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Author Topic: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge  (Read 26268 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #75 on: February 15, 2014, 02:34:02 am »

that is awesome!!!

I love being the blacksmith... Everything in the fort was killed by my creations. Muahahah. Question, is there anyway to know how many masterwork quality items my dwarf has made?
Unless there is some tool for Legends Mode.... I Won't count it by hand.
Oh and the minecarts are NOT made by you ;) You only have armor/weaponsmithing active, but carts require metalcrafting and is done by the furnace ops ;)

Oh, and DF is writing great stories... next update will have some fun opponent with an interesting connection to what has happened earlier


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #76 on: February 15, 2014, 09:08:47 pm »

okay... when i started this season, I had no idea...
Seriously, I don't know how many hours I already spent on those 3 months now, and I'm not even through yet...
But there is absolutely everything in it...
- an interesting guest with some mean attributes
- fun in legends mode
- dead dwarves (and not because of warpstone or coal dust)
- pesky wildlife
- new friends (quite big)
- even more new friends(much smaller, but evil), even though they I haven't seen a single one... But they certainly are there, or were...
- some old friends, but not so friendly anymore
- glorious(?) combat

Well... and I don't know the end... yet... But anything can happen. Will sleep a bit... during the afternoon I hope to finish playing and writing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #77 on: February 16, 2014, 10:42:37 am »

Warning: blood and pictures incoming

6th Moonstone
The liasion found something, right next to the trade depot...

What happened next is hard to describe... The caravan guards were attacking the beast, but it proved to be too strong. The first caravan defender was killed right away and the second one was bitten, and then turned into a werelizard himself, still fighting the queen consort. Another guard was lying severely wounded in the grass, but the beasts were now busy with each other, even though it was clear, that the queen consort would win this fight. Was there anything that could stop the werelizard?

8th Moonstone
Just as the beast had finished off its opponent and the wounded guard, turning against the 3 remaining guards at the depot, it transformed...

While it was certainly more fearsome in its first appearance, a frost ettin was no joke either.
But the dwarves wanted revenge for their fallen comrades. This was a mistake... The ettin became enraged and... transformed into its wereform again...
(screenshot missing)
Being completely healed, now fighting right between the merchants and pack animals a wild battle ensued. While the merchants tried to run, hoofs and weapons were raining at the beast. But all attacks glanced away... 2 guards suffered severe injuries leaving them unable to fight, but the pack animals kept the attacker busy, so it couldn't finish any of the dwarves off. In the meantime kamikazi and ColdBones were also throwing axes from above, but were unable to penetrate the enemy. The fight seemed to last forever, but there was one person, that had a weapon against the beast... The crossbow guard had IRON bolts... and one of them struck the beast right into the head...

It was dead. Finally dead...
This was certainly the most intense fight we have ever witnessed here in those 3 years, but finally it was over. Was it?
I ordered our militia to guard the depot. The badly beaten up guards were still lying there, but if they were infected they had to be put down...

OOC: Luck!!! pure luck saved me here... Without those iron bolts it would have been hard to take out that thing. I could have tried to lure it into the Heartgrinder, but seeing how the thing shrugged off everything... Not even sure that would have worked.

Backgroundstory: So I decided to have a look into legends mode, what kind of creature this was... Well... you remember the werebear that attacked earlier? Which was a greater ogress named Robek, as I later found out? General of the Jotunar civilization. But he was also a member of a religious group devoted to Zar. Zar is a caveswallow deity connected to chaos. This Zar cursed Robek later to become a werebear, and as we all know, Robek sneaked into the fortress and was killed by dawnofdarkness.
Now to our new friend, Ukosh the frost ettin. Ukosh was the high burn of that said religious group. In year 3 she married the king of the Jotunar(but the king is also member of said religious group), and they had a son in year 4. And as you may have guessed by now, she got cursed by the very same Zar to become a werelizard. This also happened in year 4. Just that her 'only Iron harms her' made her MUCH more dangerous then Robek.
Over the time she got a nice kill list of 15 named kills (tigermen, warwolves and  multiple nightwings) and 23 unnamed ones (wildlife). She then killed another 3 dwarves (caravan guards) here, before that iron bolt finally finished her off.
I checked the deity, and luckily, those 2 are his only victims... Seriously, I almost expected the king (Ukoshs husband) and their son to show up next ^^

So to summarize:
Robek: greater ogress, general of the civ, member of the religion, werebear since year 17 (41 kills)
Ukosh: frost ettin, member and later queen consort of the civ, high burn of the religion, werelizard since year 4 (also 41 kills)
Rashgur: rime giant, king of he civ, member of the religion, not cursed (10 warwolf kills)
Ukosh and Rashgur are married since year 3 and their only son is Vashzud, a blood cyclops.
Vashzuds history is nice as well. At the age of 1 he fought his first titan, but escaped. 2 years later he escaped another titan fight. Rough childhood! He later escaped another fight with a warwolf, so he is still without kills. As his parents, he is member of their civ and also worshipping Zar.

And last funny sidefact:
I wondered how the cursed dwarf could last so long, as he had normal military skills, while Ukosh was legendary (and I doubt, she was a legendary farmer...) Well... answer is simple. He also got the ' can only be harmed by Iron' attribute in his wereform. So almost all attacks between the two glanced off or caused only scratches. But the former dwarf lost the war of attrition in the end. And Ukoshs wounds were healed by her retransformation afterwards...

15th Moonstone
Just as we had finished trading, the caravan decided to leave. Looks like they don't want to stay any longer at this horrible place. Well, I can understand them after what had happened. We had barely any trade goods of value this time (about 6k) so we only acquired a few rarer materials, we had not found in enough quantity yet. But we should not complain. At least non of the guards turned into another werebeast. So we can be quite happy about the outcome.

19th Moonstone
The Heartgrinder found more victims. The miners had tried to unstuck the bouncing minecart, but this obviously went totally wrong. Trying to channel in from above completely failed.

Oh, and Arcvasti got another child. As her husband ColdBones is still lacking his groin, so I was not sure, if and who I should congratulate becoming the father.

20th Moonstone
Next victim was a child. It tried to remove one of the ramps. Well.. it would have been smart not to try to stand on the tracks while doing so... At least it survived, even though in horrible condition. With only one miner left, we had to try another approach...

22nd Moonstone
It is done!!! Our last remaining rookie miner managed to dig a tunnel under the system and then remove the blocking sandwall from below. And he even survived. A true hero!
And then I had the difficult task to assign a new bunch of miners. There were no volunteers and the chosen ones didn't look very happy... Well... Actually they looked at me, like they wanted to throw their newly assigned picks at me... But in the end they also knew... mining has to go on.

15th Opal

16th Obsidian
a Frost Giant!!!

It had gotten through the grinder, and some traps, before we spotted it... But not unharmed. (OOC: I really hate the lack of combat log for that...)

Then it tripped into another trap... Loaded with 10 swordwire rolls... It survived, but got thrown back... Then it tripped into the same trap again. For the last time...

(there are 3 pages like this, from stepping on the trap twice... fun!)

18th Obsidian
3 more Frost Giants died to the traps, and I was told, that somewhere in the area also 3 Hellfire Imps had been found dead, even though no one would tell me where... (yeah... they are dead, but i have no clue where they died, but in the weapon traps most likely...
Then another Frost Giant showed up at the trade depot. Dawnofdarkness and Cpt Crunchy, always looking for glory, decided to hunt it down. But what they found, was more then a single Frost Giant.

Drow! They had not forgotten our attack last year, and they were looking for blood.
I knew that all the shouting and calling was pointless. Once they were in battle, neither Cpt Crunchy not dawnofdarkness would return to the fortress before everyone was dead. So I ordered kamikazi and ColdBones to the new Bastion, that was finished a week ago, above the entrance to the trade depot. But both of them were not as fast as their melee sisters, so it would take some time. A lot of time for the dwarves fighting out there.

19th Obsidian
While dawnofdarkness decided to fool around with the Frost Giant, Cpt Crunchy immediately grasped the situation and started his work on the Drow.

But they were not alone out there... A single hauler was also there, and now chased by one squad of the Drow. While this was certainly unfortunate for him, it gave the 2 militia dwarves some breathing space, having to fight only the other squad. Finally dawnofdarkness let go of the Frost Giant, while Cpt Crunchy had already scored the first kill. Still, their situation was not good yet. They were facing 4 shielddancers and their leader, a claivemaster riding a giant beetle. And somehow the hauler had managed to trick the other squad of 6 shielddancers, and was now running towards the battle...
Both of the dwarves had to dodge about 10 strikes in a row, before they could finally start dealing blows again. But they did so successfully! But where was their ranged support? ColdBones was on the way, half way there... But kamikazi? She had her own agenda. Having spotted another Frost Giant in the trapway, she decided to fight this one instead... In melee with her axe thrower... and her baby on her arm.

But the situation at the depot suddenly went from bad to horrible.

Getting stabbed from the back, having her arm cut off and her weapon lost, dawnofdarkness decided to run, so now it was only Cpt Crunchy left, facing the onslaught of the drow. But her will to fight was unbroken. She crushed bone after bone, of the attackers, so all 4 shield dancers were heavily injured now. The leader of the Drow was still trying to chase dawnofdarkness. But then the hauler followed by the second squad arrived at the depot...

Cpt Crunchy quickly finished off two Drow lying around, before now fighting the new arrivals. Luckily for her, the leader and 2 shielddancer decided to chase the hauler insted of joining the fight, leaving her with 6 opponents.

20th Obsidian
But there was no stopping her. In her battle rage she managed o dodge and block all incoming attacks, while merciless dealing heavy blows with her hammer. And whenever a Drow was lying on the ground, she finished them off with a quick hit to the head. She had killed 8 shielddancers, when the Claivemaster returned to the fight. The fight of the leaders. The Drow was assisted by a shielddancer, while ColdBones had finally arrived and started throwing axes from above, even though he missed most. Still, his contribution was more useful the kamikazis... For the twentieth time in a row she tried to break the thick skull of the almost dead Frost Giant (injured by traps) in the trapway.
Cpt Crunchy now struck down the shielddancer... And the Claivemaster, now alone facing the single cause for the loss of three quarter of his force decided to run... Cpt Crunchy could not stop him from doing so, but the situation was not over yet... She now took out the Frost Giant, that had started all this mess, but was somehow still lingerinng around. Another shield dancer crossed her way, and was treated appropietly. It would be her 10th Drow kill. But there was also still the hauler, now having quite a few injuries, still chased by the last remaining shielddancer. But then he got unexpected help...
Dawnofdarkness decided to show the Drow what shielddancing really meant!

(this continues like that on the next page)
The ambush was defeated. Of the 13 attackers, only their cowardly leader and his mount had survived. All their servants were dead, with Cpt Crunchy scoring 10 kills. Even though dawnofdarkness still had a higher killcount, the militia captain had shown, why she had deserved this position. The defense of the fortress was all her work this time.
Dawnofdarkness meanwhile had lost her weaponarm. We would see how she can deal with that. Will she be able to continue to fight?

What a fight... OMG... And Cpt is a true boss. In the beginning almost everything went wrong, and I feared the worst. A well done ambush with a Frost Giant as bait. Even though i have to admit, that shielddancers are not very dangerous in general, it was still quite tense. Dawn had no luck, when she got backstabbed by the bladewhip... Let's see if she tries to wield everything in one arm...

21st Obsidian
dawnofdarkness, still suffering from a massive bloodless explained today, that it was no problem to wield a zweihander and a tower shield in the same hand...

I can't follow that logic, but I still hope, she finds some reason and finally goes to the hospital.

28th Obsidian
She ignores me. She just went back to training, even though she is still quite pale. She was always very stubbborn, and that almost cost her dearly... But I have to take her as she is... even when it is hard.

1st Granite
New Year. Should we celebrate? This year had certainly brought us one thing: many enemies. We have spotted: Automatons, Hellfire Imps (even though the were already dead), Goblins, Tigermen, Orcs, Kobolds, Ferric Elves, Dark Stranglers and Frost Giants. And after our raid on their caravan in sring, the Drow were now also hostile. And then there were the werebeasts, that had almost wiped out the entire dwarven caravan. But also our defenses have improved. The trap corridor got reworked, and I was told it only requires a few more mechanisms to be installed, until there will be another upgrade there.(If you look at the screenshots, you can guess what it will be) The Heartgrinder had shown it's potential, when in crushed the Ferric Elves, even though it is not without dangers, as the accidents in winter had shown. The new bastions for the axe throwers are almost done, now the just have to listen to my commands. We had two severe injuries for the militia, but it seems, ColdBones got over the loss of his groin without problems, and dawnofdarkness only requires one arm to keep her status as the murder queen.
But in general, a lot of things were built during the year. The new dining hall in the sky, including the food/bone industry next to it was first, and the new apartments were also done, even though not fully furnished yet.
Overall we are counting 95 dwarves now and our fortress value had finally risen above one million. Even though this also would probably attract more enemies. But well... we are used to be hostile to everyone. And we will survive!

OOC: Building the entire apartment area and z0 and z+1 from flux has certainly inflated that architecture value... artifacts are surprisingly low on value until now. But I wanted to build the apartments out of flux, as I made them 2x2 instead of my usual 3x3... And as I can't engrave walls... Need something to raise the roomvalue ^^





z = surface



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #78 on: February 16, 2014, 12:21:27 pm »

Impressive. I had no idea the new traps were so deadly. Ill have to start actually using them, though I do wonder how well it will go once the Jotun show up


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #79 on: February 16, 2014, 03:14:21 pm »

Wow, that was one hell of a season. I hope dawn doesn't die of bloodloss
Likes nether horror for their ability to turn people into eldritch horrors. Seriously, what is wrong with that dwarf.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #80 on: February 16, 2014, 05:25:23 pm »

Ugh my stupid dwarf.  So epic the last game, now she's terrible.  If I'm going to keep charging in melee you should give me a high quality wolfram axe thrower.  At least then when I try to bash something head in it might work haha.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #81 on: February 16, 2014, 06:39:10 pm »

quick question... does the axe thrower skill use AXEDWARF for melee attack? or HAMMERDWARF?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #82 on: February 17, 2014, 03:41:00 am »

Well, weapontraps were always like that... Load them with 10 weapons and have fun ^^
But sure, loading them with 10 swordwires causes 30 cutting attacks at once... It is quite devastating. Or loading 10 twohanded weapons...
And for the big stuff, trapavoiders etc i have the Heartgrinder. But right now i'm also designing a new layout for another grinder(working quite different from the heartgrinder, but I'm still trying to figure out some details) and long term I have more plans to deal with that stuff.
I changed the layout of the front entrance slightly, so I hope i can avoid it in future. Instead of one door there is now a 2 door airlock(3 tiles corridor with door, empty space, door) This prevents that in case a creature(moleweasel ^^) tries to walk through the doors, the dwarves on the inside can look into the trapway.
axedwarf ofc
They both have about 7 thrower/archer and 5 axedwarf/fighter
I really need the marksdwarf upgrade for them ^^


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #83 on: February 17, 2014, 05:19:29 am »

The design surprises me a lot. I hadnt expected another aboveground fort. ;)

Are you building murder holes above the maze, I see several hatches a zlvl above. Any landmines around?
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #84 on: February 17, 2014, 05:39:17 am »

The design surprises me a lot. I hadnt expected another aboveground fort. ;)

Are you building murder holes above the maze, I see several hatches a zlvl above. Any landmines around?
The minecarts are launched from these hatches ;) They are sitting on top of the hatches, one leverpull and they drop into the system and then race around.

And about the aboveground thing...

a) I like it :D It also looks pretty :D
b) I chose another z100 embark, meaning the cavern1 is at around 90... This means there is almost no space in the ground considering the 2x2 embark. If i want to drop some stuff down I need that space... If I build the fortress above the traps and entrances, I will never have problems with any pits colliding with the bedrooms etc ^^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #85 on: February 17, 2014, 06:46:20 am »

6th Granite
'Strengthtunneled the basic rampages'. An appropriate name for a weapon rack for our militia. And it also has some fitting images, even though I would have wished for more specific fighting scenes.

This is the first somehow useful artifact here at Becordobar. We will put it near the entrance to motivate all dwarves passing by.

9th Granite
Miner... Warpstone... Death...

22nd Granite
14 new migrants made it in, before 2 traders scared away any more.

11th Felsite
The hostile part of the season is coming up and we have a huge problem. We ran out of booze! This leads to countless dwarves outside the fortress walls. We could try to keep them all in, but the thirst is no morale booster either...
As soon as spring is over, we should get enough plants to stabilze our supply, but right now we are in trouble. One month of pain.

15th Felsite
An Elven caravan. That's a good sight actually.... they may carry drinks and plants! Come to the trade depot my friends!

16th Felsite
Okay, plan change...

More then 40 White Tigermen riding boozebelly goats...
Civilians better get in right now...

17th Felsite
Surprisingly all peasents heard the calls and made it in without trouble. As we certainly won't face >90 enemies with 4 militia dwarves, we have decided:

18th Felsite
Oh my god! There is a wrong ramp in the second chamber of the Heartgrinder. This means they can pass through half of it unharmed, as the minecarts got stuck.

20th Felsite
All the panic was unjustified. For unknown reasons most Tigermen decided to ride straight into the working half of the Heartgrinder. That quickly proved a mistake. And somehow even a Automaton master thief got caught in it. And the few smarter ones were shred by our weapon traps right after passing through the not working grinder. With two of their leaders dead, most Tigermen fled the field, but again, about 4 were left behind together with their mounts, waiting close to where their comrades had fallen, but neither stepping on the tracks nor retreating. Looks like it is time for manual labor.
We ordered the grinder to be halted, and our two melee fighters to be prepared. It would be the first time for dawnofdarkness to fight since her injury. I hope it won't hinder her too much.
OOC: edit: I forgot to mention, overall about 30 out of 90 enemies died.

21st Felsite
I really shouldn't worry about her. She claimed all the kills on the Tigermen, leaving Cpt Crunchy only a few mortal blows on the goats.

24th Felsite
Now we could finally go back to claiming the caravan. As the merchant disagreed on the idea, we had to apply force. Well, we would have probably done it anyway, but it sounds better, that their murder was justified by their attempt to dehydrate our women and children.
What we gained would certainly be enough until our own crops would be ready.

But to ensure future supply, I ordered 2 underground farms to be build. Until now we were only relying on those above ground farms we had.

25th Felsite
The removal of the general alert level has caused 80% of the fortress rushing to either the depot or the lakes outside to get something to drink. A sad but somehow also funny sight.

1st Hematite
Spring is over. With the Tigermen defeated and the booze crisis solved thanks to the Elves things look good again.
Our masons have finished building four bastions in all major directions one level above the surface and are roofing over the whole central inner fortress area to avoid any flying monsters from coming in. Also some changes to the entrance were made.
The trap corridor is now neighbored by 2 pits, so any monster dodging the traps will fall down.

As there is a risk of dwarves falling down as well, there is a security bridge right below the traps, catching any creature.

Depending on the creature they can either get saved by lowering the blocking bridge leading back to the fortress or dropped deeper, by retracting the bridge they are standing on. In the second case they will fall 9 levels, to land in a special pit, with 150 copper spears waiting for them. Once first tests are in, we can decide to deepen the pit further, if the results are not pleasing us.

Also we added a second door between the fortress inside and the trapway to keep our militia from looking into the trapway and charging at whatever they may see there. The only problem is, that some hauler has dropped a goat corpse in the new door... I'm sure this is dawnofdarkness' work!
But the engineers were already at the next project... I overheard some of their discussions:
Meph: This new design for the 'Seesaw of Armok' is brilliant! But what about the reset of the system?
Palu: Well, we could use one or two windmills to power it...
Arcvasti: No way! Windmills are prone to destruction and unreliable! And Armok surely hates windmills!
Meph: … and they destroy the local environment!
Palu: Because we have always cared about the environment, sure! But it would solve all the problems! Or do you suggest manually hauling back 20 minecarts?
Arcvasti: Why not? It would only be required between uses, not while the system is active and enemies are in the area! And it is only 4 steps...
Palu: But it is still dangerous... You know what happened last time when the guys tried to get back those minecarts... And how do you prevent any mishaps? We should automate it fully!
Arcvasti: But they are just haulers... they are expendable...
Meph: Well... it may be like that, but we shouldn't say this loud, I think. You know those unions... Do you have any ideas, Palu?
Palu: Maybe... maybe it works... Well... actually it should... Let me do the maths!... worst case we require 50% more space, and another few dozen mechanisms.... but this shouldn't be an issue...
Palu: not again...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #86 on: February 17, 2014, 08:48:27 am »

damn, I just finished my ideas for the Seesaw of Armok...
If I make it as I had intended, it will require 102 mechanisms... This will certainly take some time linking up ^^ (I have more then enough mechanisms lying around, that's not a problem)
But for now I want to roof over everything, because I'm quite confident in my defenses even without the Seesaw... until something flies straight into the fortress ^^ And making those roofes may take another season. And I better make a leverroom before as well... I surely won't move the lever for the seesaw later :D


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #87 on: February 17, 2014, 09:10:48 am »

Interesting to say the least. But the extra workforce needed for the aboveground fort is what I thought about the most. You say it takes a season for the roof. It would take 1 floorhatch to make your underground fort flyer-safe. Thats why I was surprised that you were going for another top-fort.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #88 on: February 17, 2014, 10:15:49 am »

Since it's above ground are you planning on extending the trap maze into the underground?  Much easier to dig out a maze then have it built.  End up with dwarves running very long distances to finish up a mazes walls.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4h Becordobar - Mastermind Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #89 on: February 17, 2014, 11:19:40 am »

There's some murky pools nearby. Maybe we could build some water reactors or steam engines to power the reset? Sure, they may not be environmentally friendly, but who cares?
Hmph, palu showing off that reading-the-instructions superpower.
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