Still working on it, its not abandoned!
I created mysql database tables and already filled most them. I want pages like the crop table and armor-stats pages to be generated automatically based on mysql tables. Enhancing or updating them will be way easier this way.
Currently I'm working on a little framework. I want the index and pagination to be automated.
Also, every handbook for a game should be available in multiple languages so I'm working on a simple approach to translate the dwarven compendium. Each page can be translated individually and if no translation is given it will fallback to english.
Usually I would have used gettext which is a standard php module for translation but instead I decided to use html pages for each page that contains separated texts. I hope that it's easier this way that different pages are translated by different people at the same time and that its more intuitive to translate the text. (gettext is usually better suited to translate small parts of text on dynamically generated webpages).
It will look like this:
I will translate the compendium into german myself, so once I'm finished it will be already available in two languages.
Oh, and I decided to "split" the compendium into three books. Or rather add two books.
First, the dwarven compendium dedicated to fortress mode.
Secondly "the dwarven survival guide" for adventure mode.
And lastly "the dwarven bestiary" which will contain information about animals, creatures and civilizations.
Further I want the handbooks to be displayed in different DPI's so I made a little script that automatically recalculates width, height, x and y statements and resizes Images.
I can't say for sure when this will be finished. However, once it is finished enhancing and updating the compendium should be way easier than using photoshop.