plan. After talking with Pascale we have decided not to settle down in the earth. Even though we would not avoid it totally like it was done at Hexxedgarish, we have greater plans. We want to build a city into the sky. This will give back hope to all those dwarves that have doubted us! And there is also another reason. We need those levels below the surface for our trapdesign. We need space. Quite a lot of space. The stairway up was already constructed, but we would need a lot of blocks and helping hands to build all we had in mind.

About the skyfortress... It is just soooooo tempting. :D I have to do it ^^. Even though it is probably some insane risk. Really looking forward to the spring migration wave, which should bring me fortress defense races. Then the real fun starts. Actually I'm not sure how much those traps are able to do, I should probably add some more defenses... But hey... Let's see :D Oh and please tell me, why those two dwarfs are so crazy about hunting? They are inside the walls... And suddenly charge out, into some corner of the map and randomly start hitting poor snakes...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2014, 07:05:53 pm »

definately have to get the miners guilded...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2014, 09:10:16 pm »

definately have to get the miners guilded...
Or simply stop going 'oh, something green, lets digv' :D I made them mine out a huge vein of warpstone and just noticed it near the end ^^ Not sure for how long they were already puking down there.
And I have more important guildings then miners ;)

- marksdwarves for range+trainingrate boost (they still level quite slow when unguilded)
- Legion for insane statboost
- engineers for reliable masterwork mechanisms
- even your own smiths guild is more important ^^
Miners are just so expendable... They level quite fast even without guild and as I have no big digging operations anyway the loss of a skilled miner (which is replaced by some rookie) is hardly noticed ;) Thats why i dont name my miners ^^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2014, 09:15:56 pm »

I'm fine with my dwarf murdering snakes since i hate them in real life, I'm loving how things are turning out right now can't wait to see the ensuing chaos and who survives.
If Toady implements it, we can kill elves with it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2014, 09:28:25 pm »

Wait, Kamikazi is my aunt? Liking the story so far.  :) Also maybe build a minecart grinder. Masterwork has all those lovely spiked minecarts which go unused so often. They need some love. And I've never seen one in action, but they're supposed to be awesome for relatively few materials.
If you expect to live forever then you will never be disappointed.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2014, 01:02:31 am »

- even your own smiths guild is more important

Fair enough  :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #39 on: February 12, 2014, 11:34:13 am »

YES! We will have a castle to the SKIES! Let the soldiers of the gods tremble before my architecture and the lovely Meph's machinery! The dwarves shall rule the earth, sky and magma sea in equal measure!

...excuse me, I may have neglected to grab a drink. I'll go now.

EDIT: I've noticed we don't seem to have our dwarfs' descriptions up, or maybe I'm just blind?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 11:36:28 am by Pascale »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2014, 03:41:02 pm »

9th Granite
That archeologist already paid off. Pascale found a full set of iron armor, including a kite shield and an iron meteorhammer. CptCrunchy claimed it all hers and wore most of it together with his leather armor.

Even though I would have prefered dawnofdarkness to take the armor, there is no point in argueing with the militia leader. Hopefully CptCrunchy takes care of her.

21st Granite
Migrants! 12 had already arrived, when some crazy trader arrived. He was telling lies about us, about me... He was blaming me for the demon invasion. How else could I have survived. My blood was boiling. Dawnofdarkness wanted to go out there, but Cpt Crunchy held her back. Even though this trader was completely insane, he was still one of ours. We could not kill him. But his speeches had their effect. No more migrants came.
To distract myself from the guy out there, I screened the newcomers. It was disappointing. Really none of them had noteworthy abilities. As Pascale needed more helping hands, so half of them were assigned to masonry now. With that much dwarfpower we could move the tradedepot south, secure it with some drawbridges, while using the north for some new defense project. 2 more dwarves would help out with the food production, while the rest of the new ones would be haulers for now, freeing everyone else's time for more important tasks.

26th Granite
Another visitor.

A werebear. Actually... This is scary. We surely can't risk sending our two melee dwarfs against it. ColdBones and kamikazi were ordered to their position above the entrance, maybe they can deal with the beast. Or the traps finish it...

28th Granite
Neither happened.
Instead the creature suddenly turned back into it is original form. A tigerwoman! Immediately our militia started chasing. Better take her down, before she comes back later....
It was an axe thrown by ColdBones that stopped her from running any further, and all dawnofdarkness had to do was to lob off the head from the stunned creature.

2nd Slate
Positive side effect of the werebeast attack: The trader ran away and more migrants showed up, bringing our total to 36. Of course we found some work for everyone, there is no boredom here at Bercordobar.

2nd Felsite
While the construction of our new defensesystem in the north is going on full speed, today one of our furnace workers decided to go nuts.

I've heard a lot about that happening, and it seems like the biggest piece of dwarven junk are made during such moods, while everyone praises the artifact and it's maker later for no reason.

10th Felsite

Well... That was... boring. Only thing I learned from it, is that he REALLY like pure malachite. Even though i would have prefered, if he ould have smelted it down instead.

18th Felsite
Our militia had just chased a couple of Kobold and Goblin thieves away, when Elves arrived. Elves!
They are sending a caravan. Why are they doing that? We haven't traded with them for years! It must be a trap. Are this scouts in disguise? What if they tell everyone about our new, still not entirely secured home? We can't take any risk! We can't let get away from here. We opened the entrance to the trade depot to lure them in...

20th Felsite
They are locked in! I heard someone shouting over the wall 'It's all four your safety!' Let's see when they realize that we had uncovered their evil plot.

They actually brought a blade- and a bowdancer, further showing their hostile intentions. Especially the bowdancer would make things a bit difficult. We are still thinking what the best way to get rid of them would be.

28th Felsite
We have finally completed our first research projects.

First goal were some improvements in the metalworking industry. Sadly we are lacking the steel bars to build the blast furnace, but at least the greatforge will be constructed as soon as possible.

1st Hematite
Even though the Elves are still in our depot area, the season was surprisingly quiet. Considering the growth of our fortress, with our number rising from 16 at the beginning of the year to 36 now, the lack of attention by our enemies is unexpected. But again, this makes it even more necessary to silence the Elves, so we may keep this settlement a secret for a bit longer. But the question still remains how to do it. We are considering to attack them directly, considering we are doubling their numbers, and especially in melee are most likely clearly outmatching them, but their mithril equipment is far superior to everything we can field.
On the civil side of things, the one who profited most from the population increase was Pascale. With the number of workers available for him, efficiency in construction has dramatically improved. And even though it isn't exactly obvious to me, how it is supposed to work, I was explained that our new defense project would soon be ready for tests. Even though no one wants to guarantee me, that it will work. But even though we have put a high priority on the outside and defenses, we soon have to come back to improve the general city life. Right now we are running out of space for everything.
This would be some of the goals for the upcoming season. But there was more. The miners have reported me a very interesting find.

Damp stones... They told me, that this is almost certain to be caused by a tear of armok. And Meph immediately pointed out, that there are some interesting possibilities when putting this together with the warpstone we had mined earlier. We are probably having a look at it as well. Oh and more advanced trap components were requested. We were surely not lacking work.

OOC: I hope the minecartgrinder works as intended.... :D Last time I used some rollers for leading the carts back, but this time I'm tryying it without any power used... Not sure my idea works at all ^^. And the grindpath is a bit short... Well.... we will see.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2014, 04:01:53 pm »

EDIT: I've noticed we don't seem to have our dwarfs' descriptions up, or maybe I'm just blind?
now available in the 1st post :D

Btw, can someone explain the bug with Shadow? Is it a vampire? :D No seriously, why is he the only one, who has that bug? No matter if i nickname them via therapist or ingame, they all work fine, only Shadows name is not in the dwarf description...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2014, 05:22:24 pm »

I noticed I have a meteor hammer and a shield, I thought that meteor hammers were generally two handed for dorfs.
Hopefully we can find a way to dispose of the elf filth without taking casualties
Likes nether horror for their ability to turn people into eldritch horrors. Seriously, what is wrong with that dwarf.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2014, 06:30:47 pm »

just lost my progress because my laptop decided to shutdown -.-
That were 1.5 month(aka 2hours) fiddling with the grinder design, as it had some flaws
at first only some wrong ramps, but once they were fixed, i noticed some diagonal trackskipping screwing everything making me rebuild some parts.
Question is, how to replay it. Do all the mistakes again, then I can use my already written report and it is probably better storywise, or fix it right away and save some time.
What I surely can't repeat is the outcome of the fight. Last time ColdBones got struck by an arrow to the pancreas, but Shadow (only one to have some medical skill) took care of him... Guess it will go different this time.

you both have around 3600 str not even capped out yet ;) You can wield a lot^^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #44 on: February 12, 2014, 11:00:14 pm »

5th Hematite
The militia prepared for the assault. The bridge was lowered, and CptCrunchy and dawnofdarkness walked to the trade depot, with kamikazi and ColdBones covering their back. Everyone was ready to fight, should the Elves attack first.

6th Hematite
They didn't. And so it were our brave warriors, who opened up the fight. With the initiative on their side, they had a clear advantage. The bowdancer could only fire a single arrow, before he found himself in melee. And he didn't last long. But it was neither dawnofdarness nor Cpt Crunchy who claimed the killing blow but kamikazi, who's flying axe bisected the Elf. Now standing alone against four dwarves, the bladedancer didn't last much longer. Cpt Crunchys hammer claimed his life, before our soldiers now engaged the merchants and their pack animals. They were no match and quickly overpowered.

9th Hematite
The Elves had some sent some diplomat to bother me. Thankfully he was taken care of. So I could now use the time to inspect what we had gained from the elven caravan. They had brought a few mithril goods, and even though none of them were of any direct use to us, they would all be smelted, so we could could make some proper gear for our soldiers. Beside that and some plants, there wasn't much of use to be found. Still, when counting the total value of our fortress, we went up from 72000 dwarfbucks to 126000.
I was also informed that our entrance defense system would be ready, it just needed to be loaded with minecarts... Hopefully this is done quick, I really want to see what those masterminds have built here. Or would be a total failure?

13th Hematite
Today was the first testrun of the new defense system. It received the name 'Heartgrinder'.
Sadly the test failed miserably. But after some quick inspection, Arcvasti found the mistake. He was talking about some start ramps being carved wrong. I didn't understand a thing. Most important part of the information was, that it would only take a few days to prepare another run.

17th Hematite
Luror was shouting from the shafts. 'BLOOD' Not another case for our not existant medical staff please, I though, until I realized what he meant... Not dwarven blood. He found a blood of Armok gem!!! Now we seriously need warpstone technology!

19th Hematite
Heartgrinder, testrun #2
- the general idea works, some moleweasels tested it for us, one died right away (they don't listne to alertburrows^^)

- the carts didn't do the full cycle, we have to fix some corners leading the carts back
Those fixes again should take about a week. So we can hopefully make more dry testruns, before testing it on enemies. Even though considering how bloodsmeared the track is already from those 2 moleweasels... Can hardly call it dry.

25th Hematite
Heartgrinder, testrun #3
- another moleweasel got onehitkilled, the system surely has some lethality
- second lane backloop works now
- we forgot to fix one ramp, screwing the backloop of the second lane
- first lane minecart jumps track diagonally into the first lane, screwing everything

While the first construction flaw is fixed quickly, the second one is more serious. We actually have to rebuild the launchsystem to prevent this from happening. This will take some time.

1st Malachite
During reconstruction accidentally a minecart was dropped into the Heartgrinder. The good thing was, that it didn't launch into the system, as the launch ramp was already deconstructed. The bad thing was, that one worker got hit by the falling cart.

Even though his wounds are not life threatening, when treated properly, we are lacking any dwarf responsible for medical aid. A quick survey revealed, that only Shadow had some experience with diagnosis, and thus she was declared temporary chief medical dwarf. Our dormitory would double as hospital for the time being.
At least the research on more advanced trap parts was completed. Meph suggested the production of some barbed wires for another kind of trap.

8th Malachite
While Shadow is trying her best to deal with the wounded worker, migrants arrived. But sadly none of them had any knowledge of hospital work. There was one engineer among them, joinning Arcvasti and Meph, but the others were again fairly unskilled in relevant tasks. We would expand our mining corps a bit, and some other standard duties like food industry got some more workers assigned. The only special one out of the new arrivals was a nun. We ordered a shrine for her to be built, so she could follow her passion. This could only help us. In total we are 47 dwarves now. Our growth is certainly not the fastest, but it is steady.

10th Malachite
Heartgrinder, testrun #4
- one lane works fine now
- Even with the reconstructed launcher, the diagonal trackskipping happens leading both minecarts into the same lane.
Looks like more changes are necessary... Originally we wanted the system to be running by midyear, but it looks like we could fail this goal. At least with all those explenations of the system I'm slowly understanding the idea behind it. We can consider ourselves lucky to have such brilliant engineers and architects around here.

11th Malachite
Now we also have warpstone technology... But to use the tear and blood of Armok it will need even more scientific work.

19th Malachite
The first casualty of Becordobar.

One of the latest migrants had dug into some warpstone while searching for more ore veins and promptly died. Looks like he simply wasn't made for the job.

28th Malachite
All the necessary adjustments to the Heartgrinder have been made. We can launch the next testrun soon.
OOC: I reworked the whole launch design. Just to notice that I'm a huge idiot...  there was never a diagonal skipping, the layout I use just creates one long track with 2 lanes and two entry points instead of 2 separate tracks... GNAAAAA Anyway... This may be a problem when shutting down the system, but I think there no immediate problem when running it. And all the reconstruction was probably completely pointless, but whatever, the new one also looks cooler and is slightly more lethal due to increased speed

2nd Galena
Heartgrinder, testrun #5
- 4 molewaesels were slaughtered
We figured out a few improvements, but those are not urgent. We will leave the design unchanged until autumn and then probably come back to optimizing it. We will reduce the number of exitlanes for the turnoff-process to one, and improve some safety measures to avoid accidents. But overall I'm so pleased with the progress. This masterwork of engineering and construction should help against a lot of potential invaders.
As a lot of common dwarves wondered, how this would work in detail, I asked Meph to create a few illustrations of it:
killlevel (surface -1)


OOC: It is just one half, once I have done the finetuning, I will later add a mirror image of it on the other side as well. And then it's shape should also loosely remind one of a heart ^^

15th Galena
Humans! They also send a caravan. But how could we trust them? Weren't it the Humans that sieged Hexxedgarish multiple times? The procdeure was clear. First we would lure them into the trade depot... Then we could decide how to deal with them.

16th Galena
The Humans were ambushed.

By a giraffe. A weregiraffe to be exact. Don't ask me, how they could have missed a giraffe.... However... It was right next to the first caravan wagon when they spotted it.

Like a swarm of flies the caravan guards were rushing at the giraffe. But they could not prevent it from destroying the wagon. The merchants started running, while the guards now completely destroyed the beast. It tried to defend itself somehow, but didn't stood a chance. All it's attacks missed, and the humans struck it again and again without mercy until it was finally dead. Then the guards followed their panicking merchants and ran...
That was truly a short visit. But they had to leave the goods of that one wagon behind! We should have a look at it.

1st Limestone
Half the year is over again. Besides some cowardly Kobold and Goblin thieves nothing more happened after the Humans were gone. The leftovers of the Humans were a bit disappointing, as it was mostly food. But there were a few steel items in between, which could be melted. And every bar counts! For autumn we will do the small changes to the Heartgrinder. Pascale has also started the planning for some better archery positions for our axethrowers.
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